The city of Monkey King

Chapter 224: Building a peak! [Request for tickets]

"Great elders, this son, such as, how?"

Throughout Jiangzhou, the dead silence, quiet breathing can be clear in the ears.

The wind in the high place screams and smacks the robes of the people.

Hu Kuo looked at the direction of the Seven Stars array, and the voice trembled and asked Cheng Ping.

Cheng Ping at the moment, frowning, with cold sweat constantly falling from the forehead.

He can't answer this question!

Because, he, don't know!

And it is at this moment!

When Hu Kuo made a second second!

Among the seven-star array, the center of the star line is intertwined, Qin Feng has a sneer on his face, and he has a golden hoop in his hand, and slams into the ground!


The whole city of Jiangzhou slammed up, and the financial building was violently shaken, and the foundation was bursting!

The 500-meter-high building, this moment, one hundred and nine floors, each layer is bursting sound, the building will tilt!

As the ground vibrates, Jiangzhou is a mortal. At this time, it is running out in panic. In their view, this is an earthquake!

One by one on the streets of all sizes, looking at the direction of the financial building, and seeing the shaking of the building, they are all surprised.

Qin's building.

"Boss, let's run!"

King and King looked at the technical department in a mess, and shouted Zuo Yingjie, while Zuo Yingjie just stood by the window and stared at the direction of the financial building.

"This, this is this...!"

Hu Kuo was completely panicked. He said nothing, but he did not pay attention to it. He sneaked away and turned his soul into a streamer to escape. Cheng Ping was still in the same place.

Even at this moment, he still has confidence in his seven-star array.

"Small building base, can you still turn the day?!"

As the peak of the knot, he has his own pride!

Cheng Ping’s face also has a desperate attempt to make a fierce shot of his heart, and a **** 'wow' is spit out.

This group of blood, after spit out, did not disperse, but condensed into a rune in front of Cheng Ping.

"Seven Stars Blood Mania!"

Take the heart of the blood as a sacrifice!

The printing of Cheng Ping’s hands was insanely changed. This group of blood was actually scattered and turned into a shape of seven stars.

At this moment, the seven-star array that trapped Qin Feng, the original dazzling light, turned into a **** color!

"Give this seat into a gray fly!"

Cheng Ping bit his teeth, a fierce hand pressure, the seven-star blood mans array, the blood color of the light suddenly blooms, shrouded in a hundred miles!

"Qin Feng!"

The street not far from the building, the Nangong Yi people who are running barefoot toward the building, suddenly stopped the figure, and the **** light shrouded everything around her, and she could not understand the direction.

Seven-star blood mans array.

Countless blood color stars, passing from Qin Feng, however...

These are several times more powerful than the original star line, but there is no previous effect. The star line passes over the body of Qin Feng, and even a trace is not left.

Breathing sound, echoing in this array, that is the voice of Qin Feng.

His body, the previous injuries, the **** wounds, healed at an extremely fast speed.

Dantian in his body, in a crazy explosion, has already reached the tipping point!

The black and red pupils are burning in the black ghost fire, and the gold hoops in the hands are slowly lifted up... The body is rushing!

Just at this moment!

A muffled sound came out from the body!

That bottleneck, broken!

Building a peak!

It is also at this moment that Qin Feng’s foot is fierce! The body rises to the sky!


The back force under one foot, the entire financial building, completely burst and collapse!


Above the sky, Cheng Ping is still dying to push the seven-star blood miracle, but at this moment, bang!

Seven-star blood mans array, completely burst!

Cheng Ping’s eyes were extremely horrified, and the power of anti-sickness came in, and a blood spurted out. Just when he had not calmed down from the horror, a black fire shadow came out from the blood and rushed into the sky!

In the eyes, it is a face with a grin, a black and red pupil!


A huge ancient gold iron rod with a black fire slammed down toward Cheng Ping.

Seeing this iron rod, Cheng Ping's pupils shrink, and between the subconscious, the hand is raised, a black shield with a pentagon appears, and the moment is turned into a three-foot-ten-meter block in front of you!


The gold hoop sticks over the black shield!

Under one stick, this black shield was directly shattered, and the powerful impact fell on Cheng Ping's body. This Cheng Ping, the peak of Dan Feng, was directly bombarded!

At the same moment, from the body of Qin Feng, the nine-handed sword was instantly turned into nine streams, and in the middle of the journey, the nine handles turned into seventy-two handles!


Cheng Ping, who was flying backwards, looked at the flying sword, and he was afraid of it. He raised his hand fiercely. On his body, there were also seven flying swords appearing around him, trying to block the seven. Twelve handles of the sword.


The same is the flying sword, the level can be different!

The seventy-two flying swords were almost an instant. They all smashed the seven-sword flying swords of Cheng Ping, and all the swords were crossed by Cheng Ping’s body.

Blood fog, blasting in the air!

However, the peak of the knot is the peak of the knot, even if it is, still not dead, full of blood, a pair of tired eyes, only the fear of the moment!

Just now he used his entire spiritual power to protect Dan Tian and the sea, and he escaped from the death of Wan Jian.

If it is another time, he will die!

Cheng Ping, completely afraid!

He wants to escape!

I don't know if I used the method. This Cheng Ping actually broke through the seventy-two stalks of the sword, went straight to the horizon, and almost exhausted his life's strength to run away!

Just as he discovered that the sword of the sky behind him was opened, the eyes in the eyes showed a happy color.


In the 100 meters ahead of him, a figure fell from the sky, the whole body was black fire, and the black fire under the feet was even more condensed, and it was placed in this air.

Qin Feng!

Seeing the emergence of Qin Feng, Cheng Ping’s pupils shrank, he could not think why Qin Feng could be so fast! Subconsciously stopped, just before he stopped his body!

In front of his up and down, left and right, six full ice flame fireballs full of 100 meters, immediately smashed toward him!

"Do not!!"

Cheng Ping shouted in horror, at the same time, the seventy-two flying swords, with the sound of screams, also rushed into the center of the flame explosion!

Boom...Boom! Boom!

The sky, like a blast, is full of tens of thousands of breaths.

The flame slowly dissipates.

Seventy-two handles of the sword of the sky, once again returned to the Qin Feng body, and re-made nine handles.

And in the center of the flames, what... is gone.

Cheng Ping's body, the soul of the soul, this moment... completely dissipated, the seven-star gate elders, the peak of the knot, the smoke and smoke!

Killing Cheng Ping, Qin Feng still has madness in his eyes, sweeping across the whole of Jiangzhou. In his eyes, only killing and destroying the two words!

And at this time, from the land of the sky, there are hundreds of streams of light galloping!

This is the person who leads the Qingzhou Branch of the company!

The eyes of Qin Feng are attracted by these streamers in a blink of an eye, grinning! 2k novel reading network

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