The City of Terror

Chapter 1131: Peach blossom

At the end of the month, I have to ask for a monthly ticket. I beg you to ask my grandfather, young and old, to have a monthly pass! !


This area is included here.

To say that Gros Hansen is the first discoverer of the monster.

You must know that after Wei Xiaobei left, this Gros Hansen did not follow Wei Xiaobei’s words and did not enter the gray world.

On the contrary, it is so old to see Gros Hansen, his hair is almost white, and he likes to hunt for such activities, and he knows how active his heart is.

Of course, this may be due to the strong adventures of the Vikings.

In short, a few days after Wei Xiaobei left, the old man waited for his younger daughter, Karina, to leave the house and take the hunting dog into the gray world.

Of course, the place where the old man entered the gray world was somewhat different from Wei Xiaobei, and he directly entered the abandoned land of the gods, which is the other land of the Rainbow Bridge of the World Tree.

Undoubtedly, this abandoned land of gods is much more dangerous than the world tree.

After all, even if Wei Xiaobei is here, he needs to be cautious and cautious.

In this way, the old man and the hunting dog can be described as thrilling in the land of the gods. The experience of the period can be used to write a Hansen adventure.

But this old man is very lucky. After being chased by a group of horror monsters, he accidentally hit a small half of the golden fruit that is going to be bad.

Then the two very angry two brothers separated and ate the fruit.

After eating the golden rotten fruit, the old man found that the monsters did not chase themselves, as long as they did not see themselves, even if they were hiding in the pit at the other's feet, they would not be discovered!

In this way, the old man took the hunting dog to embark on the peak of life!

Of course, this old man also has self-knowledge, did not dare to provoke those powerful monsters, find the ones he can deal with, plus the hunting dog's sense of smell is sensitive, the brain is not stupid, these times, the strength of this person's dog does improve A lot.

The biological level of the old man and the hunting dog has been upgraded to Samsung's ordinary, but the combination of the two, coupled with the old man's double-barreled shotgun is a growing weapon, so that they can now deal with the Samsung elite monster.

In other words, even the Frost Giant, a powerful monster like the Flame Giant, will be killed by them if they are single.

To say such a comfortable adventure, let the old man rejuvenate.

But just a month before, a flame giant appeared on the road near the town, directly attacking a small truck carrying daily necessities, and unveiled the scene of the monster invasion.

The old man was nearby, and he heard the bang of the small truck explosion.

After some fighting, the flame giant was hanged, but the old horse was burned to death by the flame, and even the old man had to go home for a few days.

After that, the monsters appeared constantly, but the old man had shot a few times, but with the intervention of the military, the old man did not move out.

After all, this Gros Hansen also has his own considerations. What should I do if I am sent to the test bed after I have been exposed?

Ok, even if you are not dissected, what about the hunting dog?

In short, Gross Hansen is basically in an observation state during this time. Only when the army can't cope, can he secretly solve the problem.

After listening to these, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh.

This old man is a bit savvy.

But this is also good, it is easy to draw the old man.

After all, the hidden ability like Gross is indeed surprising, coupled with the long-range attack power of its double-barreled shotguns. If you want to play some guerrilla warfare and assassinate something, it is simply impossible to prevent.

Not to mention, Weijia Island really needs such a guy.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei cares about the situation at Gros's home.

After all, as a good friend, nowadays, it is understandable to care about the situation of the other family.

When it comes to the situation of his family, this face of Gros Hansen will appear to be a bitter.

It has only three daughters.

When Wei Xiaobei came over last time, he knew the general situation of the Gros family. His eldest daughter married a Dane who was doing a Christmas tree business. The second daughter married a Chinese, and the third daughter was in the capital, but it was time. I am about to graduate.

The most worrying thing about Gross is the safety of these three daughters.

It is said that there has been a monster invasion in Denmark. Gross's eldest daughter has moved to the Danish capital, but he does not dare to guarantee how safe it is.

The second daughter is naturally married to the chicken with the chicken to marry the dog with the dog, living in China, but the situation in China can also be imagined, but also makes Gros sad.

To say that the eldest daughter, the second daughter, according to the old saying of the Chinese people, married the woman who left the door, the person who poured out the door, although this is still worried, but it is better.

The most headache for Gross is the third daughter, Karena.

Karina played a boyfriend at the university. This boyfriend is said to be going to join the army to fight monsters. Kalina actually called back and said to follow!


Upon hearing this call, Gross was almost scared to death.

He is dealing with the monsters, knowing that the monsters are not good, how powerful, Gros himself can not say how it can be, you a girl actually want to join the army to fight monsters?

When it was changed to peace, Gross probably let go of it. After all, when her daughter is older, she will not be able to manage her life.

But now is the time! ?

Resolutely not!

Gross immediately ran to the capital and forced Karina back.

Of course, if you change to an ordinary person before the old man, it is really impossible to estimate.

You know, Karina is mixed with her boyfriend every day, and the old man is going to be beaten.

You know, those guys don't have much thought of respecting the old and loving the young.

In fact, when the old man used to go, he was almost in trouble. Those who wore strange patterns and a temperament of killing Matt artists were not allowed to take the daughter away.

As for what abacus is in their hearts, there is not much to say.

However, the old man can not eat that set, and put a few guys on the road to lie down with his hands, and then, regardless of how Karina is unwilling, he will directly drag it back.

No, my daughter is still angry with the old man, hiding in her room and not willing to come out.

This is also the case, the time when the old man has recently dealt with monsters has become less, even the world tree gray world has not entered, for fear that the daughter will take care of himself and escape without paying attention.

At this time, it happened to be the defender Xiaobei, the old man did not care so much, and complained for a while, listening to Wei Xiaobei could not help but smile.

To say a foreign university, this is really hard to say.

There are universities with high teaching quality and universities with poor teaching quality. Even in the same university, there are big differences between different departments.

Especially the impact between the students is too great.

Students who are slightly less willing are more likely to be influenced by others, thus forming some bad hobbies, such as group h, sucking something, etc.

To say that Karina, the old man still calculated the hand in time, and replaced it with the management model of most Western families, he might have planted it.

Of course, the old man complained so much that Wei Xiaobei was somewhat embarrassed, especially when the old man asked Wei Bei to help persuade Karina, and even let Wei Xiaobei smash.

Wei Xiaobei knows a little about the customs of the West. They admire personal freedom. Especially after adulthood, the King of Heaven can't control it, let alone a stranger.

If you can't say a word, you have to be given a **** head by Karina.

However, it is indeed a bit bitter to see this old man. Wei Xiaobei’s heart is also a bit intolerable, and he nodded and agreed.

In any case, there are only a few apprentices, and the core disciples are now more than five hundred!

Not necessarily not a gimmick?

In fact, from the town to the old villa, the distance is not too far, not to mention the speed of the two people can be several times faster than the usual leisurely riding.

Not long after, the small wooden house was seen in Wei Xiaobei's eyes.

At the gate of the villa, Wei Xiaobei, who had chatted with Gros Hansen, noticed that the door was locked, and even the windows of the villa were nailed with thick planks.

Good guy, this old man is thinking of his daughter as a prisoner?

Seeing Wei Xiaobei’s slightly strange look, Gross was a little too embarrassed and explained it quickly.

Of course, nothing more than worrying about his daughter’s accident.

But then again, acts like Gross can be considered illegal if they are taken out.

If it is improved by the tabloid reporters, the headlines will be freshly released.

"A rare uncle holds a young daughter!"

"The daughter accused the father of evil imprisonment!"


Wait a minute, well, then, at that time, I am afraid that the old man of Gros could not defend his innocence, and he might have to go to court for a few trips.

"Understand understanding."

Wei Xiaobei is not the kind of person who likes to find someone to hurt, and hurriedly smiled.

Gross took out a long copper key from the chopsticks before opening the big lock hanging on the door and opening the door of the villa hall.

The lobby door opened and Gross took the lead and Wei Xiaobei followed.

"Hey, your old man will let me go out, I am going crazy!"

In the blink of an eye, Wei Xiaobei saw a girl in a red tights rushing over and hugged Gross.

That's right, this is Karina.

I have to say that compared to the last time I met, Karina now looks more beautiful.

Well, it’s probably that the skin was sunbathing before it was a little black, but now she has been shut down for a while, the sun is drying less, and the skin is white.

This person, it was originally a white cover.

Karina’s looks were originally exquisite, and now the skin is even more beautiful.


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