The City of Terror

Chapter 1085: ,break out

Then send a chapter, the third chapter is in the code word, it depends on the time.


Well, in a nutshell, the space here is like a house, shaken by the earthquake, but as the earthquake subsides, the shaken houses are constantly stabilizing.

It seems that, no matter how long, the space here will be completely restored to calm.

This is not in line with Wei Xiaobei's mind.

Of course, the instability of the space here also allows Wei Xiaobei to see something that is not always visible.

Such as this lake heart island!

Wei Xiaobei looked around and looked at the boulder near the small island of Huxin.

Then the big ink gun burst into light and turned into a black and white two-color glove, which was worn by Wei Xiaobei.

The boulder, which was more than five meters in diameter, was lifted by Wei Xiaobei’s hands and lifted.

After that, Wei Xiaobei stepped on the air and rushed toward the sky. It even passed through the diffuse fog. When he looked down, the lake island could not be seen directly. Wei Xiaobei stopped. Live in the footsteps.

In terms of height, it should be more than two kilometers!

Going up again, huh, huh, Wei Xiaobei is not stupid, he can feel some dangers from higher places.

This is enough!

Hands raised the boulders over the top of the head, Wei Xiaobei lightly sighed, and the whole body muscles suddenly bulged.

In an instant, the power broke out, the stability of the mountain, the weightlifting and other capabilities to activate!

Even the real mercury in Wei Xiaobei's body has concentrated toward the muscles of his arms, further strengthening the arm of Wei Xiaobei!


Although the fog is blocked, it is impossible to look directly at the lake island below, but Wei Xiaobei still locked the lake island with the ability of electromagnetic field.

With a meditation in mind, Wei Xiaobei threw the boulder down and struggled down!


A blast came, the boulder broke through the speed of sound in a flash, and even broke a gap in the fog, and after leaving the fog, the front end of the boulder rubbed the air with Mars, and then formed a meteor. Constantly accelerating the fall.

The power of blood is activated!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei's heart moved, and even activated the power of the blood!

The fireball that has shrunk by half in volume in the friction with the air, the flame that extends backwards turns into a fire dragon, and after taking a red light in the air, it hits the lake below. Above the heart of the island.

A loud bang came out, and a mushroom cloud made up of dust and flame rose up on the small island of the lake. At the same time, there were countless cracks on the small island of the lake, and the lake around it was in this dramatic Under the collision, it inspires countless water columns and shoots the last lake into the air.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei gasped and lowered the height, passed through the fog, and stared at the small island of the lake.

This toss, Wei Xiaobei has become weaker.

However, the effect caused by the huge stone made Wei Xiaobei very satisfied. The timing of the impact of the huge stone and the lake island was extremely clever, further deepening the shock of the space.

The key point of this lake is the island of the lake!

At this time, the small island of the lake heart is exactly like an earthquake. All kinds of gravel splashed around.

Finally, a black crack appeared on the small island of the lake, and it was penetrated. Any object, whether it was stone or mud or trees, shrubs, was broken into two halves by the black crack, and the crack was It is sleek, like the scene after the glass splits!

But this is not the end, very soon, the second black crack appears, the third, the fourth

In a short period of time, the small island of the lake is covered with crisscrossed network cracks.

These cracks even extend further towards the perimeter, separating the muddy lake bottom.

From the perspective of Wei Xiaobei, the Green Lake at this time is like a glassware that is about to collapse and break up!

The half-evil mermaid, who was still struggling in the mud at the bottom of the lake, was terrified at this time. They made a very harsh scream and desperately wanted to escape from the divided space.

But Wei Xiaobei also knows that this is a completely impossible thing.

Even if Wei Xiaobei himself is in the following environment, it is extremely difficult to escape.

Those black cracks are so-called space cracks. If you want to cross these space cracks, for ordinary creatures, it is as ridiculous as ordinary humans want to pick up the moon and stars.

There are more and more space cracks, so that some poor half-evil mermaid is directly cut into several segments by these spatial cracks.

Wei Xiaobei’s mood at this time can be described as excitement and some tension.

In order to guard against some accidents, Wei Xiaobei even monitored the situation within a few kilometers of the surrounding area. Any creature that broke into this area will be discovered by Wei Xiaobei in the first time.

Wei Xiaobei’s caution is not superfluous.

In fact, the space in this area of ​​Cuihu is not so small, it has caused the attention of some nearby monsters and even humans!

Of course, the main interest in this place is humanity.

When the monsters shattered in the space around Cuihu, they felt like they felt a huge threat and fled.

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei saw a group of humans holding choppers rushing over here, and in the distance, humans came in all directions.

They know what is going in this direction, there is Cuihu, and there are many scary little monsters in Cuihu!

If you don't have water, then no one will be willing to be too close to this lake.

But now, when such a fierce movement is heard, the natural curiosity of human beings is activated.

To be honest, these humans have been in the gray world for some time. They kill monsters every day and improve their strength. They have never seen any big movements here.

But now, what seems to be happening in this lake?

Some people guess whether there are any treasures, and some people speculate whether there are powerful monsters fighting here and so on.

But the guy who dared to come over here, with the intention of taking advantage of it.

If it is a treasure, it is a good thing.

Even if there are powerful monsters fighting each other, may you be able to profit from the fishermen?

Of course, these human beings are also ready to escape at any time, so they seem to be more cautious. After approaching Green Lake, the speed is slowed down a lot, and they are constantly looking towards the lake.

Seeing that the original team of humans was too close to Cuihu, Wei Xiaobei gave birth to a few good intentions, and even stepped on the air, ready to greet them and let them leave.

After all, Wei Xiaobei doesn't know how big the scope will be when this Cuihu collapses completely.

One is not careful, these guys may hang in.

Although these guys have nothing to do with themselves, Wei Xiaobei can't bear to let these backbones, which may be the future human resistance monsters, hang.

For this group of humans, suddenly, there was a person walking in the air, which really made them feel a little surprised, or was shocked.

Even one of them couldn't help but throw the machete in his hand toward Wei Xiaobei.


Wei Xiaobei originally planned to hold the machete in his hand, but he could see through it, but he saw that the machete was covered with a faint red light. In view of his weakness, he did not reach out to catch it. Instead, stretch out a finger and gently slam on the machete.


A soft bang, the flying chopper was flew out.

However, the man grabbed his hands in the air, and the machete that flew in the air swept through an arc in the air, and the strange one again flew toward Wei Xiaobei.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but smile. It seems that this person's ability should be the remote control of the weapon or the ability to control the metal.

This time, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to let go of the machete.

If this is the case, if you say it yourself, these human beings will not listen.

The **** of the right hand stick out and gently clamp, and the flying chopper is clipped by the **** of Wei Xiaobei. After that, Wei Xiaobei makes a slight effort, and the machete is actually like this by Wei Xiaobei. The **** are sandwiched into two halves.

Even the man who controlled the machete couldn't help but scream in his mouth. He walked back a few steps and his face suddenly turned white, as if he had been punched.

The machete that was smashed by Wei Xiaobei no longer flew and wounded.

This scene is to make the following human beings feel a little cold.

To say that the team is more than a dozen people, the most powerful one is the guy who can control the machete.

Although it can only control a machete at a time, but because of the control of the machete, even if it is hit by the ground, it can fly and hurt people, so that it is impossible to prevent.

Unexpectedly, the chopper controlled by it was clipped into two paragraphs by the guy standing in the air. The power on the finger was enough to make people feel chilly.

Even the people who control the machetes seem to have broken their abilities and suffered some internal injuries.

Indeed, in front of Wei Xiaobei, these human beings with the highest level of biology but two stars are completely a group of ants, and they can step on their feet with their feet.

However, Wei Xiaobei finally said that it was dangerous, let them leave here.

Of course, under the strength of Wei Xiaobei, this group of humans, even if they are dissatisfied, do not dare to stay any longer.

In this gray world, if you are not a familiar friend, strangers are no doubt more dangerous than those monsters.

The mutual killing between human beings is not uncommon in the gray world.

Therefore, listening to Xiaobei to let them leave, these humans not only did not relax, but became more vigilant, until they left far away, can not see the figure of Wei Xiaobei, this group of humans was relieved, one **** Sitting on the ground, wiped the sweat from his forehead and smashed each other.

"Peat! Who is that person? It's so powerful, Laozi just glanced at him and felt his legs weak, and he hasn't recovered."


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