The City of Terror

Chapter 1151: And the benefits of Wisdom Spring

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To say that the six-winged angels were sent into the space before, it is because the other side is relatively small in size, so the spirit consumed by Wei Xiaobei is not too much, and at most it is dizzy.

But now, the stone wrapped in the wisdom spring is cylindrical, with a length of more than 100 meters and a radius of more than twenty-five meters! Its volume is more than 100,000 cubic meters!

Sending such objects into the space, Wei Xiaobei's spirit is a small matter, and it is a good luck to be a fool.

Of course, this is only an accident.

Fortunately, it did not cause too serious consequences. Wei Xiaobei took a short break and waited until the pain in his mind weakened a little. Then he cheered up and entered the space.

I have to say that the wisdom spring is sent into the space, Wei Xiaobei is right.

Just entering the space, Wei Xiaobei felt that there seems to be an increase in vitality in the space, and even the speed of space growth has improved a lot.

The stone pillar wrapped in the wisdom spring stands next to the quagmire, like a giant electric pole.

However, the six-winged angel woke up, looked weakly and weakly at the pillar next to it, but his eyes were a little brighter. When he saw Wei Xiaobei appearing, he not only did not anger Xiaobei, but he was slightly excited to ask: "This is the wisdom spring of heresy?!!"


Hey, for these angels, the Nordic gods are a heresy. You are not on the road.

But then again, the six-winged angels actually know the wisdom springs of the Nordic gods, but let Wei Xiaobei look at each other.

The sacred angels saw the eagerness of the wisdom spring, Wei Xiaobei also looked in the eyes.

I want to come, this six-winged angel also knows the benefits of Wisdom Spring.

However, knowing more and more eggs.

This six-winged angel is still here when the battery is gone.

Next, Wei Xiaobei had no time to pay attention to the six-winged angels. His mind was slightly moved, and there was a deep pit on the ground, which was just the same size as the stone pillar.

Later, Wei Xiaobei planted the stone pillar in the deep pit. The wisdom spring was more than ten meters away from the ground, and there was no need to worry that the spring water inside would be wasted and wasted.

Next, Wei Xiaobei came to the side of the land and took out a green branch from the storage ring. This branch is the most tender one of the branches that Wei Xiaobei folded from the world tree. root.

Regardless of how the Valkyrie is talking, Wei Xiaobei will try it. Is this one kind of life alive? Don't you make a big profit?

The branches of this world tree, even if they are young and tender, are not the same as ordinary plants. The branch that Wei Xiaobei took out from the storage ring is more than ten meters long and is planted on the ground like a big tree.

But the words of the Valkyrie soon became apparent.

Originally, when it was taken out of the storage ring, it was still tender and incomparable. On the ground, it was like a smoker who was taken away by the spirit of God. He smashed it down!



Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but be speechless. He saw it. The world's branches were on the ground, and the vitality contained in it was floating around. Although it was cheap, it could promote space growth, but the world branches. This will not be alive.

In fact, if the world's branches are planted in reality, they probably won't survive, but they are not so fast.

In space, due to the particularity of this space, the vitality of the world's branches is faster.

Did you give up like this?

Wei Xiaobei grabbed the brain and thought about it. Some water was poured from the storage ring on the branches of the world, trying to make the world branches absorb some water.

However, this move did not have the effect it deserved.

Wei Xiaobei really didn't believe it. After turning over the storage ring, he took out a medicine bottle.

After uncovering the cap, a drop of crystal clear spring water dripped from the mouth of the bottle and squatted on a young leaf of the world's branches.

This young leaf has already withered most of the time. Who wants to know that after this drop of youthful spring water is on it, the spring water of the youth quickly penetrates into the leaf surface, and this young leaf quickly spreads out in a short period of time. The previous green was restored, and even a few leaves around it recovered.

Sure enough!

Wei Xiaobei’s test was a success.

But then again, the production of this youthful spring is too low. If it is so shackled in the world tree, although the value produced is not low, but in Wei Xiaobei's view, it is also a waste.

As a result, you need to find some alternatives.

Of course, before this, Wei Xiaobei had already found this alternative.

Take a large kettle from the storage ring and twist the lid. Wei Xiaobei pours the water inside onto the branches of the world.

Yes, the alternative that Wei Xiaobei found is the spring of wisdom!

Compared with the spring water of youth, the amount of this spring of wisdom is undoubtedly much larger.

This pot of about 3,000 milliliters of wisdom spring water fell on the branches of the world, some were absorbed by the withered leaves, and some of them fell into the ground.

It didn't take long for the leaves to recover more slowly.

Undoubtedly, compared to the spring water of youth, this smart spring water has a much slower effect on the world tree, but it can restore the effect, which is enough.

Of course, this is not the end. It is just that Wei Xiaobei has saved the world's branches. If he wants to take root and grow into a real world tree, I still need to think of other methods.

Well, at this time, it is impossible to do this. The method that Wei Xiaobei came up with is something that needs to be returned to reality before it can be implemented.

After determining that the six-winged angel could not make a dehydration, a variegated dock and even a variant of the ivy, Wei Xiaobei left the space and returned to the mountain.

Standing on the ground, Wei Xiaobei's brows are slightly wrinkled. Just leaving the space, Wei Xiaobei has some hunch, and it seems that there is any trouble going to the door.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei probably can guess what the trouble is, so he did not delay the time, and his mind meditation left. After a short while, Wei Xiaobei’s body began to become transparent and gradually disappeared into the air.

Shortly after the Xiaobeigang disappeared, a pale gold horse was rushed out in the distant passage. The hoof was born with wind, and the female Valkyrie with the golden armor sitting on the back ran towards it.

In fact, when the Valkyrie rushed out of the passage, the heart sank slightly, and the golden fountain above the mountain disappeared. When the horse rushed to the top of the mountain, the hope of the Valkyrie was completely lost.

Wisdom Spring is really gone!

Looking at the deep pits that are about 100 meters deep in the spot, the Valkyrie is almost going to run away.

Although the wisdom spring seems to have lost its effect, but in the heart of the female martial arts, it is also an old thing linked to the glory of the Nordic gods. I came here with the Wei Xiaobei, and the wisdom spring disappeared. So who is the thief, it goes without saying.

Wei Xiaobei!

Ah owe!

After a sneeze, Wei Xiaobei licked his nose, and some apologetic smiled toward Gross: "Maybe someone is chanting me."

After Wei Xiaobei left the gray world, he pushed the door to the hall and saw Gros and his eldest daughter, um, and the dog that seemed to lose weight.

Well, Wei Xiaobei admits that after entering the gray world, the time spent in the fall is a bit more, but this hunting dog, but he has left a lot of food for it, at most it is hungry for two days, as for Looking at yourself with such a fierce look?

"Wei, we are all ready, can we get on the road?"

It can be seen from the tired look of the Gros family that on their way back, I am afraid that the days are not too good.

On the way to the coast, Gross probably talked about his own experience.

Chaos, bloody, is what they see when they come back.

In the past few days, the monster riots that have been suppressed in a few countries in the Nordic countries have reappeared, and the number of these monsters is even more powerful!

It is said that there are even terrible sea monsters along the coast of the Arctic Ocean!

Hearing here, Wei Xiaobei regretted not having to wander around the world tree ash circles for a few laps.

According to the reality of sea monsters, there should be oceans in the world of tree ash, and maybe some good things can be found.

Of course, after thinking a little more, Wei Xiaobei’s mood has become much better.

To find the treasure, the land abandoned by the gods is probably better than the ocean of the world tree gray world.

But there is no time.

After leaving the world tree ash world, Wei Xiaobei re-booted the dedicated satellite phone, but received a lot of text messages.

These text messages are basically sent from Weijia Island.

There are Zhu Xinyi, there are Huang Kun, and Tu Qingqing and so on.

From these short messages, Wei Xiaobei learned that the ghost invasion of Dongpu Kingdom has become more and more powerful!

It is said that a considerable number of ghosts even crossed the ocean with modern ships and roamed to nearby countries!

Which includes China!

Of course, in the face of this wave of ghost invasion from foreign countries, China is relatively easy to deal with.

After all, the number of monsters coming from these Dongpu is relatively small, and the strength is not too strong.

But apart from China, the peninsula, which is closest to Dongpu, has a splitting headache.

Due to the close distance, thousands of strange-shaped ghosts poured into the lower peninsula, and suddenly brought huge casualties to the people of the peninsula.

The ghosts of this Dongpu country can be described as diverse. There are Kappa who can swim freely in the water. There are lantern ghosts floating in the air like lanterns, like a handsome boy’s wine-swallowing boy, a two-woman with two mouths. and many more.

Of course, there are weak and powerful people in these ghosts.

The weakest people only dare to tease humans at most, but those powerful ghosts are basically eating by humans, and their actions are extremely terrifying.

It can be said that the peninsula country quickly fell into chaos, and the army and the ghosts fought fiercely, but it was difficult to kill some ghosts that could be deficient, but it was a heavy loss.


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