The City of Terror

Chapter 1165: , too mount! Green cattle? Hey!

The moon is bright, the moonlight is on the bottle, and the **** wine can’t be said. It’s hard to sleep without drinking. The fragrance of the wine floated into the moon palace, and the rumor was so happy that the girl came down and forced to drink with me. You have a cup, I have a cup, and the face of Hong Xia is flying on the Mid-Autumn Festival. I suddenly remembered this advertisement many years ago. Who remembers it?


You know, in the position behind this giant cow, a big hole of more than 20 meters in diameter is vivid!

The power of the frontal impact of the blockbuster went down the sides of the giant bull, and the big pit blasted on the ground.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei is really curious about the identity of this giant bull.

It is rare to say that there are many types of ghosts in Dongpu.

Wei Xiaobei once saw the myths and legends of Dongpu, but among these myths and legends, there is no such thing as a giant bull.

However, Wei Xiaobei has not yet used all things to see the identity of the giant bull.

The creature's biological level, from the breath of its outflow, can be judged to have reached at least four stars of horror, and may even be higher!

Wei Xiaobei is not planning to provoke such a presence for the time being.

Besides, at this time, the giant bull is attracted and the military base is solved. The people in the military base may not thank themselves.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei is very clear.


A few kilometers away, at the foot of the giant cow whose speed has increased, it will be instantaneous.

Seeing that the giant bull was about to hit the iron gate, the soldiers on both sides of the wall made a scream of horror!

The next moment, the giant bull slammed into the iron gate, and a dull bang came out. The iron gate with a thickness of more than 30 centimeters quickly sagged from the impact of the giant bull's horn, in a blink of an eye. The unicorn runs through the iron gate, and after that, the cracks spread quickly around the road.

The tearing of the metal that made the roots sour and sore was heard.

The iron gate finally broke into pieces and fell off the door frame. Under the impact of the giant bull, hundreds of metal fragments were swept toward the back of the gate.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers who were waiting in the back of the iron gate could not help but scream.

In fact, in order to ensure the safety after the iron gate was destroyed, the military base placed three tanks behind the iron gate, and even several hybrid positions of heavy machine guns and mortars.

This crossfire is enough to allow any ghost that crosses the iron gate to enjoy the baptism of a metal storm.

However, due to the thickness of the iron gate, few ghosts are willing to rush in from the iron gate, so that the soldiers who are here are hearing the sound of guns from the wall, but they are envious and think that they can’t participate in this. There is some regret in the magnificent battle.

Now, they are not sorry.

A giant bull that I have never seen before, I broke the iron gate and rushed in!


Well, to be honest, by this time, these soldiers may regret their previous thoughts.

Of course, at this time, they have no chance to regret.

Hundreds of metal blocks that have been torn into pieces have covered the tanks in a blink of an eye, even mixing positions!

It is conceivable that these extremely high-speed flying metal blocks are extremely horrible at such a distance.

The soldiers who were exposed to the scope of the killing, even the screams were too late to be sent out, and the metal blocks that were flying at high speed were cut directly into two halves!

Even the three tanks with thick armor were turned into piles of scrap iron under the attack of metal blocks!

Of course, even if they escaped the attack of this metal storm, the rushing giant bull has been gone. Any soldier at his feet, the violent impact of the hoof and the ground is enough to kill these fragile humans!

The giant bull rushed into the military base hundreds of meters away, and the tanks, bunkers, and even several buildings above the road turned into piles of ruins in front of the giant cows.

When they saw the giant cow's first battle, the ghosts suddenly got excited. They made a strange cry, and along the route the giant cow passed, they launched an attack on the military base.

"Stuck! Hold it!"

"Give me a fire! Open fire!"

A series of shouts suddenly rang in the military base.

Undoubtedly, for the people in the military base, the iron gate is broken by the giant bull, which is undoubtedly equivalent to let the base open the door to those ghosts!

Therefore, the officers who had always been calm and incomparable have become confused at this time.

The most terrible thing is that the commander of the military base and the senior officials of the dry base are in a building that was knocked down before the giant cow!

Well, this military base was originally built with underground facilities, which is enough to ensure the safety of these senior officials for a period of time.

However, because the ghosts of the past could not be rushed into the military base, those high base officials chose to work in the surface buildings in order to show their persistence in their posts and inspire the confidence of the soldiers.

As a result, the results need not be said, and the giant bull is inadvertently given a pot.

You know, there, there are military advisers sent by Sam, and so on.

In short, at this time, this military base completely lost its command!

Those middle and low-level officers can only fight each other and command their own soldiers to work for the ultimate survival.

Of course, in addition to these officers and soldiers fighting, a large number of refugees also left the buildings where they lived. Some refugees requested weapons and joined the ranks of resisting ghosts, but some refugees attempted to escape from military bases. Go out and escape the killing of those ghosts.

In any case, according to such a situation, these ghosts are even a big victory, and the final outcome of this military base is extinction!

Even those refugees who secretly climbed out of the wall from the other side, I am afraid that it is impossible to escape the ghosts of the ghosts in the next time!

You know, ghosts say it again, it is extremely sensitive to human breath!

A few kilometers away, many ghosts can smell the unique atmosphere of human beings!

At this time, the woman of the needle was recovered. Before Wei Xiaobei grabbed her all the way, it was really uncomfortable.

If it is not the strength of the needle girl, it will be a little longer. If you want to recover, I am afraid I will wait for a while.

The recovered needle girl, some curiously looking towards the distant battlefield.


The needle girl looked a bit stunned, and tens of thousands of ghosts launched an attack on a city that continually fired outward. This scene is undoubtedly for the needle girl who has not seen the big scene before. Extremely shocking.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei launched a versatile thing toward the giant bull!

For a moment, in Wei Xiaobei’s line of sight, the giant cow’s property sheet emerged.

Name: Green Cow

Race: 兕

Gender: Male

Age: 2581 years old

Biology level: four-star disaster (weakness)

Introduction: The green cow is the ancient sacred beast. Its appearance is like a cow and a cow. The skin is black and black, and the forehead is long and has a horn (such as the one-horned unicorn). The ancestors are endless and love for all. Therefore, many immortals are riding on the green cow, such as Taishang Laojun, such as the nine-day mysterious woman and so on. This green cow is the mount of Taishang Laojun, who used to go west with Laojun.

Weakness: Taishang Laojun

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: Crash, rushing.

Special ability: Tengyun driving fog, opening mountain meteorites, endless power, swallowing a river, 兕吼震天

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: King Kong Nose Ring

After watching the properties of the giant bull, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but sigh in the heart!

Green cow!

Actually it is a green cow!

For Wei Xiaobei, he is too familiar with the story of this young cow.

To say that the most familiar one is that the Qingniu in the Journey to the West stole the King Kong bracelet of Laojun, grabbed Tang Yin, Ba Jie, etc., and also grabbed the golden hoop of Sun Wukong. As a result, Sun Wukong asked the Jade Emperor to send the Tota. Li Tianwang and his son, as a result, the six weapons of the scorpion were also taken by the diamond bracelet, and the fire star Xingjun shot, even the Kowloon fire cover was stolen.

Even Sun Wukong sneaked back the golden hoop, and once he was engaged in a war, he was set to go, and finally Sun Wukong was on his way.

Then I actually said something like this: "The monster I know, but I can't tell you. You monkey is open mouth, and the preaching is that I said him, he will not fight with you, he will definitely go to Lingshan. The evil will be with me."

Well, it is the individual who can see what this means.

If you are afraid of this blue cow, you are worried that the other party will hit Lingshan.

Later, Laojun was personally shot and took the green cow away.

Of course, it may not be weaker than the green cow. It is nothing more than the old man standing behind the green cow!

But it can also be seen that this green bull is strong!

So many gods shot, they couldn’t help each other, but they were ruined.

But then again, how can this blue cow appear in the Dongpu boundary?

It seems that it seems to be in the same league as these ghosts?

Well, for the nature of this young cow, Wei Xiaobei feels that there should not be too much hope.

You know, this guy used to want to take the Don Juan and cook a pot of longevity soup!

Fortunately, this blue cow does not seem to bring the diamond bracelet, only the east of a diamond ring.

And this blue cow seems to be in a state of weakness, and the biological level is only four stars.

Well, Wei Xiaobei has a headache at this time, and the four-star disaster is just the weak state of the other side!

So what level would it be if the other party was in its heyday?

You must know that this four-star disaster, although Wei Xiaobei saw a few, Yan Yan is a four-star disaster fire dragon.

But this blue ox light is the invisible exudation of the body, and the blue-black radiance radiated from Wei Xiaobei's eyes is not comparable to that of sputum.

too strong!

Wei Xiaobei doubts whether he can resist the other side’s impact if he is confronted with the other party.

But in any case, Wei Xiaobei’s display of all things is full of surprises, and the blue cow that is in the military base is already alarmed.

For the horrible existence of Qingniu, the exploration from the soul level is undoubtedly the most easy to wake up!

The blue cow that was supposed to knock down a building turned its head to Wei Xiaobei. The original blue eye suddenly became red, and the hot gas in the nose seemed very angry.


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