The City of Terror

Chapter 1156: , cow ghost!

I have to say that Zhu Xinyi, who presided over the matter, did not take much care of the royal family.

But after knowing this rule, most of these royal members did not find a job for a long time.

Perhaps because in modern society, members of the royal family do not participate in the management of the country in addition to their noble social status. Therefore, there are many artists in these royal family members. The educators even have several double materials. Doctor.

As a result, most of them have applied to the school, and a small number have even joined the Institute.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei did not express any opinion, because Wei Xiaobei left Weijiadao after the transformation of the whole country's Pu people and Haimu.

This time I went to Dongpu, Wei Xiaobei did not ride the eDonkey.

The reason for this is very simple. From the sea area of ​​Resnia to Dongpu, it can be said that it is the focus of most military satellites in the world.

If the eDonkey jumps past, it may be exposed.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei chose a passenger plane to travel to the peninsula.

Fortunately, although the ghosts of Dongpu are quite powerful, they are basically not able to wander around the flight altitude of the passenger plane. Therefore, the flight between the peninsula and other countries has not been interrupted by ghost invasion.

As for the Dongpu country, it is helpless. Most of the country is occupied by ghosts. The two international airports naturally cannot run away. They have long been used as ghosts by some ghosts!

In this way, even if the ghosts can't threaten the passenger plane above the sky, I am afraid that no airline has dared to send its passenger plane to the east.

A few hours later, the passenger plane that Wei Xiaobei took was landed at an international airport in the lower peninsula.

After leaving the plane, Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time. After leaving the international airport, he wanted to take a taxi to the coast 50 kilometers away.

From there, Wei Xiaobei can easily climb the Dongpu Island through the strait that spans more than 40 kilometers!

But when a driver who was lame in English drove a taxi to the outskirts of the suburbs, he was not willing to go any further.

In the words of the driver, this time to go out is to find death! The ghosts who wandered in the wild were terrible.

"There are still cows on the beach! No! You give more money, I won't go!"

The driver protested loudly, but it attracted a lot of attention.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei simply took the money and left on foot.

Starting from the suburbs, there are some bunkers on the road. A small number of soldiers are armed with automated weapons, and they are alert to the movement ahead.

There is no doubt that China’s experience of dealing with monsters spread quickly throughout the world.

Everyone knows that building a strong bunker to deal with monsters can at least deal with a large group of weaker monsters, and sometimes even in front of some powerful monsters, the bunker may also save a small life.

For Wei Xiaobei, the guy who went to the wild on foot, the soldiers were a bit stunned, but they had not waited for them to ask, Wei Xiaobei had bypassed the bunker and disappeared into the distance.

This is to scare the soldiers, they even thought that Wei Xiaobei is a ghost from the city!

Thirty minutes, Wei Xiaobei is not far from the coast.

Other ghosts, Wei Xiaobei did not see this road, but when they were close to the coast, they found that one head was a cow at this time, and the monster monster with a crab was swimming around the coast.

Is that probably the so-called cow ghost?

Before the departure, Wei Xiaobei also searched the Internet for a series of understandings of the ghosts of Dongpu.

This so-called cow ghost is one of the ghosts of Dongpu.

The cow ghost is the head of a cow, the body of a crab or a spider, visible in the coastal areas. It is good at using poison. One of the main means of attacking people is to spray venom from the mouth. The eyes have the effect of illusion cursing. Those who encounter the smoldering light gaze, the people who are gazing at them will have various hallucinations, and finally the blood will die!

From the ranking of the ghosts of Dongpu, the strength of this kind of ghost is probably in the middle position.

For most ordinary humans, the threat of this cow can almost be ranked in the same position as the gossip.

The reason is very simple. As long as the ghosts are provoked, they will spray their venom into the water source, and the result is imaginable.

If a cow ghost gives enough time and is in the right place, the threat is enough to kill millions of people!

In short, in terms of the degree of viciousness, this cow ghost is probably able to rank in the top three.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not have the idea of ​​killing this cow ghost for the time being. Now it is daytime. This area may have been explored by various satellites. Wei Xiaobei did not want to be exposed before he sneaked into Dongpu.

Wei Xiaobei has no idea, but it does not mean that the ghost has no idea.

Just as Wei Xiaobei was about to get around, the cow ghost, who was already swimming in the coastal waters, suddenly raised his low head, and a pair of red-eyed bulls smashed toward Wei Xiaobei. come.


For a moment, Wei Xiaobei could feel an invisible force rushing toward himself, and then hit him in the blink of an eye, while trying to penetrate into his head.

Is this the power of the illusion of the ghost?

Wei Xiaobei smashed his eyes, the power of this illusion curse is too weak, right?

After drilling for a long while, there was no reaction at all, and even the spirit of Lian Wei Xiaobei could not shake a little!

Indeed, this cow ghost is also a bit puzzled. To say that in the past, those human beings have been blinded by their own eyes, and immediately became panicked and yelled, as if they saw a terrible scene.

But now, the human being is not panicked, but it is very calm, even if the cows are faintly feeling a little bad.

Wei Xiaobei was a little impatient, and the cows and ghosts were blind for a long time, and they didn’t rush over, and the small Weibei rushed toward the cow.

When I saw Wei Xiaobei rushing, the cow ghost was inexplicably stunned. The power of the illusion cursing that was originally drilled toward Wei Xiaobei was interrupted momentarily. The rest of the story was broken into the brain of the cow ghost.

Wei Xiaobei, who rushed to the cow ghost, then suddenly saw that the cow ghost was horrified in the sea and seemed to be avoiding the attack of terrible monsters. The problem is that Wei Xiaobei has not yet shot it!

Of course, in the end, Wei Xiaobei still relieved the pain. A stone was kicked out by the toes. In a blink of an eye, he broke through the sound barrier and drilled into the head of the cow ghost. Then, the head of the cow ghost burst into a dull voice. Open.

It’s a bit weird to say that this cow is a strange monster, but it’s just a Samsung ordinary monster. Wei Xiaobei really doesn’t have much time to play with it.

When he passed by the cow ghost, Wei Xiaobei grabbed the body of the cow ghost, and then the blue light flashed through the hand, and the cow ghost was sent into the space.

If you change a ghost, Wei Xiaobei probably sent his body into the storage ring.

But this cow ghost does not say that the whole body is poisonous, at least the blood and other parts are poisonous. It is really troublesome to use it for cooking. Simply throw it into the space and use it as waste.

When Wei Xiaobei crossed the strait, the corpse of the cow ghost that was thrown into the space, the poisonous blood slowly leached from the broken head and fell to the ground, and the green grass around it suddenly became very yellow, even Some are black.


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