The City of Terror

Chapter 1143: , mutation terminal attack!

Thank you for your friends, friends, old and younger sisters, and the poor roads have been retired. Although they are still weak, they can also support the battle!

Indeed, although this huge pier is a variant, its biological level has been consumed for so long, and it has only four stars. Its body is very hard, but it is really a little bit worse for this unbreakable white light.

However, this variegated dock was hung on Wei Xiaobei’s neck for such a long time.

As long as Wei Xiaobei is free, he will see out the real mercury from the skin and pour it into the body of the mutant wharf.

In addition to the fresh flesh and blood, this real mercury is probably the only food that can be eaten in the variant terminal.

In the long-term mercury flooding in Wei Xiaobei, although the biological grade of this variant terminal has not improved much, the amount of real mercury stored in the body is more than 100 times that of Wei Xiaobei!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei said that it would consume a lot of real mercury for this purpose, but the real thing of mercury is not consumed after consumption. On the contrary, the more real mercury consumed by Wei Xiaobei, then the real mercury can be produced after recovery. More!

Therefore, when the white light hit the variegated dock, a silver-white real mercury emerged from the contact surface, and the white light was burned out!


The variant pier was not cut in half by white light, and its huge and heavy body continued to fall toward the six-winged angel, forcing the six-winged angel to sneak out.

To say that the mutation terminal will slap the six-winged angel below, and even Wei Xiaobei will not believe this.

You know, the six-winged angel is a bird with wings! If you say it again, your skills will be much more agile than the variants of the variant dock.

However, as the variegated dock was on the ground, the scope of the activities of the six-winged angels was suddenly reduced.

As I said before, Wei Xiaobei's space is extremely simple, but the diameter is just over a thousand meters, and this variegated dock has completely stretched out its body, with a length of more than 700 meters!

In other words, the variant dock falls into space, and the length is two-thirds of the space!

The next battle can fully prove this.

After the six-winged angel evaded the variegated dock, it was a white light column that fell down, but was blocked by the real mercury on the mutated dock.

Although the variation terminal does not have much wisdom, it also understands the importance of etiquette! Immediately, the huge body resembled a long whip, and it was drawn toward the six-winged angel.

The six-winged angel had to go to the sky, and the variant pier was too long, and with a single stroke, it was able to attack the position of the six-winged angel.

But when the six-winged angel slammed into the transparent space barrier and found that the sky in this space was too low, it was only over 500 meters from the land! Even the body of the mutated dock is not yet long!

As a result, the six-winged angel had to go to the side, because at this time, the body of the variant pier was pumped again.

This way of fighting makes the six-winged angel quite wrong!

In the past battles, either the white light column ejected from the Seraphic sword was pressed against the other side, or the six-winged angels evaded the opponent's attack at a very fast speed and counterattacked, thus quickly defeating each other.

But this giant monster looks not very good, like a stone monster, but in fact it is extremely resistant, and the white light column falls on it and there is not much reaction.

Turn over, the six-winged angels don't dare to bear the other's slam!

Of course, even this time, the Six-Winged Angel did not think that he had the possibility of failure. At most, he spent more time on himself and slowly killed the monster.

Besides, the six-winged angels think that there are still strong cards, and there is not much worry about their situation.

However, Wei Xiaobei is not willing to give the six-winged angel too much time.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei can feel that his own space is beginning to slowly reject the existence of the six-winged angel.

This is an inevitable phenomenon.

If the space is said to be a creature, then the six-winged angel is a very powerful foreign body in space, and the six-winged angel does not belong to the space of Wei Xiaobei.

For foreign bodies in the body, the biological immune system has only two choices, one is engulfing and the other is rejection.

Obviously, it is impossible to devour the six-winged angels with the power of space itself.

The rest of the choices are only repellent.

That is to send the six-winged angels out of space!

Even in this process, even Wei Xiaobei could not control at this time, just as biological consciousness could not control the immune system in the body.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei needs to defeat the six-winged angel before it is completely rejected in space!

Of course, space has also contributed to the growing repulsiveness of the six-winged angels, that is, the six-winged angels feel that they are increasingly suppressed in space, even if they are flying in the air, they feel that the air has become heavier.

This allowed the six-winged angel to once again target the fireball in the air.

Obviously, only by breaking the fireball can you get rid of this increasingly strong rejection!

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei showed his physique and rushed toward the six-winged angel with a big gun, forcing it to turn the long sword to the Wei Xiaobei.

The white light column that emerged from the sword will instantly fly out of Wei Xiaobei, and Wei Xiaobei even rushed to the space barrier by white light, like a fly that was killed on the glass.

Wei Xiaobei is also a helpless thing. If it does not show its figure, then even if the six-winged angels vaguely discover the existence of Wei Xiaobei, it is impossible to turn the target so quickly to Wei Xiaobei.

The fire from the fireball was too wasteful, and it was wasted that Wei Xiaobei had some meat pain.

Wei Xiaobei Ning can be shot by himself, and he is not willing to let the fireballs waste too much of the basic elements.

Of course, as a result, the six-winged angel also immediately targeted the Wei Xiaobei, and while Wei Xiaobei hit the fly, he chased up toward Wei Xiaobei, attempting to kill Wei Xiaobei in one fell swoop!

Not to mention how close the six-winged angels were in the melee. They didn't wait for the Guardian Xiaobei, and the stout body of the Variation Pier was smashed toward the Six-winged Angel.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei did not retreat and re-entered the six-winged angel.

In the face of the variation of the dock and Wei Xiaobei, the six-winged angel was slightly hesitant, but after a while, it seemed that he had made up his mind, and his left hand was immediately caught on the hilt, and then the wings behind him were fanned. Seeing his arms and force, he split the sword into two, and turned it into two long swords!

Hands and hands, one hand!

After the long sword was divided into two, a long sword slammed into the mutated wharf, and a long sword slammed into Wei Xiaobei, and each of the long swords showed a dazzling white light, which turned into a light column. To two goals!


Two consecutive loud noises came, whether it was Wei Xiaobei or the variant docks, they were all repelled by the white light column!

It can be said that the six-winged angel at this time seems to have doubled its strength, holding a pair of swords, and will suddenly defend Wei Xiaobei, and the mutation dock will be defeated again and again!

However, Wei Xiaobei’s gaze did not leave from the six-winged angel. He clearly saw that as the six-winged angel separated the two swords, the strength increased sharply, but the light on the three pairs of wings on the back was followed. The passage of time has been dimmed.

Wei Xiaobei knows that the strength of this angel lies in the wings!

It can also be seen that the strength of the six-winged angels is increasing, but this surge in strength comes from the consumption of wings!

That is to say, as long as the wings of the wings behind the six-winged angels are completely scattered, then the six-winged angels will probably be exhausted!

At that time, don't say Wei Xiaobei, even the mutated dock can easily turn this six-winged angel over!

For Wei Xiaobei, the only question now is whether space can support that moment?

It is necessary to know that with the surge of the strength of the Six-winged Angel, Wei Xiaobei has been unable to stop his attack on the fireball. He can only watch the white light from time to time flying to the fireball, and the fireball will counterattack itself, shooting the flame to offset the white light!

In fact, Wei Xiaobei has already felt that space is beginning to weaken at this time, and even the edge of space is slowly shrinking!

In just a few dozen rounds, the growth of space during this period has turned into nothingness.

To be honest, this really makes Wei Xiaobei very painful, and this weakening is still going on!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not an opportunity to win. On one of the wings of the six-winged angel, as the light fades away, a little black is slowly spreading.

That was Wei Xiaobei’s arrow that shot the arrow before, and the arrow with the poison of the undead, after the wings were bruised, infected with a little toxin!

Undoubtedly, due to the incomparable strength of the Six-winged Angel, the body's abundant positive energy made the undead poison not function at all, so that the Six-winged Angel did not notice the existence of this undead poison.

But the poison of the undead is too tenacious. It is almost impossible to just clean up the energy.

But as the six-winged angels began to consume the power contained in the wings, this poison of the undead had a chance, and the opportunity began to spread.

To tell the truth, because there is not much brain to study the poison of this undead, and the study of this thing is very dangerous, Wei Xiaobei does not know much about the nature of this undead poison, but from the current state, this undead The poison is like a creature, and it knows how to lurk in order to avoid the attention of the six-winged angel.

Of course, after discovering this, Wei Xiaobei immediately changed the strategy.

The ink squirt immediately became a large bow of ink. At the same time as the white light bombardment, Wei Xiaobei put three armor piercings on the bowstring, and his hands steadily opened the bowstring!

However, Wei Xiaobei did not rush to shoot the arrow, but waited for the mutated pier to pounce on the six-winged angel, driving the fireball to launch an attack toward the six-winged angel. To be continued.


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