The city of Monkey King

Chapter 287: Fake baby Zhou Hong! [Three more]

Aura storm, sweeping through the entire poison prison valley!

From the land of the altar, there is a madness to repair the aftermath!

Those who are poisonous prisoners, when this aftermath hits, all of them have changed their faces, and many people who have not been repaired enough are vomiting blood under this aftermath.

Even the elders of the Dynasties of the Drug Prison Valley, seeing the events happening in this altar, are also amazed and overwhelmed.

This big gang of drug prisoners and disciples are very entangled at the moment.

on? Still not? !

However, if you look at this situation, if you rush up, you may not be killed by the person who committed the crime. Instead, it is destroyed by the owner of the valley. After all, it seems that the latter is more likely.

At the same time, above the altar.

The entire black stone altar, at this moment, has a dense crack, as if it is going to collapse at any time.

The aura of the growing river, falling from the sky, rushing into the body of Zhou Hong, his breath, soaring in rapid speed, but the effort of the tenth has already surpassed the original peak of the knot.

At this moment, Qin Feng, holding the hand of Nangong Yiren, moved his left hand slightly to the Dantian of the Nangong Yiren. In his hands, a spiritual power is accumulating.


Just at this moment!

In Zhou Hong’s body, a breath that is completely different from the previous ones appears in this world!

The pressure of scatter is ten times stronger than before!

It was also at this moment that Qin Feng’s scorpion fiercely condensed, and a spiritual force did not enter the body of the Nangong Yi people, and the road was completely destroyed in an extremely hegemonic way!


A subtle voice rang in the Nangong Yi people. After the eye was broken, the black-violet light on the Nangong Yi people also dissipated.

It is also at this moment, the body of Zhou Hong, a circle of extremely powerful air waves scattered! The entire black stone altar, bursting!

Not only this altar, but the entire mountain around the poison prison valley, this moment is bursting.


The peaks collapsed, and countless rolling stones fell to the ground, and the entire poisonous valley was echoing these bangs.

Smoke, rolling up.

All the disciples of the drug prisoner, at this moment, staring at the center of the vast open space, just now that the turmoil made these people's disciples below the base fully understand the feeling of walking on the edge of death.

A lot of practicing disciples, this time are kneeling on the ground, looking at the altar direction with a look of horror, just that the repair of the waves, almost did not kill them one by one.

"Fake, fake baby?!"

"The Valley Master has achieved a fake baby?!"

"This is this... Isn't the Lord a fake baby?!"


Above the sky, those drug prisoners, the elders of the dynasty, did not grow up in the rice field, and felt the breath one by one. They all knew what happened, and they were able to tell what this breath represented.

Their valley owner became a fake baby monk!

A fake baby monk that is comparable to the Lord!

Oh, it’s awesome!

"feel better now?"

The land of the center of the sky, above the ruins of the altar, the sound of Qin Feng sounded softly, and fell in the ears of the Yigong Yiren in the arms.

"Well... it doesn't hurt."

The Nangong Yi people leaned on the Qin Feng Huaizhong. With the collapse of the eyes, it was obviously a lot of relief, but it was also exhausted.

"Maniac, you missed the best chance to kill me."

On the opposite side of Qin Feng, fifty feet away, as the smoke dissipated, Zhou Hong's body shape slowly emerged from him. At this moment, the breath of his body has already undergone a complete change.

In a pair of eyes, with a smug smile.

At the moment his cultivation is a fake baby!

He does have a proud capital. After all, in today's cloud water world, in addition to the Kunlun Mountain's big cockroach, the fake baby is already the ultimate peak.

And Qin Feng, in the face of this has become a fake baby monk Zhou Hong, just a faint look, the other slight expression.

"Maniac, it seems that this time, you really lost."

Zhou Hong did not care about the indifferent expression of Qin Feng, with a smile on his lips and a raise of his hand. In a moment, a scene of scalp and numbness appeared.

With Zhou Hong as the center, the inexhaustible black worms are filled with the heavens and the earth, and all the stars and nights are covered up, and the ground is covered. Even those disciples who are poisoned and prisoners are seeing this scene.

Not only that, from Zhou Hong's body, there is a strong black purple poisonous mist, but in a moment, these poisonous mists spread like a gust of wind, shrouded the entire poison prison.




At this moment, when the poisonous mist spreads, those who are poisonous prisoners are all horrified and stunned. They fight for the old man to run outside the valley, but thousands of people are still covered in poisonous mist, completely in the screams. It turned into blood.

Those who built the foundation deacons and the elders of the elders, the royals of the royalties, the royal winds of the wind, looked at all this in the sky above the prisoner's valley, and they all did not know what to do.

They are even more ignorant of what they are doing in this valley. Why kill your own disciple in the valley? !

Of course, they don’t understand, because Zhou Hong did not take the lives of these people.

The reason why these poisonous mists are scattered is to create a battlefield that is beneficial to them. As for the death of those who are poisonous prisoners, it is just a matter of course.

And he has always been very strange, why Qin Feng has no trace of half poisoning from beginning to end!

To know his poison, in addition to the world's highly toxic, but also mixed with soul poison, under the sacred Dan, one will die, and even the soul will also be scattered.

And by the moment, he has become a fake baby monk, his soul poison is even more fierce!

I am afraid that the monk who is the next product will come to the next place and will have to follow the ascension.

But Qin Feng...

There is a trace of doubt in Zhou Hongmei's middle school. Looking at Qin Feng, who is holding the Nangong Yi people in front of him, it seems that these poisonous mists are of no use to him.

He thought it was correct.

These are poisonous fogs that are extremely poisonous to others. For Qin Feng, there is nothing to use.

A little poisonous fog wants to kill me? ! Do you really think that Laozi’s Xuan Gong is eating cabbage? !

Qin Feng looked coldly at Zhou Hong, the madman in his ear, and the needle of the sea **** floated out, and turned a few turns into a long half-length, suspended in front of Qin Feng.

Looking at this golden hoop, Qin Feng’s eyes flicked through a look of anticipation.

There is a trick that belongs to the Dinghai God. From the moment Qin Feng got the golden hoop, I knew the existence of this move, but I have never used it in this cloud water industry.

Because he feels that using this trick in such a small interface in the cloud water industry is really too expensive for the gold hoop.

But now... he wants to use it.

Because, he wants this embarrassing guy in front of him to thoroughly feel what is the real power.

Dinghai Shenzheng is powerful, but after Sun Wukong entered the holy year, he gradually realized that Dinghai Shenzhen could not match his own strength. Therefore, in order to improve the grade of the golden hoop, Sun Wukong will reinforce the ten dragons that are almost holy. in. 2k novel reading network

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