The City of Terror

Chapter 1112: The magic of the divine

First send a chapter, the poor road stunned in the morning! At that time, the poor road just said that soon after the rain, it was a thunder burst, less than half an hour, the violent raindrops hit the cold face of the poor road, Sanqing Daozu finally opened his eyes! ! ! The rain is so refreshing, so that the poor road can't help but want to make a poem to express one's feelings: the poor road wants to pray for rain, it really rains, the thunder sounds the sound of rain, the code word code fast code word !


The raised muscles of the mouse prevent the skin from breaking, while the faster-growing bones pierce the muscles directly beyond the body surface.

In short, in a short time, the mouse became grotesque, and it seemed to make people feel a little vomiting.

At this time, the little mouse moved, and it was not affected by the weird form. It seemed to go crazy and crashed into the alloy cage. In a short period of time, the alloy cage’s tremor reached 30. Above the degree!

What is the concept of the 30 degree vibration amplitude?

That is to say, the alloy cage has begun to distort, and as the vibration amplitude continues to increase, this distortion will develop from a temporary state to a permanent state!

It can be said that the white mouse at this time may have reached the strength of an ordinary tyrant in terms of strength!

We must know that although Wei Xiaobei has not personally tested the firmness of this alloy cage, it can be known from various data that this alloy cage is enough to withstand the impact of most Samsung ordinary monsters!

Even the monsters of the Samsung elite, if not the power type, can resist!

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but marvel at the magical effect of the divine.

As far as the strength of the creature is enhanced, this divinity may have surpassed all other treasures!

If you think about it, you know, what is the strength of this mouse?

A one-star ordinary adult man can step on hundreds of white rats into bolognese with bare feet, and the white mouse has become the basic experimental body in the laboratory since its birth. That is, the mouse completely lost its aggressiveness.

Now, if this little mouse is released, I am afraid that even a tank will be torn by its claws!

This is not to be questioned. After the muscles and bones grow rapidly, the claws that have been degraded so fast will not grow up again, and even the flashing cold light can be seen, even the alloy cages are deeply left. Scratches!

It should be noted that these alloy cages are much stronger than the tank's armor plate in terms of hardness and toughness.

Wei Xiaobei looked a bit fascinated, but the mouse suddenly attacked the alloy cage again, which really shocked Zhang Desheng and other researchers.

Of course, if the mouse is attacking the outer alloy cage, these researchers will not be so alarmed.

After all, the outer glass cover, the alloy cage has many layers, and the white mouse wants to escape, it is impossible in a short time.

But at this time, the alloy cage that the white mouse attacked was the innermost layer!

That is to say, once this layer of alloy cage is destroyed by it, then the mouse and the metal test tube are only separated by the metal cup.

From this point it can be seen that I am afraid that the purpose of this little mouse is the divinity in the metal test tube!

I want to come, this little mouse has been injected into the divine to the present, and its intelligence level is already leaps and bounds!

And it also noticed the temptation from the metal test tube.

The mouse at this time is already very powerful. If you let it get the divine nature in the metal test tube, then this lab will probably have a terrible monster!

Thinking of this, Zhang Desheng and others will be so nervous.

Of course, as a senior researcher, there have been too many test accidents.

What kind of virus leaks, the escape of biological experiments, and even the leakage of chemical agents, etc., even if a group of people died in a test accident, I am afraid I have seen them.

As a result, although they are a little scared, they still don’t even know what to do.

“The alloy cage strengthens the voltage! 1000 volts, 1000 volts per second!”

“Inject the ay003 potion into the first glass cover!”

“The xa031 anesthetic gas is introduced into the first glass cover!”


A series of orders spit out from Zhang Desheng's mouth and turned into a busy control of indoor research assistants.

At this time, in order to ensure efficiency, a research assistant was added to the control room.

Soon, a tiny electric flower was produced on the alloy cage. Under the humid air environment inside the glass cover, the voltage of three thousand volts was enough for the current to penetrate the air to generate electric spark.

After the voltage on the alloy cage was increased, the mouse slammed into it several times, and it was all over the body. At first glance, it seemed to be electrocuted, but not long after, the mouse regained its vitality. Continue to collide with the alloy cage.

Looking at the performance of the mouse, I am afraid that it also knows that if you can't destroy the alloy cage and get the divinity in the metal test tube, then waiting for yourself will be death!

Especially when a yellow gas is continuously sprayed into the glass cover, and the black liquid on the metal floor is rising, the mouse almost becomes crazy.

Even if it hits the blood on the alloy cage, it will not stop at all!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

At this time, the mouse system has grown to the shape of a cat, and under its madness, even the alloy cage that raises the voltage to 10,000 volts has entered its late life.

Finally, under the astounding gaze of Zhang Desheng and others, in the collision of the white mouse, the original solid alloy cage finally gave a crisp sound, and then one of the metal rods was sent by the mouse. Broken!

It has entered!

After the mouse broke the metal rod, he madly rushed toward the metal cup that had been closed!

"Boss, I am sorry, there was an accident in the trial. We need an emergency evacuation now to facilitate the final cleaning process."

Zhang Desheng's shame on his face came to Wei Xiaobei, and he said eagerly.

Wei Xiaobei raised his brow and he also knew about this final cleaning procedure.

To put it bluntly, when the experimental body reaches the risk of being able to escape the laboratory, then a high temperature liquid with a temperature of up to four thousand degrees or more will be injected into the experimental glass cover to completely remove the experimental body.

Of course, this kind of cleaning procedure is naturally dangerous. In order to ensure the safety of scientific researchers, this cleaning procedure is naturally to allow researchers to evacuate.

Otherwise, once the high-temperature liquid leaks, the entire laboratory may turn into a sea of ​​fire!

"No! Don't leave, it's not going to work."

Wei Xiaobei smiled and reached out and pointed at the glass cover. He said something that made Zhang Desheng somewhat unclear.

As the eyes of many researchers refocused in the glass cover, it happened that the mouse had already plunged into the metal cup and took a bite.

The metal water cup, which was enough to withstand shelling at close range, was bitten out of a hole. Although the hole was not large in diameter, it could also see the metal test tube inside.

After seeing the metal test tube, you can clearly see a golden glow in the eyes of the white mouse!

But in the next moment, the body of the mouse seemed to be buried, and the explosion of the cockroach opened.

In a twinkling of an eye, the body of the mouse becomes like a rag doll.

There is no life.

In Wei Xiaobei’s eyes, the mouse has been completely finished.

Even the divinity that was originally injected into the body of the mouse exploded from the eyes of the mouse, and then suspended in the air.

A little bit of gold is like a dandelion seed that is shining.


At this time, Zhang Desheng couldn't believe it, and repeatedly questioned the two research assistants in the control room.

The two research assistants confirmed this after repeatedly reviewing the signs of the mice.

Zhang Desheng did not know how Wei Xiaobei knew that the mouse had to hang and predicted in advance.

In fact, in the eyes of Zhang Desheng, these researchers, Wei Xiaobei itself is a huge treasure trove of fans.

Well, to be honest, if Wei Xiaobei is their boss, or Wei Xiaobei is in charge of the banknotes they need to study, I am afraid these guys want to pull Wei Xiaobei to the test bed.

This willingness does not end with the power of Wei Xiaobei........

Let's just say, if one day, the outside people tell them that God has come to the world to save the suffering and save everyone. These scientists are afraid that the first reaction in their minds is how to study the god, it is best to Point to its physical organization........

Well, anyway, after confirming that the mouse has been hanged, Zhang Desheng ordered all the potions, anesthesia air, etc. that had been poured into the glass cover before.

The first thing to note is that if the damaged alloy cage is to be repaired, the body of the mouse should be dissected to provide sufficient data for the next study. In addition, the golden dots suspended in the air should also be recycled. .

However, Wei Xiaobei prevented Zhang Desheng from attempting to open the glass cover in the first time.


Zhang Desheng naturally wants to ask why.

As a scientist, when conducting experiments, the words of Wei Xiaobei’s boss may not be good.

What's more, Zhang Desheng thinks that the inside of the glass cover has been cleaned up, even if there is any terrible virus, it is impossible to survive.

In the words of Zhang Desheng, this glass cover is almost equivalent to being washed several times with Wangshui at this time!

When I heard Zhang Desheng’s words, Wei Xiaobei smiled: “Who said there is nothing inside, is that not?”

Seeing the little golden light pointed by Wei Xiaobei, Zhang Desheng smiled. He felt that as a scientist, for the first time, he could suppress Wei Xiaobei on the IQ. It was a bit difficult.

We must know that in the past days, when Wei Xiaobei went to the institute to inspect the work, he was able to give Zhang Desheng a lot of questions and solutions that they did not think of.



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