The City of Terror

Chapter 1114: Biological factory

First send a chapter, then book a chapter, the poor road will put yourself in the small black house code word, I hope to come out after eleven o'clock!


After injecting a special thick glass bottle that is being heated at the end, the black water will evaporate continuously and enter a number of glass beakers containing the solution through the glass tube to carry out a certain reaction, and then the smoke will change color.

Well, looking at chemical test tools such as hundreds of beakers, big and small, Wei Xiaobei feels slightly bigger.

I can copy this extraction system according to the gourd painting, but the problem is that he can't think of how these researchers thought of extracting the black water in such a complicated way!

Undoubtedly, this set of extraction tools is effective. After a liquid, mist, etc. flow, after the reaction, a glass tube at the end is like a miracle that condenses a little golden light.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei also feels that this is a miracle. He had previously learned from Zhang Desheng.

To say that this extraction tool can be said to be a typical example of a cat encountering a mouse.

At that time, everyone tried to extract the various substances in the black water to crack the mysteries of the black-water humanoid monsters.

What people can't think of is that several scientists who presided over this work have not been able to solve this problem, but a graduate student who has not graduated has misunderstood and created this set of tools!

Let me put it this way, if you let this master student do it again, I am afraid he can't remember those steps.

In any case, according to the regulations formulated by Wei Xiaobei, this master's degree student also received a lot of rewards.

After understanding this, Wei Xiaobei looked for a moment and called Zhang Desheng alone and said something to Zhang Desheng.

Undoubtedly, according to Wei Xiaobei’s original idea, the work of extracting divinity from the black water must stop.

After all, the uncontrollability of the divinity is too strong. If you are not careful, you may create a powerful monster.

Don't underestimate the greed of the people!

Although the people here are all scientific researchers, it is hard to say that there is no yearning for strong power.

I am afraid that for now, many people at the Biology Institute know that this stuff can bring a lot of power.

In this way, once someone ventures to swallow this divine, the problem is more troublesome.

The divine thing is white, it is the realization of a certain rule, it can lift the creature from the ordinary level to the life level of the divine creature!

Of course, this is not harmless.

If the organism is likened to a car, then this divinity is like a magical fuel, which can make the ordinary car run out of the super-run!

But if ordinary cars can't afford this kind of magical fuel, then there will be a series of problems such as car crash, or burning the engine.

Let's just say, according to Wei Xiaobei's calculation, as far as humans are concerned, a little divine will take it, and 700% of the people will explode and die! Three hundred and fifty thousand people are burned out of the brain and turned into beasts with powerful power but no brains!

There are four hundred and ninety-nine thousand people who gain strength while maintaining their minds, but there are some problems that make them miserable.

Only one in a thousand lucky ones can be perfectly integrated with this divine, and all aspects are enhanced!

As for relying on this divine god! Become a god, huh, huh, its chances of success will not be higher than one in ten thousand!

But with the greed of the human heart, the possibility of one-tenth of this is enough to make most human beings greedy and corpse rational.

After all, most people will think so, one in ten thousand chances to seal God, do not want to, then one thousandth perfection is a divine creature is not good?

Wei Xiaobei believed in Zhang Desheng's wisdom and even told the series of questions.

Obviously, Zhang Desheng was somewhat confessed by Wei Xiaobei’s words.

This is also a helpless thing. The amount of information in Wei Xiaobei’s remarks is quite small. Zhang Desheng needs to rely on his own wisdom to understand, judge, and avoid himself falling into that kind of greed!

After a while, Zhang Desheng got rid of the shocking situation and looked at Wei Xiaobei with a smile: "Boss, you might as well not say these words to me, let us stop this experiment." I have always been the magical effect of the divine nature in my mind, I want to swallow a little try."

Indeed, for every scientist, after hearing this, if there is no such intention in mind, then it is not a real scientist.

If you think about it, you know that this thing is amazing. To get the best experimental experience, it is undoubtedly the best way to regard yourself as an experimental body!

"If I let you stop this experiment directly, would you be satisfied?"

Wei Xiaobei is also a bitter smile.

To say that he was this plan before, to say that the authority of Wei Xiaobei, forced to end the matter, should be feasible.

However, when Wei Xiaobei thought of the stubbornness of these scientists on certain issues, he had a terrible headache, and he only told these things to Zhang Desheng, hoping that Zhang Desheng could help him deal with this matter.

After all, if it is not willing, then Wei Xiaobei will not take away the Blackwater Lake. Otherwise, those scientists who want to study in secret will probably have many more things.

Zhang Desheng was hesitant to struggle at this time. Obviously, for scientists like Zhang Desheng, giving up studying such magical things is really a difficult choice.

On the one hand, we must consider the safety of the staff of the Institute, on the other hand, it is thought of how uncomfortable it would be if we gave up.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent at this time.

However, after hesitating for more than half an hour, Zhang Desheng finally sighed and said that he gave up.

"Zhang Lao! You choose it right!"

Wei Xiaobei, while sighing with relief, extended his thumb to Zhang Desheng.

Although Zhang Desheng agreed to give up, other researchers may not be willing, but at least Zhang Desheng is working here, and the next thing is much simpler.

Wei Xiaobei eventually collected the black water in the storage ring. At the same time, the extraction equipment in the laboratory was also taken away by Wei Xiaobei.

In this regard, all researchers expressed great regret.

It can be said that with Wei Xiaobei taking away the Blackwater Lake, the value of this laboratory has been reduced by a large margin.

After all, the mutated trees around are dependent on the influence of black water before they can grow as big.

However, next, Wei Xiaobei gave a gift to the Institute of Biology.

A fleshy ball, two heads in size, reddish brown on the surface, smooth and elastic.

I have to say that even after seeing this succulent ball, Zhang Desheng, who is well-informed, is a look of sorrow.

Those researchers don’t know what it is at all.

Zhang Desheng also thought that it was the creature that Wei Xiaobei found from where he was going to use it for research.

“This is a biological factory.”

After Zhang Desheng asked a few words, Wei Xiaobei smiled and said the identity of this fleshy ball.

Biological factory?

Zhang Desheng and others are a bit stunned, but some young researchers seem to understand something.

This so-called biological factory is actually an improved version of the grain blanket.

To put it simply, it is the organism that was cultivated after the combination of grain blanket and white mist shrimp, and its main function is to produce some of the chemicals needed by the Institute of Biology.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not have the interest of science in this place. He looked at the surrounding environment and even regarded the pit left by the Blackwater Lake as the location for the bio-factory.

Throw the fleshy ball into the pit, and then Wei Xiaobei let a few ordinary people carry a hose pump to the beach.

It didn't take long for the skin to rush out of the skin and drown the fleshy ball.

What is this?

Planting trees?

Zhang Desheng and others looked at each other silly, and some doubts were puzzled.

But not long after, they were excited.

After soaking in the sea for a few minutes, the fleshy ball quickly expanded, like a balloon that was infused with air.

After just a few dozens of interest, the fleshy ball expands to the size of a villa, filling the pits left by the Blackwater Lake.

At this point, the fleshy ball stopped expanding, and a fist-sized round hole appeared on the outer skin.

In the round hole, some egg-shaped eggs were quickly spit out. These fist-sized egg-shaped eggs quickly broke open, and a small shrimp was drilled from the inside. These shrimps grew after eating their egg shells. It is a long prawn.

At this time, the fleshy ball squirted some fist-sized balls, and the prawn caught some **** and climbed quickly toward the sea.

At the same time, a meat pipe sticks out from the fleshy ball and spreads toward the sea.

Do not say anything else, just this series of changes, let those scientists straighten their eyes.

Zhang Desheng's performance is the most prominent, full of red, with a few words in his mouth: "Biology civilization! This is a biological civilization!"

I have to say that Zhang Desheng, although these scientists are older, have not seen any online novels, but they are able to accurately judge the future of this road!

Indeed, Wei Xiaobei also believes that if the altar of life develops to the extreme, it is probably the legendary biological civilization.

Some scientists turned into the lab at this time, and when they came out, they had already taken various tools for sampling and looked at their posture. They had plans to dissect the meat ball as much as possible!

Fortunately, Zhang Desheng’s brain did not follow them and eventually stopped them.

In the words of Zhang Desheng, this thing has been given to us, want to study, some time, not busy at this time, it is better to keep a look at what has changed.

Not long after, the meat pipe grew to the beach, after which a large amount of seawater was pumped over to supply the meat ball.


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