The City of Terror

Chapter 1343: Sad reminder of sharks

Not much to say, everyone reading, poor road to code words.

This miniature sun is small in size, only the size of a palm, falling from a height of hundreds of meters, and it looks like a light spot from the sea.

The shark will be busy at this time to reclaim the huge waves into a giant axe, and when he once again throws the giant axe, he did not notice the tiny sun that fell.

However, the miniature sun just happened to be within the scope of the giant axe that it was again thrown. After the giant axe turned into a huge wave, the huge waves swept the miniature sun.

But at that point, the golden light was not affected by the huge waves, and the seawater boiling in the huge waves, while passing straight through the huge waves, fell on the shark's body.

Golden light, the light and heat poured out!

The shark will only have a chance to exhale! In the endless heat and light, most of the body burned coke, and the rest was dropped straight into the sea, and a strange meaty smell came out in the boiling sea.

One hit spike!

To be honest, in the face of this situation, not only that stern, but even the whale handsome sharks under him will not respond.

For them, the shark will split the human axe into two, which is a normal and reasonable range, and now? Will the shark hang in the heat?

This is totally unreasonable, and it is impossible to have a thing at all!

After Wei Xiaobei hit the shark and killed it, he did not rush to the fierce army, but turned back and returned to the head of the turtle demon king.

The reason is very simple. When Wei Xiaobei was killing the shark, he suddenly felt that his understanding of the rules of light and heat had gone deeper.

This time will be used to study better!

In this way, Wei Xiaobei fell on the head of the tortoise demon king, and poured six thousand dragon tortoises into his mouth, then jumped to his back and randomly chose a building wreck to sit down. Close your eyes and suddenly enter the research state.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei’s approach is to act rashly, but to get a signal from the turtle demon king.

Xuan turtle critical time to the effect that the demon king at this time is in a breakthrough, in addition to a large number of turtle dragon fruit, you also need someone severely beat yourself!

And for your own choice, the turtle demon king has already been selected, that is, the group of the East China Sea Dragon Palace!

In this case, it is impossible for Wei Xiaobei to rush to kill the Quartet.

From now on, the stage needs to be handed over to the tortoise demon king.

With Wei Xiaobei sitting down, the wind and waves around the tortoise demon king suddenly made a big splash, and the waves of the road rose quickly. In just a few short periods of time, the turtle demon king was wrapped up from beginning to end.


To be honest, Wei Xiaobei’s move made the stunned feeling somewhat unprepared.

Did you kill your own hands and then retracted?

Is this simply a slap in the face?

After that, the abnormal appearance around the turtle demon makes the sorrow feel a little bad.

A big hand!

Severely, the command of the total attack!

Suddenly, the huge waves of tens of thousands of shrimps and crabs were moved toward the monster tortoise.

Of course, there are many people who can see this scene.

A giant tortoise like an island confronts a group of horrible monsters. There is also a dragon in the Chinese mythology. This is enough to make most of the satellites point their radars here.

At this time, the top leaders of many powerful countries took their own squadrons and rushed to the underground studio to watch the battle between the monsters.

For them, at this time, things that are born in the territory of the Great Reef can affect their country in the future!

After all, this is different from the monsters that appeared on the past 6 places!

These monsters are obviously monsters living in the ocean!

This means that these monsters may appear in the territorial waters of their own country in the future!

It is now possible to collect their intelligence as much as possible, assess the threats they may cause, etc., for any powerful country, it is a must!

Of course, like this, you can see the battle between monsters, and let them intuitively evaluate some situations, which is extremely important for fighting these monsters in the future!

Even some nuclear countries have modified the nuclear bomb target into this sea area. If they don't, they don't mind throwing their nuclear bombs and testing the resistance of these monsters to the nuclear bomb.

Well, if such a thing is put in the past, the leaders of any country will not dare to make such a decision. Even if they think about it, they feel a little scary.

But now, the world has gradually become chaotic. Sam’s country has lost more than a dozen neutron bombs to kill the gossip snake. It has actually unveiled the Pandora's Box!

This makes everyone's bottom line has begun to collapse.

To put it bluntly, as long as this nuclear bomb does not explode on its own territory, what is the relationship?

Dead friends, not dead, is probably the bottom line in the hearts of the powerful countries.

Wei Xiaobei didn't think so much at this time, and he was immersed in the state of research.

It didn't take long for the huge waves to be far from the turtle.

Those shrimps and crabs will sway the power of the military squad at this time, throwing out the weapons of their hands one by one, in order to test the defensive power of the scorpion's outer wall.

The weapon waved, and a small wave rushed to the wall.

To make them a little surprised, the waves were not blocked by the waves when they passed through the wall, and they fell on the head of the tortoise.

Of course, because of the temptations, the attacks they carried were very weak. Even if they hit the head of the scorpion demon king, there was no effect. Even the rocks attached to them could not be knocked off.

However, after seeing such an effect, the whales and sharks will suddenly become excited and take the lead in killing the monsters.

A huge wave of enough to smash a thousand-ton ship rushed toward the scorpion tortoise, and above the waves of these huge waves stood a giant whale handsome head, sharks, waving their hands Weapons, ready to give the turtles a good look.

After all, in their view, even the humanoids that have not been able to be formed by the human form are undoubtedly equivalent to barbarians!

However, this view has a market in the monsters, which can transform human monsters, and the status is higher than the monsters that cannot be shaped.

Of course, this view is also based.

To put it simply, the monster can actively shape the words of human beings, then it is basically the level of the Millennium Demon.

Only the Millennium Demon has this strength.

In addition, what is the Dragon Palace, where the demon mountains and the like, the subordinate monsters in these places can receive the gift of the Lord, thus pre-forming.

As a result, this view has been formed.

It must be said that the turtle demon king can not transform humanity.

This is also a helpless thing for the tortoise monster king.

With the strength of the tortoise demon king, if it is an ordinary fish demon, it may have been turned into a human form.

However, the body of the tortoise demon king is too large. Although the demon spirit of the tortoise monster is deep enough, it cannot support its formation.

Well, this situation is not only happening in the tortoise and the demon king. Many ancient monsters have appeared in this situation.

On the side of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, riding a huge wave, Yaowu Yangwei went to kill the turtle demon king.

But when they were close to the wall, they felt a little bit wrong. The whale rushing at the forefront jumped from the huge waves and rushed into the wall!

But the next moment, the whale's handsome mouth was filled with fierce pain.

For a moment, the whale handsome was rushed to the top by the water waves that surged in the wave wall, but he could not break free from the top of the wave wall, and was constantly struck by the sharp waves like a knife and axe!

To say that Whale Shuai's defense is still very strong, at least not in the first time was cut into a meat foam by the wave wall, but it didn't take long, there was a row of cut wounds on the body, blood rushing, see Going up is quite scary.

This whale handsome encounter, but let the shrimp and crabs that followed closely will be shocked!

The waves that didn't seem to be much dangerous seemed to be traps!

Undoubtedly, no matter who they are, after knowing that it is a trap, they are not willing to rush to go to torture.

Just looking at the sad reminder of the whale handsome now, I was afraid of a lot of my colleagues.

If it is yourself, what will happen if you step into this wave trap?

All the whales, the sharks, and so on, will be replaced by the aquarists. Imagine a moment, and suddenly the back is cold.

It must be said that the strength between these generals is not much different. Since the whales are handsome and become this sad reminder, then I am afraid that I will not be much better.

The huge waves suddenly stopped, the whales handsome, the sharks would not want to rush into the wave wall, and the sternness is even more exaggerated, and they will go back a few kilometers directly, for fear that they will fall into the trap accidentally. Among them.

This can't be blamed for being too small, but when he was in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, he didn't go out and practiced. He had the power to be empty, but the concept of fighting is to crush each other. Once this happens, you may trap yourself. In the case of the situation, I lost the rules and did not know what to do.

But those whales handsome, sharks will be slightly more reliable, they directly drive the shrimps and crabs under their hands will rush toward the waves, while constantly slamming the waves toward the wall, in an attempt to directly defeat this wall.

Those shrimps and crabs will be considered to be bad for eight generations at this time. Under the intimidation of the generals, they will continue to rush into the wave wall, but after a blink of an eye, they will be cut into flesh by the waves!

The defensive power of these shrimps and crabs is not likely to be compared with a strong person like Whale Shuai.

However, when the wave seems to be unable to stop the huge waves, the aquarium generals stopped their plans to let their hands go to death. Instead, they will gather all the shrimps and crabs to unite toward the giant tortoise.

I am also flying back at this time.

This Donghai Dragon Palace still has some underlying.

With the sternness as the arrow, many aquarium generals will be the arrow shafts, and the rest of the shrimps and crabs will be the arrow wings, forming a formation that constantly generates huge waves. (To be continued.) 8

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