The City of Terror

Chapter 1161: The threat of the ghoul

The poor road suddenly discovered that it was about to pass the Mid-Autumn Festival! It’s really no time in the mountains! The poor roads have been confused. Here, the poor road in advance to wish all kinds of friends, book friends, young and old sisters, happy Mid-Autumn Festival, family reunion! Eat moon cakes, drink small wine, happy and happy!


At that time, it is impossible to let Wei Xiaobei once again separate a mind into the fireball.

Regarding this possibility, Wei Xiaobei will never consider it.

But now, the spirituality absorbed by the fireball has opened up a path for Wei Xiaobei!

After absorbing this genius, the computing power of the fireball has improved!

To put it simply, after absorbing the divinity, the fireball is considered to have the characteristics of some divine creatures, and one of the characteristics of divine creatures is that the level of intelligence is far superior to that of ordinary ones!

As a result, although the intellectual improvement is not too much, it can also allow the fireball to control more than five kilometers.

So to absorb more divinity, in order to improve the computing power of the fireball, will undoubtedly solve this problem.

Well, then, the focus of cleaning up the ghosts themselves should be placed on the ghosts that have been worshipped by humans!

For example, a river boy, like a gossip snake!

Well, from the things that the gossip snake has done, the strength of this gossip snake is probably better than Wei Xiaobei!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not going to find the gossip snake.

Wei Xiaobei stood at the bow and thought about the matter, and the stern was the needle-handed woman who controlled the banging motor.

It is not easy to say that you want to find a good boat on Yeouido.

The ship was originally a small fishing boat more than ten meters long, which has been abandoned by its owner, but Wei Xiaobei has repaired it, just take Wei Xiaobei and the needle girl to Kyushu Island!

Kyushu Island is the third largest island in Dongpu, second only to Honshu Island, and the North Island is about 350,000 square kilometers.

The needle girl is not the first time to sail. When I remember coming from Kyushu Island to Yeouido, the boat opened by the girl was a ferry that could carry two thousand people.

It can also be seen that the woman's brain is much smarter than other ghosts.

"Adult, in front of Kyushu Island!"

The speed of the boat is not fast, but the distance between Yeouido and Kyushu is not too far. After about five hours, a land appeared on the distant sea line, which led to the cheering of the girl.

Obviously, even if it is a ghost, it is also a ghost on land. For this boundless ocean, it will be more or less fearful.

So when you see the land, you will be so excited.

"Kyushu Island?"

Wei Xiaobei had a great interest in Dongpu from a long time ago. Of course, this interest is not ordinary, and there are some dissatisfaction and even hostility!

The previous confrontation of Yeouido was the first time Wei Xiaobei landed on the land of Dongpu, but this Kyushu Island seems to be more representative of Dongpu.

"Yes, adults, I was born in Kishita-cho, Kyushu!"

The needle girl nodded very seriously toward Wei Xiaobei. When she said her birthplace, she showed a trace of grief on her face, and her look was extremely complicated.

Obviously, this woman seems to have some stories.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not have the heart to ask the story behind this girl, just smiled and then turned to look at the coast.

At this time, the sound of the ox sound came from the coast, which was extremely loud.

The needle girl originally wanted to say something, but after hearing the sound of the burdock, her face became somewhat unsatisfactory: "Adult, it is a cow ghost! Be careful of the venom it spews out."

Undoubtedly, the current needle girl has already succumbed to Wei Xiaobei, who has completely ignored the identity of her ghosts and exposed all other ghost information to Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, the news revealed by the female woman, Wei Xiaobei naturally knows, but this does not mean that Wei Xiaobei does not have a good impression on the female.

Ok, this is humanity.

In many cases, humans produce unnecessary emotions.

For example, at this time, Wei Xiaobei felt that this needle woman had turned to herself and seemed to be more loyal, so Wei Xiaobei would not refuse to give this woman some benefits.

Of course, these things need to be implemented after dealing with ghosts near the coast.

At this time, the three cows were on the waves and swam towards the small fishing boat.

A ghost like a cow ghost has been introduced before.

It is extremely powerful in dealing with ordinary human beings, but it is undoubtedly a tragedy.

There was no suitable long-range weapon on Wei Xiaobei's hand. When he looked around, he saw an iron anchor on the ship's side deck and even connected the chain.

The iron anchor is about half a meter in diameter. Wei Xiaobei stretched his hand and grabbed it on the iron chain. When he shook it, the iron chain slammed like a long snake, and then Wei Xiaobei gently waved. The iron anchor twirled along the chain.

The speed of the cows in the sea is not slow, and even they can catch up with the ordinary cars on the land.

Not long after, the three cows and ghosts approached the fishing boat, and at this time, Wei Xiaobei gently loosened, and the rotating iron anchor instantly flew toward the three cows!

The three cows and ghosts are not fools. Seeing the momentum of the iron anchor, they know that they can't resist!

Therefore, the three cows and ghosts made an action to avoid the iron anchor that roared.

They even plunged into the sea, stirred up a wave of water, and settled a few meters away in a flash!

But the iron anchor under the control of Wei Xiaobei is not so easy to escape!

Wei Xiaobei saw the actions of the cows and ghosts, could not help but chuckle, want to hide into the sea? I don't know how those submarines were destroyed by deep water bombs!

Wei Xiaobei's hands pressed, and a huge force spread along the chain until the iron anchor, the giant force broke out!

The iron anchor is like a giant hammer and it has fallen towards the sea!


Suddenly there was a dull sound coming from the sea.

The waves skyrocketed and rushed to the height of a hundred meters before they fell back!

The violent shock wave, from the point of contact between the anchor and the sea, quickly spread out in all directions, and caught up with the ghosts who sank into the sea.

When the cows and their bodies had a meal, they stopped swimming. They bleed and looked very scary, but then the body slowly floated to the surface.

At this time, the woman was staring nervously at the sea, for fear that the cow suddenly rushed out from the side of the boat, knowing that the small fishing boat that is more than ten meters long is not very strong, even an ordinary shark. Can sink this small fishing boat!

When the cow ghost appeared to the surface of the sea, the needle girl was relieved at the same time, but also a bit stunned.

The iron anchor that Wei Xiaobei pulled out was on the surface of the sea. How did he let those cows hang?

Although the cow ghost is similar to the flying edge magic, but among the ghosts of the East, it is also considered a stronger powerful.

In particular, the other side is good at swimming in the ocean, it increases the difficulty of dealing with it.

A ghost like this, I want to make three heads in one instant, and I will not think of any good way to do it myself.

But this adult, just lost an iron anchor, and easily killed the three cows!

The girl who looked at Wei Xiaobei was full of worship, and for a moment and a half she forgot to control the motor at the stern.

"What are you doing? Don't hurry up."

Wei Xiaobei’s right hand shook, and the iron chain immersed in the sea water was quickly recovered. In a flash, the iron anchor fell back to his hand. At this time, Wei Xiaobei felt that the speed of the fishing boat was getting slower and slower. I took a look at the needle girl and yelled at it.

"Ah, right now, right now!"

The needle girl was frightened by Wei Xiaobei's eyes. The selfish thoughts in her mind were swept away, and the motor was hurriedly manipulated. The small fishing boat rushed toward the coast with a loud sound.

After passing through the bodies of the three cows, Wei Xiaobei gently threw the iron anchor and hooked up the body.

Of course, the body of this cow ghost is naturally sent into the space to promote space growth.

However, for the girl, she almost made the girl look fascinated.

For Wei Xiaobei's affairs, the needle girl can't understand too much.

However, the girl also knows that she must follow this adult closely. Otherwise, she will not be able to say anything else. It is enough for other ghosts to drink a pot.

Knowing your own things and selling other ghosts, this is a big taboo!

Boarding Kyushu Island is not far from an abandoned fishing village.

To be honest, a fishing village like this has no defensive power. When a ghost appears, it basically means the destruction of this fishing village.

In fact, the same is true. When Wei Xiaobei took the needle girl to the fishing village, what he could see was the broken house and the bones that could be seen everywhere.

Of course, the fishermen in this fishing village probably also had some resistance. In the village position, Wei Xiaobei found a short skeleton that was not human.

When entering the fishing village, Wei Xiaobei also suffered the intimidation of two ghouls!

This ghoul is also known as the black scorpion. He likes to be active in the dark, and he loves to cut a part of the body and send it scary.

The two gangsters appearing in front of Wei Xiaobei are holding two human thighs in an attempt to scare Wei Xiaobei to death.

To say that this ghost is the most favorite of mischief, but don't think it is not malicious.

After they are scared of humanity, they will absorb the fear of human beings and strengthen themselves.

It is said that most of the human beings who died in their hands were scared to death.

Wei Xiaobei didn't have a bit of a good impression on the ghosts who tried to intimidate himself. Seeing a few human blood thighs shaking in front of them, even with a punch, a layer of real mercury was wrapped around the fist. Layer grid.

Under the punch, the human thighs are electrically converted into coke by the grid.

And the murderers were instantly smashed!

However, after the slayer was crushed, Wei Xiaobei did not relax his vigilance, but looked around.

Soon, in the darkness of the distance, a few dark silhouettes of people came out again.

These black figures are stealth ghosts.

They were not killed by Wei Xiaobei, but the body structure was broken.

Wei Xiaobei can clearly see the green light that they radiate from them!


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