The City of Terror

Chapter 1091: ,greedy

First send a chapter, eat dinner and recode


Name: Pristine Dungeon Stone (20 years, second-class boutique)

Introduction: This is the thing that has been condensed for 20 years after the mixing of the faeces of the fire dragon. It contains a lot of dragon fires. Because of the condensation of the lava lake, a large amount of flame force is absorbed into it, making the smoldering of these dragon dung stones. Compared with the same year, the dung stone has increased by more than 70%, and these dung stone are better as a refiner material!

It turned out to be the case.

Wei Xiaobei nodded after reading the introduction of the dragon dung stone.

Although the name is still a dung stone, due to the condensation of the lava lake, the fire in these dung stone is much stronger than the ordinary dung stone. That is to say, the 20 years of this dung stone and thirty The four-year dragon dung stone effect is almost the same.

At the same time, its use is more extensive than ordinary dung.

The reason for this is very simple. The hardness and toughness of this fine dragon dung stone must be stronger than ordinary dung stone!

If you can dig up the high-quality dragon dung stone, such as the 400-year-old essence of the dung stone, I am afraid that its quality is at least the entry of immortal.

The 680-year-old dragon dung stone can be said to be the quality of the fairy.

When Wei Xiaobei was very happy about the unexpected harvest, the group had already seen the lava lake here and the busy people on the lava lake.

Ok, don't blame them for neglecting Wei Xiaobei.

This is also a helpless thing.

Wei Xiaobei stood alone, and there were more than 20 people on the lava lake. There were also very striking white stones on the lakeside.

Under such a comparison, even if you know Wei Xiaobei, you may have to ignore Wei Xiaobei.

"what is that?"

I saw more than 20 people on the other side. Although there are more than 30 people here, because the boss is not there, the hearts of the people are faint, and they slow down one by one, but hesitate.

Their strength is naturally to suppress those ordinary people, but they are not like Wei Xiaobei, it is difficult to see the strength of each other when they are not fighting.

That is to say, in the subconscious, they regard the more than 20 ordinary people who cannot see the details of the other party as their own equal strength.

This is something that will inevitably happen.

For these gray world practitioners, when they can't see the enemy's strength, the habitual thoughts in reality still rule their minds.

People are more powerful.

But now, the number of opponents seems to be not too small, more than 20, and thirty on their own.

If you kill it, it looks like the casualties will not be small.

This unclear party did not dare to do it, but the white stones stacked on the lava lake would tickle their hearts.

Pure white stones are rarely seen in even the real world.

In the gray world, such colors are rare. Of course, the most important thing is that those ordinary people are constantly excavating these white stones, is it not the identity of the treasure?

If there is no use, then why should more than 20 people be busy here and dig out the white stones.

Everyone waited for a greedy look in his eyes.

Although I don't know what the treasure is, it is always a good thing.

So in this gray world without law, for them, robbing these treasures is not a moral problem that makes them difficult to choose, and the only obstacle is those who are busy mining stones.

"I will go over and see."

At that time, the tall thin man seemed to forget the task of finding the boss. His eyes were completely on the white stones. The so-called hands were fast and the hands were slow.

This tall thin man turned out to be the first to rush toward the white stones.

"Old high! What are you doing?"

Seeing the action of a tall, thin man, the rest of the people shouted.

Some people are worried about hiring those who don't know the strength. Some people are worried that this old man will take away all the benefits, and there are people who simply ask about their purpose.

"Stand up! What are you doing!"

Not yet waiting for the old high to approach, the busy Pu people have shouted the tools in their hands and shouted.

"The road passed by, what are you doing?"

This old high faced a savage general, not only did not stop, but accelerated speed, but it was a smile.

A few steps rushed to the front of the white stone, Lao Gao could not wait to grab the stone.


After a blink of an eye, the old man screamed and lost the white stone caught in his hand.

These fine dragon dung stones are not ordinary stones, and they contain a large amount of flame. Although they are not easily dissipated, the surface temperature has reached more than three hundred degrees.

The old man couldn’t wait to catch it, no doubt grabbing a burning piece of fossil.

With the strength of this old high-star elite, it is impossible to withstand such temperatures at all, naturally it is fast and fast.

At this time, the general people have already rushed over with the tools, and the half circle encircles the old high in the middle.

At this time, this old high is a little scared.

To say that these ordinary people's strength is already two-star horror, the distance is slightly close, this old high feels the strong breath of these ordinary people.

To say that this old high strength is not very good, but it is a good hand on the mouth.

"What do you want to do? Don't think that if you have more people, you can bully fewer people, and my brothers are quite a lot!"

The old man’s mouth was hard and his right hand waved, and he circled his group.

Wei Xiaobei did not control these ordinary people at this time, so these ordinary people are all spontaneous reactions.

Hearing this old high, the ordinary people who have a simple thinking will turn their eyes to the group of people who are a little farther away.

The old Gao guy escaped when he saw the plane. After he returned to the crowd, he tried to shake it up. What kind of white stones are good baby?

Well, in fact, don't look at these fine dragon dung stones for Wei Xiaobei's use, but for these guys, it's basically not very useful, except for the use of boiling water, the other is really useless.

You know, if you don't understand the technique of the refiner, it is difficult to use these dragon dung stones.

Using modern steelmaking methods? Do not make jokes.

This dragon dung stone is not the iron ore, and does not say how to purify the impurities inside. Once the dragon fire inside is seduce, the high temperature of more than 3,000 to four thousand degrees, I am afraid that all the steelmaking furnaces will be enough. Melt into a liquid.

Of course, in reality, there is no material with a very high melting point, such as titanium carbide in a carbonized material, a melting point of 3067 degrees, a melting point of zirconium carbide of 3540 degrees, and a carbonization of about 3900 degrees.

The refractory materials of this kind can be not the general people can get their hands, they are all strategic level military resources.

In other words, these sinister dragon dungs ​​are really of little value to these guys.

But the hearts of the people are greedy. In fact, even if Wei Xiaobei said that these things are useless to them, these guys will probably think that Wei Xiaobei is deceiving himself.

Therefore, when these guys were moved by the old high, they were eager to try, and they were ready to fight with the Pu people. When they took the treasures, Wei Xiaobei moved, like a meteor rushing into the air, followed by a jack, facing the ground. Fall down.

A loud bang, Wei Xiaobei fell in front of the group of people, suddenly flying sand and stone, countless smashed gravel will be under the control of Wei Xiaobei, they will splash toward the group.

These gravel shots, like bullets, most of the group did not even have the reaction time, they were broken by the gravel, and even the weakest old high was directly hit by a gravel on the chest. When I went to the ground, I didn’t say that there was not much gas, but at least it was seriously injured.

"Enemy! Enemy!"

Those who reacted slightly faster were on the ground and escaped some of the gravel that followed.

This sudden rubble bombardment really caught them off guard.


When the dust fell slightly, Wei Xiaobei’s figure appeared and snorted toward these people.

The sound fell in their ears like a thunder, and they were shocked and scared. Where did they dare to greet what baby, and turned and wanted to escape.

However, the next moment, Wei Xiaobei changed his mind, and his legs slammed on the ground and leaped high. As the same big bird crossed the distance of hundreds of meters, it fell in front of those who ran away.

"You come here, what do you want to do?"

Wei Xiaobei's body shape fell in front of those experienced people, and these experienced people naturally did not dare to continue to escape, one by one stopped in the same place, looking at Wei Xiaobei in horror.

Indeed, just in terms of the previous appearance, it is enough to scare these guys.

Even the fat man of the Samsung elite is quite a bit shocked.

Unlike other people, this fat man has a higher strength and knows more about Wei Xiaobei's strength.

Do not say anything else, just when the sound of his voice shouting, the sound contained in the sound, almost scared the fat man!

The breath revealed by this breath is no less than a powerful monster that fat people have ever seen!

At that time, the fat man had to spend a lot of effort to escape from the monster.

Now, if you want to do this, if you want to do it yourself, this group of people may be killed even if the other side is not sticky.

Therefore, in the people present, this fat man is the most honest. He listened to Wei Beibei and hurriedly squeezed out from the crowd. He went to Wei Xiaobei and went to the ceremony. The voice was extremely humble: "Adult, we are coming. Looking for our boss."

The rest of the people were very surprised to see the fat man’s move.

You know, in this group, the strength of this fat man is second only to the boss!

Although its nature is originally honest and honest, it is not the kind of person who can easily be soft, let alone what others ask.

"Boss? Who is your boss?"

Wei Xiaobei is a bit curious, looking for the boss to find it here?

"Reporting adults, our boss is Yang Xuanli, good at Baibu Shenquan"


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