The City of Terror

Chapter 1108: ,Come back home? Big monster!

First sent a chapter, the display is completely scrapped, turned around on the Internet, ordered a monitor, I hope to be sent early, and to ensure that there is no bad point, so as to avoid the poor road, but also worry about the sad reminder Heartbreaking and no unnecessary painful expenses! Now this chapter is borrowed from the son's display code.


But in the end, Wei Xingwu solved this problem for Weibei.

Two special class tickets.

This is to make Wei Xiaobei somewhat strange: "Cuihu International Airport has resumed operation?"

You know, since the StarCraft monster threatened the international airport, the international airport in Green Lake City has been out of service.

Indeed, Wei Xiaobei’s speculation is not wrong.

Cuihu International Airport has really resumed operations.

This has to be said to be a major victory for China.

The international airport was able to resume operations and resume routes, which meant that the monsters near the route had been cleaned up.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei's heart is very happy.

After all, every time you return to Weijia Island, if you have to walk and run, it is really painful.

In any case, Wei Xiaobei took Tian Yuwen to the passenger plane to the port city.

Whether it is Wei Xiaobei or Tian Yuwen, there is a different feeling for this trip.

Perhaps it is the flight enthusiasm of the flight attendants who have erupted after a long period of unemployment, or because Wei Xiaobei’s charm attribute is too high.

In short, Wei Xiaobei is very popular on the passenger plane. From time to time, those flight attendants will come to Wei Xiaobei with or without water, towels, etc., even when they are on Tian Yuwen, there are two beautiful flight attendants. He handed it to Tian Yuwen.

Ok, don't think that this note is for Tian Yuwen. The two flight attendants just asked Tian Yuwen to hand over.

Tian Yuwen originally did not intend to hand over the note. He knew the master's strength, but the two flight attendants pleaded with pity and made a pitiful situation. Eventually, Tian Yuwen was forty men and could not take it. He had to accept the note.

This Tian Yuwen received the note, and some female passengers in the cabin who had long waited for some intolerance suddenly came over and handed a piece of paper to Tian Yuwen.

Anyway, if Tian Yuwen does not accept it, I am afraid I will not be able to return to my seat.

In this regard, Tian Yuwen, who had already broken the example, had to accept it one by one. Anyway, this matter had to be handed over to Master.

When Tian Yuwen returned to his seat and sat down, the back was already a layer of hair sweat.

To say that Tian Yuwen has been forty, looking at the face, even with the appearance of approaching fifty, the vicissitudes of a face, but he really has not been close to such a distance with so many women.

Although he is married, his daughter is almost sixteen years old. In the face of such an environment, she still feels a little embarrassed.

call! After sitting down, Tian Yuwen took a long breath, and Wei Xiaobei, who was busy in his mind, suddenly felt a sense of heart. He opened his eyes and looked up at Tian Yuwen: "What is it?"

Wei Xiaobei sat in this passenger plane, and almost all his attention was put in his mind. There was no concern about the outside, but after Tian Yuwen sat down, Wei Xiaobei felt that the other party seemed to have something to find himself. Therefore, only one percent of attention was drawn to ask.

"This one, Master, this is what they give you."

Tian Yuwen felt that he had become stuttering at this time. After the right hand made a circle in the cabin, he handed the small stack of paper to Wei Xiaobei.


Wei Xiaobei had some doubts and took a look at the paper, and could not help but laugh.

The content on these notes is almost the same.

Hello, my phone number is 188.

Handsome, the room I booked is the Gangcheng Hotel 43-12.

Etc. and so on.

To say that Wei Xiaobei received such a small note before entering the gray world to get the incredible power, I am afraid that he will be excited to sit in the seat.

But now, maybe it’s too much experience, maybe it’s too much beauty, and Wei Xiaobei’s kind of thing is hard to raise interest.

"How? Envy? Do you want to give you a few?"

Looking at the tension of Tian Yuwen's face, Wei Xiaobei smiled and snarled.

"Ah? No, no, Master, you always know, my daughter is so big, I am not interested in this."

Tian Yuwen suddenly heard the words of Wei Xiaobei, almost directly from the seat, his hands hurriedly waved and refused, and the words were flustered.

"Just kidding, rest assured, I won't tell your wife."

Wei Xiaobei’s words made Tian Yuwen’s face look speechless. How to see Master is like a little fear of the world’s chaos.

Of course, things like small notes are just a small adjustment for Wei Xiaobei.

After a blink of an eye, the small stack of paper that was sandwiched by Wei Xiaobei at the fingertips turned into an ashes under a slight flash of electric light.

Perhaps Tian Yuwen took the note, and in the following time, those flight attendants also converge.

Until the passenger plane landed at the Gangcheng International Airport, the flight attendants lined up in a team, and when they sent passengers outside the cabin door, they only focused on Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Jingbei has become very accustomed to this kind of gaze, and naturally no visible colors appear.

However, Tian Yuwen did not know what was in his mind, but the old face was red.

Not to mention Weibei, after leaving Tianyuwen to leave the international airport, he stayed at a hotel. At this time, some underwater creatures such as sea crabs, sea cucumbers, shells, etc. on the seabed were enjoying their leisure time.

But not long after, these little elves on the seabed became panicked, and they fled around without a choice, as if they had encountered any terrible natural enemies.

After the interest rate, a mud tumbling over the seabed, a huge monster slowly emerged from the bottom of the sea, and the seabed was confusing.

After the giant monster has completely drilled the bottom of the sea, it will be able to see its appearance. What is this monster? Its shape is like a huge nuclear submarine, streamlined long fusiform.

Undoubtedly this is the flying fish that Wei Xiaobei cultivated.

After receiving the notice from Wei Xiaobei, the flying submerged fish was awakened from the bottom of the sea. After judging the owner's position, he quickly swam toward the port city.

Staying in the hotel, Wei Xiaobei also gave Tian Yuwen a vacation, let him go out to play, and by the way, buy a little gift for the family.

Wei Xiaobei doesn't need to go out and buy gifts. If you need to send something to your parents, wife, or younger siblings, usually Wei Xiaobei will take out Longhuo Ding himself and refine it.

As a result, Tu Qingqing does not say that the guardian father and mother and even the younger siblings have a lot of equipment. Even if the ordinary practitioners encounter them, I am afraid that they will also get over the ship.

In the early morning of the next day, Wei Xiaobei called Tian Yuwen to bed early, and even did not eat breakfast. The two men took taxis and went outside the city.

Tian Yuwen is a bit strange. If you want to go to Resnia, should you go to the airport? If you don’t want to go to the port again, how can you go outside the city?

Of course, at this time, the Master did not speak, and there was a taxi driver. Tian Yuwen did not ask anything.

Until the two men were painting an underground car in an empty uninhabited shoal, and watching the taxi leave, the Tianyu Wenfang would be bored for a long time and asked: "Master, where are we going?"

"Oh, I will know when I get there."

At this time, Wei Xiaobei didn't have any thoughts on Tian Yuwen's science. Instead, he took a little attention and contacted the flying fish that had already arrived in the nearby waters, guiding the other side to come here.

The two stood on the beach, and at the foot were the waves that continued to push back.

This makes Tian Yuwen very speechless. Is it that Master is here to come and feel something?

Looking at the empty beaches around, the looming reefs in the distance, Tian Yuwen could not help but think of it.

But then again, due to economic development, the beaches here have been damaged by human society, food pockets, straws, plastic bottles and even a few used sleeves.

Ok, is this place really suitable for feelings?

Regardless of Tian Yuwen's heart silently spit, not long after, there was some movement in the distant sea.

That is?

Tian Yuwen's gaze is even focused on the foreign objects that appear above the surface of the sea.

This is a big guy!

It is actually flying against the surface of the sea!

Because of its huge body shape and even the high-speed skimming caused by the waves, the waves around it have formed a wave wall, which is spattered and slanted toward the outside. The light is so powerful that it is extremely magnificent. !

Tian Yuwen who saw this scene was a bit dumbfounded.

What is this monster?


When Tian Yuwen thought that he should do something, the monster that plunged at high speed on the sea had slowed down quickly, and rushed to the beach with great precision, and finally stopped in front of Wei Xiaobei.

"Okay, let's go."

At this time, Tian Yuwen did not know what he should do, killing monsters? Master seems to have not moved, fleeing? Master did not move either.

Fortunately, at this time, Master’s voice sounded, and then his legs twitched a little and jumped up toward the top of the monster.


Tian Yuwen was only a little calculated in his mind at this time. Of course, due to the huge psychological impact, he was somewhat embarrassed. He only knew that Wei Xiaobei would jump toward the top of the monster. As for more imagination, there would be no more.

Until the monster had a big hole in the top of the head and swallowed the two, Tian Yuwen stood in a translucent room where he could see the outside scene before he reacted.

This is probably the monster that Master has cultivated.

To talk about the creatures cultivated by Wei Xiaobei, Tian Yuwen has also seen several times, the giant dogs on Weijia Island, and the ordinary people who are acting very rigid, and so on.

However, this is like a nuclear submarine, and Tian Yuwen is the first to see it.

"Let's take this back to defend the island, how?"

Wei Xiaobei sat down cross-legged. Although this flying submerged fish is a kind of creature that Wei Xiaobei cultivated as a vehicle, but because of studying space mysteries and other things in the past time, it took up a lot of brain running time, so that this The flying submersible fish has not been modified so far.



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