The City of Terror

Chapter 1372: Traveling

Hi! Brothers and sisters! Here, the poor road wishes everyone happy New Year! happy New Year! Happy family! ——

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei has asked Zhang Desheng to prepare a research report for the period of the Institute of Biology, and prepare to take a look at the time of his free time to inspire his inspiration for biological genes.

The wisdom of all people can't be underestimated. Even if Wei Xiaobei has six powerful minds, he can't be very comprehensive when thinking about problems. As long as he is a person and has emotions, he may be inclined to one aspect. So ignore the other side.

I will give Tian Yuwen some things about Weijia Island, and handed a few pieces of Long Yao soft arm to Tian Yuwen, and after I transferred it to Xiao Baiyu, Wei Xiaobei was ready to go to the island of Dusit. trip.

According to Tamaras, the special envoy has been authorized by the parliament and agreed to the previous conditions, but the only requirement is to be able to meet Wei Xiaobei.

This is to make Wei Xiaobei have some doubts. According to the truth, like this kind of land division and the act of selling the country, the parliament of the big reef country will not agree so easily.

To be honest, if Wei Xiaobei is sitting in that position, he will not decide.

In the case of Yu Gong, it is a betrayal of the national interest. In private, it is necessary to be prepared to be infamous and to step down directly.

For those politicians, this reputation means poison.

Since the other party raised this request, Wei Xiaobei is not prepared to refuse. After all, the delivery of the five islands is still a good official, so that it is not necessary to follow up the troubles. Although Weijiadao is not afraid of trouble.

This time I went to the island of Cosmopolitan, and Wei Xiaobei did not step directly on the sea.

After all, in the past, Wei Xiaobei passed the official identity of the Weijiadao Island, and signed a series of official documents with the special envoy of the Great Reef.

This stepped on the sea, too much.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei boarded a luxury business yacht purchased by Weijiadao.

The yacht is 38 meters long and costs 23 million US dollars. It has a simple shape and is white and full of noble style.

Well, this is Tian Yuwen's introduction. Tian Yuwen is one of the accompanying personnel. In addition, there are 20 full-body black suits, sunglasses, and muscle-expanded Pu people as accompanying bodyguards.

To be honest, in such an arrangement, Wei Xiaobei is probably the first time.

Coming to the dock, the boat's boarding place has erected two rows of well-dressed, sturdy waiters, while the front is a middle-aged man dressed in captain's costume.

"My Excellency Viscount, I am the captain of the island's No. 1 Zhang Xiaoxing, please send me the most sincere service."

The middle-aged man saw Wei Xiaobei, who was accompanied by Tian Yuwen, boarded the yacht and even introduced himself.

The captain was an ordinary person, but Wei Xiaobei did not despise the other party and smiled and nodded.

This yacht was originally purchased by Zhu Xinyi and used to serve as a VIP.

However, this yacht is rarely used.

The waiters were also hired at high salaries. Their quality was quite high. Even if they knew that Wei Xiaobei was the island owner of Weijia Island, when they were serving, they did not show the kind of move.

This is to make Wei Xiaobei feel more comfortable, although men are a little bit so careful, but if a group of women are actively rushing to themselves, Wei Xiaobei feels that he is still somewhat unstoppable.

On the yacht, Wei Xiaobei, who is a little luxurious, has a little regret when he is on the yacht and boarding the island of Cosmo.

The stronger the strength, Wei Xiaobei feels that his leisure time is less, so the time to enjoy sitting on the yacht beach chair like this, I am afraid there will be less.

Well, this time is not the time to think about this.

The dock has been emptied, and the two teams of the Bosnian Royal Guards wearing blue military uniforms are on either side.

Wei Xiaobei just disembarked and stepped on Maras to welcome him with a group of officials: "Master, you are finally here."

Later, Tamaras began to introduce his subordinates to Wei Xiaobei.

As a possible Crown Prince, Tamaras now has the power and status of Resnia. As a military minister and a business minister, it is said that the emperor’s brother was violently thundered at several pre-meeting meetings.

Wei Xiaobei nodded, and did not say that the ceremony was too grand and soar. For Wei Xiaobei, if he needed it, he could make this ceremony even more grand.

After the welcoming ceremony, accompanied by the horses, Wei Xiaobei took a luxury bulletproof car and escorted by many bodyguard cars to the official residence of the island of Malawi.

Well, Wei Xiaobei can also see that the relationship between Tamaras and his brother is now like a deadly enemy.

From the pier to the official residence, just ten kilometers away, the team suffered three attacks!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei will not speak or do not act on the inheritance rights of the Bosnian.

To put it bluntly, to step on the current strength of Malas, wanting to assassinate it is simply impossible, and his emperor brother is just an ordinary human.

With such a comparison, you know who the final winner will be.

When the guardian Xiaobei met the special rebel ambassador, the emperor’s brother actually ran.

The emperor's brother probably did not figure out the situation, perhaps it was the step of concealing things too tightly.

When the emperor’s brother came over, he thought that the agreement signed by Malas and the special envoy of the big reef country was privately thought to have seized the handle of the marathon.

But when he broke through the steps of Malas, he entered the living room. When he saw Wei Xiaobei, his face was not so good.

He has already remembered Xiaobei’s appearance, but Tian Yuwen remembers it.

As the current head of Weijia Island, Tian Yuwen often has to deal with various departments of the Bosnian, so the emperor brother naturally recognizes.

But after watching Tian Yuwen standing behind Wei Xiaobei, a respectful appearance, the Crown Prince naturally understands who Wei Xiaobei is.

For now, in Resna, you know that no one can provoke people on Weijia Island.

The people coming out of Weijia Island are not ordinary people. In addition, the rumors about Weijiadao are even more household names.

But now, the Crown Prince’s appearance of guilty sinned into the living room. When he saw Wei Xiaobei, he knew that he would offend Wei Xiaobei.

After the murder of the Crown Prince’s strong suffocation, Wei Xiaobei pointed out that he was laughing and laughing.

How can it be that the Emperor wants to break in with the means of stepping on Maras?

This is a pit dug by the Maras to the Crown Prince!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knows that stepping Maras is undoubtedly trying to scare the emperor, let the other side converge, and don't make some unbreakable things.

As for the special envoy, after seeing Wei Xiaobei, he did not say anything, and immediately took out the prepared contract. The above terms are completely in accordance with the meaning of Wei Xiaobei, and the above has been covered with a large reef. The National Assembly signed a special seal.

Anyway, this matter is over, Wei Xiaobei is also a matter of letting go.

On the day of the night, Resnia received news that the Crown Prince was seriously ill.

Obviously, the emperor was frightened, and he was afraid of Wei Xiaobei’s revenge.

Wei Wei Xiaobei will care about him. After eating a family feast in the official residence of the Malas, he left the island of the island of Nussia by boat.

He originally planned to return to the home island, but the yacht was less than half the distance from Weijia Island and the phone rang.

The phone was called by Zhu Xinyi.

Huang Kun has an accident!

To be precise, it was seriously injured, and the shot was the Xiongnu cavalry.

Yes, it is the Huns cavalry!

Huang Kun is not leading a soldier in a special joint force. After receiving a small group of Xiongnu cavalry in a certain place and attacking a small town, Huang Kun took a company.

The composition of the soldiers of this special joint force is more complicated. Most of them are the gray-level practitioners appearing in the Chinese army. The small part is the core disciple of Weijiadao, and the other part is the gray-level practitioner who is recruited in the local area.

Under the practice of Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun, the strength of the members of this special joint force is not slow, and dealing with ordinary monsters can be said to be hand-to-hand.

The biological grades of the Xiongnu cavalry are mostly at the level of the two-star elite.

A small group of Xiongnu cavalry, the number is probably only 20 or 30 people. One company's special joint force plus Huang Kun, a creature with a four-star level, is simply a chicken knife.

Therefore, this time Huang Kun took the troops out, and more wanted to hone the soldiers of these special joint forces.

After arriving in the area, Huang Kun soon found traces of these Xiongnu cavalry, and when the other side attacked a village, the soldiers appeared. After some killing, only a few people fled the Xiongnu cavalry.

These Xiongnu cavalry were extremely brutal, and the place where they went was completely through the principle of killing the light and robbing the light.

Huang Kun was originally a **** young man. After seeing the tragic situation in the village, he wanted to kill all the Xiongnu cavalry and chased it up.

The result eventually caught up with the camp of the Xiongnu cavalry.

The specific combat situation, even the soldiers who grabbed Huang Kun are not very clear.

After all, Huang Kun rushed too fast. When the soldiers found Huang Kun, Huang Kun had already escaped some confusion.

In short, Huang Kun's chest was smashed by two knives, almost smashing the upper body into two halves. The most terrible thing is that the wound is poisonous and spread throughout the body.

Zhu Xinyi, even with the potion given by Wei Xiaobei, can only temporarily hang Huang Kun’s life.


After Wei Xiaobei hangs up the phone, he can't help but frown, and his heart is burning.

Wei Xiaobei is not an unreasonable person, but he is more guardian.

Huang Kun is his apprentice. It can be said that these times, Huang Kun is almost equivalent to his half son.

Imagine that my son was slashed and hangs up. What do you feel when you are in your heart?

Those Xiongnu cavalry should kill!

Not to mention that they attacked towns and villages on the land of China. They hurt Huang Kun, and Wei Xiaobei had to take it. (To be continued.)

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