The City of Terror

Chapter 1088: Die and die

Send another chapter, watch the Olympic weightlifting project today, look silly, and the legs are so thick and powerful! The result time was delayed and embarrassed.

The power of the earth: the two feet stand on the ground, extracting the power of the earth, perfusing the whole body, can increase the strength several times! The ability to fight is greatly improved! Maintain time for three minutes! Note that if the physique, agility can not withstand this force surge, then after the end of the effect of the earth force, it is easy to cause a breakdown of the whole body!

This is the power of the earth!

I have to say that it is really amazing.

Just look at Yang Xuanli’s current block and know what state his power has been enhanced.

Of course, the strength of Yang Xuanli's strength will only be gained by increasing the size. After all, not everyone's body is as high-density and high-tough as Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not a fool. When he sees the change of the other side, he knows that the other party has estimated what kind of big tricks he has made. Where can he hesitate to hesitate, and the two fists are stretched out, that is, a double wind is moving toward the ears of Yang Xuanli. Smashed the past!

What makes Wei Xiaobei a bit surprised is that when the double fists with hundreds of tons of strength are in the other's ears, the ears of the other side suddenly burst into the minced meat.

But the head of Yang Xuanli did not seem to be affected at all. Instead, he hit the Weibei with a punch.

"Pseudo hundred steps of God fist!"

Yang Xuanli, who is in a huge increase in body size, has a fist that is as loud as a slap, and the invisible punching force is even more violent.

Wei Xiaobei’s dodge speed is much faster than Yang Xuanli’s. The invisible boxing force instantly passes through Wei Xiaobei’s side and falls to the ground, once again pulling out a big pit.


After Wei Xiaobei flashed the boxing power of Yang Xuanli, even with a series of counterattacks, Yang Xuanli’s face, chest and even lower body became the key parts of Wei Xiaobei’s fist care.

But after Yang Xuanli activated the power of the earth, it was really too resistant.

Even if Wei Xiaobei’s fist fell on his body three times in a row, Yang Xuanli’s brow did not blink. Instead, he turned his back to Wei Xiaobei.

At this time, the battle completely entered the stalemate.

If you change someone, I am afraid that it will be frightened by the horror ability that Yang Xuanli is completely afraid of attacking, even fleeing in advance.

But for Wei Xiaobei, who already knows the effect of Yang Xuanli’s power, the victory has been completely in his hands.

Just drag the time over three minutes, Wei Xiaobei will be able to win without fighting!

As time went by, Yang Xuanli apparently became anxious. The double fists continued to chase Wei Xiaobei and fell to the ground.

However, after Yang Xuanli expanded to five or six meters, his strength has increased a lot, but the speed has fallen invisibly.

Wei Xiaobei's agile attributes have been weakened a lot, but when it comes to Yang Xuanli, it is easier to dodge.

Of course, this scene falls in the eyes of those who are on the sidelines, and it is undoubtedly extremely thrilling.

Every time Wei Xiaobei evades, there will be a big pit underneath, and the invisible punching force is constantly chasing Wei Xiaobei.

In the eyes of others, Wei Xiaobei just sneaked a little slower, then it will be boiled into a meat sauce!

Of course, most of the human beings here are watching the battle with the gloating mood.

In their view, the battle between the two is best to lose both sides. It is better to let yourself be a big bargain.

But they never imagined that as Yang Xuanli became anxious, his punches gradually became lost.

Suddenly, the boxing of Yang Xuanli lost his head, and the invisible punching power flew away from Wei Xiaobei several meters away.

A team of people watching the lively people didn't even have time to react, and they were caught in this boxing.

Suddenly, flesh and blood flew, and there was a mixture of bones and flesh that could not be clearly seen in the big pit that was invisible.

The appearance of this accident immediately made all the onlookers aware of the dangers inside.

Just watching a lively, you will encounter such a catastrophe, this is simply too no reason.

But whether it is natural or not, a small number of onlookers fled to a farther place to watch the battle, but most of the more loyal guys left here.

If you look at the excitement again, once you hang up with death, you will be able to avoid it.

After all, your own life is more important.

Three minutes to say long, one hundred and eighty seconds, to Wei Xiaobei and that Yang Xuanli speed, punching hundreds of times is no problem.

But to say short and short.

Not long after, Yang Xuanli's face changed, and the double fist swept the past toward Wei Xiaobei. Although the two fists attacked, the force was very old, but it also forced Wei Xiaobei to retreat more than ten steps to avoid the last moment. Let this guy turn over.

But Yang Xuanli’s fists were out, and even the results were not seen. Turning around, he spread his legs and escaped!


Was this guy not arrogant before?

How did you escape?

By the way, I am afraid that the effect of the power of the earth will fade away!

I have been entangled for so long, I have been smashed a layer of skin, Yang Xuanli wants to run like this? no way!

Wei Xiaobei's legs stepped on the air and chased the past from Yang Xuanli from a height of more than ten meters.

To say that when he was escaping, the speed of Yang Xuanli was really not slow. It didn't take long to escape more than a thousand meters, and it was really difficult for Wei Xiaobei, who was chasing him behind him, to catch up with Yang Xuanli in a short time.

However, at this time, the ink gun has returned to Wei Xiaobei.

This time, Wei Xiaobei did not throw out the large-scale ink spray, but turned the ink into a big bow!

In the high-speed running, Wei Xiaobei's upper body did not even shake it. His hands were like pouring steel. When the bowstring was opened for one-fifth, he aimed slightly and loosened the bowstring.

This is also a helpless thing. To defend Wei Xiaobei’s current strength, it is impossible to pull this bowstring more than half.

Even when the power is as high as 100 points, Wei Xiaobei can only pull the bowstring of the ink bow more than 90%. He wants to open the full bow to defend Xiaobei’s speculation. I am afraid that the power attribute should reach at least 110 points. the above!

Therefore, at this time Wei Xiaobei opened the ink bow by one-fifth, both because of the weakness of the body, and because it was only two hundred meters apart from Yang Xuanli.

This distance, one-fifth of the string is enough!

Hey, the sound of a bowstring vibration came out, and the arrow crossed the distance of more than two hundred meters, and shot into the back of Yang Xuanli!

That Yang Xuanli even though the power of the earth was poured into the body at this time, the ability to fight and attack was greatly improved, but in the face of Wei Xiaobei's special armor-piercing steel arrow, it is really impossible to resist.

After the arrow got into the back of Yang Xuanli, he stopped.

More than five feet of arrows are not in the majority!

This Yang Xuanli, even if his body size is as high as five or six meters, but some can't bear it. Even with a scream, one sly, almost a head fell to the ground.

After the arrow was shot, Wei Xiaobei also stopped and did not catch up.

The reason is very simple, just such an arrow, so that the last trace of Yang Xuanli suddenly collapsed.

As I said before, the darling of God is smooth and smooth, but compared with Wei Xiaobei in the will, it is not enough to see.

With the collapse of persistence, Yang Xuanli had already reached the limit of the power of the earth and then dissipated in his body.

Wei Xiaobei was able to clearly see that Yang Xuanli’s body suddenly expanded a few points outwards, and then only heard a series of sounds like a firecracker blasting out, and saw that Yang Xuanli’s chest was first blasted, a **** mist mixed. A small piece of meat is sprayed forward.

Then there is the back, arms, thighs, calves, and neck. It feels like the whole body is filled up and down, and it bursts open.

After Yang Xuanli’s whole body was exploded, his body had shrunk to its original state. He saw that his body had no skin, flesh and blood, and even the internal organs were sprayed in this series of explosions, leaving only one White Sensen's skeleton and the head on it.

But this is not the end. In the end, Yang Xuanli’s head also heard a dull explosion.

The eyeballs are like two-particle bombs being first expelled from the eyelids, followed by the cheeks. Finally, the skull is completely blasted from the inside, and the white brain mixed with blood is spattered.

At this point, the lucky child Yang Xuanli died, even the skeleton fell at the time of the head explosion, turned into a pile of broken bones!


Seeing this scene, the remaining onlookers couldn't help but **** a cold air, and they couldn't help but look at Wei Xiaobei's eyes full of fear and panic!

To be honest, from the previous battle screen, this ending is completely beyond their imagination.

In their previous predictions, Wei Xiaobei is at most a fight with this bronze-headed brawny!

But what they never expected was that, not long after, the bronze-headed brawny man who seemed to be incomparable before the wind turned and fled. As a result, he could not escape. He was shot by Wei Xiaobei and hit the back. The whole body was blasted up and down, and it turned into a pile of broken bones scattered on the ground!

Ok, death, they see much more.

Like this, after an arrow hits, it becomes a broken bone, and they are the first to see it!


Do you want to be so scary! ! ?

Can you still have a good fight? !

"Hey! Not rolling yet!!?"

Wei Xiaobei turned his body at this time, his eyes swept across the circle, and he sipped in his mouth!

The sigh of relief suddenly awakened the scared bystanders from the nightmare.

After understanding the meaning of Wei Xiaobei's discourse, these bystanders suddenly turned and fled. As for what greed and what benefits, they were thrown into the clouds at this moment.

Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei’s prestige will spread again.

It is important to know that as the number of experienced people in the gray world continues to increase, there will naturally be some information exchange between these gray world practitioners, and even organizations with specialized trading information may not be impossible.

Well, intelligence exchange should undoubtedly be one of the biggest deals in the gray world. To be continued.


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