The city of Monkey King

Chapter 246: Block me, die! [Request for tickets]

"Good boy! I dare to interrupt the speech of this son!"

One hundred and eight roads of blue light reflected into the eyes, Qi Han did not have the slightest panic, but a strong hand raised, in front of his body, the marble tiles on the ground burst!

The entire corridor is violently shaken!

From this ground, there are three fascinating stone walls that are ten meters high and five meters thick! Seeing its posture, I have to say that it is very powerful!

"Look at this son's first block of these flying swords, and then take your hand over and interrogate and interrogate! Who is the courage to borrow your courage, dare to commit me!"

Qi Han was cold and looked at the three stone walls that he had condensed, and he had a proud color in his eyes.

In order to be foolproof, he used his most powerful defensive spell!


Manic and not arrogant capital, people who like to force but have no strong strength, after all, will die very badly.

It’s not a coincidence that Qi Han, who loves to force, is one of them.

He thought that the three stone walls that he had condensed could block the sword of the sky. However, this idea is simply naive as a child with intellectual disabilities.

I really suggested that he go back to drink for a few years to raise more music, or else it would be shameful.

One hundred and one hundred scorpion swords, like cut tofu, penetrated through the first stone wall, but the momentary effort, when Qi Han reacted, this one hundred and eight handles of the sword, already It is worn out from the third stone wall!


When I saw the one hundred and eight-handed flying swords coming out from the stone wall, Qihan’s arrogant smile was stagnation, and the one hundred and eight blue streams in the eyes were magnified infinitely!

"no, do not want!"

At the last moment of this life, Qi Han began to panic, he was completely afraid, the fear from the heart forced him to turn around, want to escape, want to return to the palace, back to the wall!

The incomprehensible annoyance in his heart is more important than his pretentiousness!

There is a saying that is good.

Loading is always a price!

Qi Han is no exception, but he has to pay a little more, and it is paid in one lump sum!

His price is his life!

One hundred and eight stalks of the sword, ruthlessly passed behind him, Qi Han the whole person, fiercely squatting in the same place, the blood of the whole body burst, his eyes smashed round, but it has already lost its glory.

Blood, slipped from the horrified eyes.

One hundred and eight blood holes appeared on his body, and blood was sprayed like a spring.

Five internal organs, Jin Dan, know the sea, even if it is the soul, it is also the moment when the sword is passing through the sword, all burst!

After one hundred and eight slashing swords passed through Qihan, a fold rushed to the sky, Jianming! Whistling the world!

This scene was seen by everyone in the eyes, and the mouths of the shock were all closed.

On the wall of the Nakamiya Castle, Qi Han’s servant Qi San, when he saw the dead Qi Han, the whole person was filled with the meaning of despair, and the slamming slammed down.

Qi Han is dead, and he can never live! This thing was known by Qi Deng, the first person who Qi Deng will kill, it will be him!

Instead of being killed, it is better to break it!

Qi San Meng's bite, self-destruction, from then on, can not afford.

The seven commanders were even more embarrassed. They didn’t even think about it. Just like this, Qihan would have died! And still die in front of yourself!

The rush of death is so unexpected!

Qi Han is the only son of Qi Deng! If this thing is known by Qi Deng, you can't peel the skin of seven people!

If the only thing that doesn't feel unexpected is Qi Hong.

At this moment, Qi Hong, a pair of eyes, is tightly attached to Niu Dazhuang behind Qin Feng. He has been a general commander for many years. He is familiar with the outsiders who often enter Qi family. He always feels that this big man is very It’s familiar... it’s like the big man who used to be behind Miss San!

At this moment, this big man is behind this killing god. Is this person who has entered the family, is it for Miss Qi San? !

Although Qi Hong has a bad temper, his mind is extremely meticulous! The moment is the judgment! It is also determined!

On the corridor, Qin Feng killed Qi Han, and the three stone walls were all collapsed. In his left and right, the 108 swords were suspended in the air, and the sword pointed directly at the guards.

"Block me, die."

Qin Feng raised his eyes, and the cold light of the cockroaches fell into the heart of every Qi family guard, so that the man could not help but shudder.

At this time, who dared to go forward, Qi Han’s body was lying on the ground, and the blood of the body had not been exhausted.

Qin Feng walked toward the Zhonggong Gate, and no one dared to block it!

Above the city wall, the seven leaders all looked at Qi Hong at this time: "The big commander, what should I do now?"

The seven people were very confused. After all, Qi Han died too suddenly. They were not mentally prepared, and they panicked.

"How to do?"

Qi Hong’s face was cold: “Don’t you like to ask Qi Han? Ask him.”

Sneering in the face, Qi Hong at the moment is suddenly screaming: "The great elder Ziden has no way, killing the family and smashing the sins, and sinning, must not be forgiven!"

"If you wait for me to be a good man, you will follow me, enter the inner palace, kill the thief Qi Deng! Rehabilitate my family!"

After that, Qi Hong jumped directly off the wall, and his body fell ten meters behind Qin Feng. He chose to follow Qin Feng! Of course... in fact, the main purpose is to save your life!

As the saying goes, when the soldiers know the meaning of the leader, they will not care what is right or wrong. Since the boss has spoken, the remaining 7,000 guards of the house have suddenly fallen under the wall. Beginning to gather together behind Qin Feng.

Thousands of people, the mighty direct stepping through the Zhonggong, heading towards the inner palace city!

Above the walls of the Nakamiya Castle, the seven commanders, this time is completely dumbfounded... they never thought that Qi Hong would suddenly turn against the water!

"How to do?"

"What do you do? We hurry to tell the elders!"

These seven people almost exhausted the fastest speed in this life, and went straight to the inner palace city along the corridor!

Even if they are the guards, even if they are the Qi family, they can't be in the Miyagi city, because there is a very strong legal presence over the Miyagi. It is a squad set up to defend against the invasion of large-scale monks. It took a thousand years of hard work, and the power contained in it was extremely powerful!

Once the emptiness, with their cultivation, it is impossible to go to heaven.

It is also the existence of this legal array, Qin Feng in order not to let things become more prolonged, this is the choice to walk into the inner palace!

At this moment, Qin Feng walked over the corridor of Zhonggong to Inner Palace City and looked at the golden gate of the Inner Palace City! The eyes are cold and cold!

He knew that the temple where Qi Linger was held was behind this door!

In the center of the Qijia Nei Palace! 2k novel reading network

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