The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1133: The peach festival, the eve.

The golden light came out of the three eyes.

In a flash, a million square feet are covered, even though the scope of the saying is only 100,000 feet, but Yang Hao’s investigation has reached a million feet!

Light, directly penetrate this frosty earth.

Among Yang Lan’s eyes, there is a scene that is completely different from this ice sheet. It is... a **** fog!

Under this ice sheet, it is a blood fog.

Moreover, Yang Lan can see that there is a blood shadow in the blood mist, which is hidden in it. The breath of these blood shadows is extremely strange, and it seems that it is in the process of cohesion.

However, Yang Lan still did not find the trace of Yunshang.

Taking a deep breath, the third eye in the eyebrows burst into a more brilliant light, and instantly see the bottom of the million feet clearly. Under the frost, there are numerous blood shadows. Among them, Yang Lan... saw a different figure!

Scorpion, fierce shrink!

There is no need to judge at all. This unique figure must be...

That is, this moment when Yang Lan discovered the figure of Yunshang.


Throughout the frosty land, this icy continent began to tremble madly, and the frosty ground broke open, and the undulating, volcanic Yang Lan, this time the light in the three eyes was recovered.

The top of the ground is also volleyed up, standing side by side with Yang Lan.

Both of them looked at the bottom of the frost below, and the brows were slightly wrinkled.

I saw this rolling frosty land, from the criss-crossing gullies, there was a surge of blood, and all the way down and down the shadow of the blood robe, rushed out.

The number is extremely high, and in the twinkling of an eye, Yang Lan and He Wei are surrounded by the center.

"The person you are looking for, the location I have locked."

Yang Wei raised his hand slightly. In his hand, the three-pointed and two-edged sword appeared. The beggar around him also condensed the purple flame snake spear. Now that the position has been locked, the matter becomes much simpler. .

Just one word: kill!

All the way to kill, annihilate all these blood robes, rushed in and robbed Yunshang to finish it!


The seventh world, the autumn border.

The demon palace, the place of the Wangtianlou in the former Chuchu Palace, Qin Feng alone, standing on the top of this building, this time the autumn and the fall, is already close to coveted, such as the **** sun, slipping from the sky, drunk The red sunset... paved the whole autumn.

"Holy respect."

At this time, behind Qin Feng, the shadow of the secluded figure appeared quietly.

A purple purple robes, with purple ink long hair with the wind, the secluded body is always without a moment of mysterious atmosphere, this breath... is daunting.

"Tomorrow is the peach festival."


Qin Feng was just ‘h’, and there was no other words.

Tomorrow, Feng You and Xue Huang Bing Ruo, Yu Huang, will follow Qin Feng to Xianting, in fact, Qin Feng is going to go to Xianting alone, but Feng You and Jun Jun, how do two people disagree? .

No one knows what will happen to this trip.

In addition, the body of Qin Feng is not strong enough to go to Xianting alone. It is dangerous and extremely large.

Originally, Jun Jun also wanted to go together, but in the end he gave up and followed.

after all……

When Qin Feng and Feng You are both leaving Qiuqiu, the Yaozu... still needs people to take charge of it, and Jun Jun is naturally the choice.

As for the snow phoenix and the emperor, this is a guarantee for the safety of Qin Feng.

These two demon emperors are all powerful in the top seven, and in fact... the first to be settled is Lu Huang and Emperor Huang, but if Xue Huangbing is forced to go, he can only leave Lu Huang in the end. Stay with the monarchs and guard the Yaozu.

The wind of the setting sun, with the sound of whispering, passed through the land.

"What's the matter, let's talk."

Qin Feng did not look at the secluded head, but said openly.

he knows…

If you have nothing to do, you will never come to yourself, and as long as he comes to find himself, it will definitely not be a trivial matter.

"The Holy Spirit, there is one thing, I don't know if it is good or bad."

Sealing a little step forward, and Qin Feng is almost standing side by side, the same is looking at the sky of the sun, the face ... has a smile.

And this smile is also seen by Qin Feng.

"Oh? It seems to be a good thing."

Qin Feng slightly smiles with a playful smile, and then seals the words.

"It should be a good thing."

After the seal was finished, he raised his hand.

At the time of the two people, there was a starry sky evolution. This starry sky... Qin Feng is no stranger. This is the scene of the heavens.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng’s eyes have a doubt. He doesn’t know... He wants to show him what he wants.

"Look at the Holy See."

There was a smile on his face, and then a little star in the evolution of this piece.

Suddenly, this evolving starry sky began to shrink rapidly, and the entire contours of the heavens and the universe were seen in the eyes, and the area in the middle of the heavens was the endless heavenly domain full of mysterious dangers.

Of course, it’s definitely not these things that Feng Feng wants to see Qin Feng.

This starry sky is changing rapidly, and the eyes of Qin Feng are moving with the change of this starry sky. Finally, Qin Feng discovered that this starry sky scene has appeared in the first world, and the first world is above the sky... It is the road!

And finally...

Above this continent, there is a star that emits dazzling white light.

The picture, quickly indented towards this star, the outline of this star is also beginning to clearly enter the eyes of Qin Feng, big... almost no margin.

The final picture is also fixed at this moment.

"This is the Emperor."

Qin Feng’s side, Feng You looked at the star and said.

In fact, there is no need to say that Qin Feng knows that although he never knew about the Emperor in this world, it seems that these things about the Emperor are always in his mind.

The Emperor Star is the star of the heavens and the earth recognized by Heaven.

Whoever got the recognition of the Emperor, it was recognized by the heavens, that is, the co-owner of this heaven and earth, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi at the time of the flood was recognized by the Emperor, and now the Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen is also At the time of Xianting's initial creation, it was recognized by the Emperor.

"And just before an hour."

Feng You looked at this Emperor, the pair of purple scorpions, fiercely condensed: "Emperor, shifted."

In a word, you don't need to say more.

The displacement of the Emperor is to show that...the Emperor, no longer recognize the current world, and no longer recognize the identity of the Jade Emperor in this world! 2k novel reading network

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