The City of Terror

Chapter 1105: Storage magic

Then send a chapter, the poor road is now at the door of the supermarket code, but unfortunately, the supermarket has to close. . . . .


Wei Xiaobei immediately turned his attention to another grain of gravel.

After the rubble turns into an eye, it turns into a drop of crystal clear blue water.

The next two pieces of gravel were turned into a group of cyan whirlwinds and a small yellow mud.

After the completion of the conversion of the gravel, Wei Xiaobei could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The fire, water, wind, and soil formed by the gray stone fragments are not ordinary substances or phenomena, but they are the four basic elements that support the space.

Space and these four basic elements can be converted to each other.

However, even if only converted so much, Wei Xiaobei is already a bit whitish.

Transforming this gray boundary stone into fire, water, wind, and soil, Wei Xiaobei almost exhausted the whole body and spirit.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei had to stop and rest.

After eating and drinking, Wei Xiaobei even took a nap for a while, until the physical strength recovered, before continuing his previous work.

These four basic elements, as long as Wei Xiaobei does not move them, will not cause too much problems.

But now, what Wei Xiaobei has to do is undoubtedly dangerous.

Wei Xiaobei focused his attention on the blue waterdrops. With the integration of Wei Xiaobei's heart, the blue water droplets slowly moved and approached the yellow mud.

Not long after, the blue waterdrops were placed together with the yellow mud. When the two were really close together, they quickly merged into each other and turned into a slow flowing mud.

Then Wei Xiaobei leaned the flame against the wind, and the two then turned into a black smoke.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei put the mud and smoke together, and put the ring toward the top.

The mud mixed with the smoke suddenly turned into a faint blue light, which was then sucked in by the ring.

It seems that this is over.

Wei Wei Xiaobei seemed to be stunned at this time. After half an hour, Wei Xiaobei recovered from this puppet state. He was sitting on the ground directly, sweating his forehead, completely Being tired of the appearance.

Of course, the puppet state was not that Wei Xiaobei really stayed, but made a final adjustment to the space created in the ring.

That's right, now this ring is no longer an ordinary ring, but a storage ring.

Well, of course, don't look at the name and Wei Xiaobei's two storage rings, but the storage ring made by Wei Xiaobei only has a storage space of only one thousand cubic centimeters!

Well, from the length multiplied by the width, and then multiplied by the height to get the volume of this formula can be seen, the storage space of this storage ring is really small.

It is also a square body with a side length of ten centimeters.

Ok, okay, this small space is simply unimaginable. What can you put down?

How many apples? Or two mice?

This can not match the first storage magic weapon that Xiaobei received.

I want to have the storage bag in the first place. How do you say that there is also a cubic storage space?

Although the quality of this storage ring is low, it makes people look good, but Wei Xiaobei is excited.

After all, this is the first storage magic weapon made by Wei Xiaobei!

If you use sensational words, this is an important day worthy of keeping up and down on Weijiadao!

Although the storage space of this storage ring is indeed too small, such a storage space is not said to be useless.

In such a small storage space, put down more than ten bottles of syrup, and some emergency items are still no problem.

In other words, if this storage ring is given to a core disciple, I am afraid that this core disciple will be stunned to the ground. At a critical time, this thing can save one's life!

This is not an exaggeration.

For the time being, in the intelligence collected by the Weijiadao intelligence system, there has not been any news of who has the treasure of storage.

This shows that the treasure of this storage is precious.

Wei Xiaobei even named this storage ring as a storage fist.

Well, the name sounds not very good, but at least it shows the important information of this storage magic weapon, the storage space is small, the size of the fist.

Next, Wei Xiaobei made persistent efforts to constantly smash a grain of gravel from the gray stone.

Of course, in this process, Wei Xiaobei is really "enjoyed" what is called the ultimate sound gun.

The whistling sound that kept ringing in the cave not only made Wei Xiaobei's ears full, but even shook a lot of stones down the top of the cave.

For Wei Xiaobei, these are naturally small things. The key point is that you can do more storage magic, and you can exercise the technology of making storage rings.

Not long after, there was a row of seemingly ordinary rings in front of Wei Xiaobei.

The space in these storage fist rings is basically one thousand cubic centimeters. Of course, due to technical instability, some are bigger and some are smaller.

But overall, Wei Xiaobei’s success was a big success.

More than 20 storage fist rings, consumed Wei Xiaobei for a full five days.

But this also makes Wei Xiaobei's craft more skilled, and behind several storage fist rings, Wei Xiaobei's production speed is more than doubled!

It’s time to go back and have a look.

Wei Xiaobei wrapped the fist ring of more than 20 storage rings in his arms, and then he took it in his arms. Then he slammed the air and blew it out, and instantly blew out the stones that were stuck in the hole.

Several deer circling back and forth in the hole suddenly disappeared into the woods that disappeared into the side.

After Wei Xiaobei returned to the security base and distributed the storage fist ring to several core disciples, those in the security base were sensational.

To say that as the city of Cuihu gradually settled, some of the former candidate core disciples became lazy, and there was not much interest in becoming a so-called core disciple.

In the eyes of many people, after becoming a core disciple, it is necessary to leave the country and go to the Weijia Island. There is actually some egg pain.

But now Wei Xiaobei will distribute the fist ring of the storage, and the eyes of the waiting core disciples will be widened.

Even the fool knows that the benefits of this storage magic weapon!

At least with this stuff on the body, put some potions, food or something, after entering the gray world, encounter danger, may be able to save a small life!

Even Zhao Guang, Wei Xingwu was also divided by Wei Xiaobei.

Not to mention those who got the storage fist ring, one by one excited to play this storage fist ring, put some small things into the ring, and then release it.

As for Nakata Yuwen, Wei Xiaobei did not give him one.

In the words of Wei Xiaobei, Tian Yuwen temporarily cannot use such a magic weapon.

Indeed, this thing is completely the worst storage magic weapon.

For Wei Xiaobei, this is the practice.

Of course, this is also the level that Wei Xiaobei can achieve now.

Don't underestimate a few pieces of gray stone fragments, want to transform it into four basic elements, and then integrate it into the ring to build a stable storage space. The energy spent by Wei Xiaobei is outsiders. unimaginable.

But then again, to make this kind of inferior storage magic weapon, you can still get some familiar experience at first, but once you do more, it is to repeat the familiar process. For Wei Xiaobei, I want to understand the mystery of space. Too much.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to continue to make the inferior storage magic weapon such as fist ring.

Of course, this does not mean that Wei Xiaobei will not continue to smash the gray stone.

According to the volume of this gray boundary stone, Wei Xiaobei was able to smash more than two thousand pieces from above.

However, the two thousand pieces of debris are already the limit. Wei Xiaobei knows that it is not impossible to use this piece of gray stone to make more weights, but in that case, it will exceed the critical point of the gray boundary stone.

Well, what is the critical point of the gray stone?

Simply put, once the volume of the gray boundary stone is below the critical point, it will collapse into a pile of fine sand.

Of course, the fine sand after the collapse of the pile is also useful, like the gravel that Wei Xiaobei smashed down, can be used to make a storage magic weapon.

But this is too far for the role that the gray stone should have been able to play.

If you think about it, you will know how to make a storage magic and create a space of your own? How big is the gap between the two!

Besides, once the gray stone breaks into fine sand, it can't be used to create space, and it can only be used to make storage magic.

In terms of cost performance, the loss is undoubtedly great.

In the following period, Wei Xiaobei went to Mopanshan every day to knock out some fragments of the gray stone.

With the skillful skill, Wei Xiaobei can even lay down some relatively large pieces.

This large piece of debris is more conducive to making a storage magic weapon with a larger reserve space.

After returning to the security base, Wei Xiaobei will return to his room and begin to study the production of a larger storage magic weapon.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei’s efforts still have some gains.

When Wei Xiaobei called Tian Yuwen and handed him a navy ring, Tian Yuwen was a bit stunned.

To say a while ago, watching Zhao Guang, Wei Xingwu, even after some core disciples got the so-called fist ring, Tian Yuwen was a bit sour in his heart.

This is an inevitable psychological process.

If you think about it, you will know how to say it is also the apprentice of Master. The benefits that Master has sent are not their own. Is it because Master is dissatisfied with himself or is he not doing well enough?

Well, for a week, Tian Yuwen feels like it’s been a year. When it’s okay, I’ll think about it. Should I ask Master?

What have you done wrong? How can I do better?

However, Tian Yuwen said that he was also a person in his forties. When he changed to Huang Kun, he estimated that he would go to Wei Xiaobei on the same day, but Tian Yuwen stabilized and pushed the matter to the bottom of his heart.


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