The City of Terror

Chapter 1385: Concluding a covenant

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Later, the strange knife in the hands of Li Zuoguo crossed a cold light in the air, and fell to Wei Xiaobei.

Another four-star ordinary!

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but smile. The left hand stretched out and the **** came out. In the blink of an eye, I suddenly caught the falling knife!

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei’s move is in the eyes of others. It is very thrilling.

You must know that Li Zuoguo’s strange knife is not a general knife. Its knife edge is extremely sharp. Even if it is a battle with Yue Lei, its long guns will not touch it. Otherwise, the long gun will be strange. The knife is broken!

It is conceivable that if Wei Xiaobei is not careful, it is possible to cut off the finger and it is possible to directly remove one arm.

But let Li Zuoguo feel that the other side only has **** to clamp his own knife!

"Right, there is you, let's go together."

At this time, Wei Xiaobei wanted to rob everyone in one breath, lest there would be any moths in the back.

Wang Li, who was named by Wei Xiaobei, looked at the two people who were struggling to break their weapons from Wei Xiaobei’s hands. They could not help but sigh and insert the bronze sword in their hands into the scabbard. In the direction of Wei Xiaobei arched, Lang said: "Under the king, I don't know what the name of the adult, but since Li Xiong, Yue Di is not your opponent, Wang will not offer ugliness."

This king is so happy that it is what Wei Xiaobei did not think of.

Of course, this is not too strange.

At the time of the Warring States period, the generals’ requirements for martial arts were not high. The main focus was on the strategy of commanding the military and other forces. To tell the truth, it is rare for a person like Chu Bawang to force the world to come out.

Of course, this is also the reason why Chu Bawang was finally killed by Liu Bang.

Wei Xiaobei also saw that the king's biological level is probably Samsung's horror, but the powerful soldiers behind him are all Samsung's ordinary strength, and the morale is very good, even if you see yourself easily, Li, Yue two weapons were taken, and the look did not change.

This light can be included in the ranks of the strong army.

It is worthy of sweeping **, the Qin army unified in the world!

For Li Zuoguo and Yue Lei, at this time, they felt that the weapons in their hands could not move half a point, and they could not help but be shocked by Wei Xiaobei.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei slightly released a little momentum.

Wei Xiaobei's current momentum has a semi-god character. Any creature below the four-star disaster will be suppressed when Wei Xiaobei releases momentum, and even the morale will collapse!

Just like this, Li Zuoguo and Yue Lei felt that they were like Taishan's topping, and the whole body was shrouded in an incomparably vast momentum, and even the heart was full of panic.

As Wei Xiaobei had a loose hand, the two men immediately stepped back a few steps and almost couldn't hold the weapon in their hands.


This is the first impression of Li Zuoguo and Yue Lei on Wei Xiaobei.

"Great! I am not as good as Li Zuoguo."

"My Yue Lei admits defeat!"

The two knew that they had no power to fight back in front of Wei Xiaobei, so they quickly recognized the loss.

At this moment, Xu Feifei also slowed down. When he saw the two sides stop, the heart hanging in the air suddenly fell to the ground, and hurried forward, playing a round field: "This is my first Chinese master Wei Xiao Mr. Bei, this is the great Qin Qiang Junjun Wang Li, this is "

After Xu Feiyang helped the two sides introduce it, the atmosphere here suddenly became much better.

Subsequently, Xu Feiyang invited the various messengers to the new hotel.

After all, it has been destroyed almost, although it is caused by these messengers, but it is impossible to continue to live here.

I have to say that this ability to fly is still very strong. After a while, I transferred a few buses to let everyone ride.

Of course, the rebel army that Yue Lei brought was a cavalry, and he was not willing to leave the war horse, so he could only follow the bus.

The newly stayed hotel is still in the suburbs.

When I arrived at the ground, Wei Xiaobei looked at it and it should be a relatively high-end farmhouse.

He knows that Xu Feiyang is probably a helpless move.

If these guys go to a five-star hotel in the city, if there is such a big fight, I am afraid the consequences will be unimaginable.

In this suburb, the farmhouse, and no other people live, even if it breaks the sky, that is, some buildings are damaged, and it is always better than the heavy casualties in the downtown area.

After the previous contest, not only Wang Li, Li Zuoguo, Yue Lei and others became respectful to Wei Xiaobei, and even the messengers of the remaining forces became much more honest.

Even if the bus stops, when you get off the bus, you have to let Wei Xiaobei get off first, and they will get off.

When Xu Feiyang saw this situation, he understood that things had become.

As everyone stayed in the farmhouse, it was not long before the negotiating team of the Huaxia side came here.

It must be said that the members of these negotiating groups have no force. They are all highly motivated businessmen on the diplomatic front and are extremely good at competing for their own interests.

Since everyone is here, Wei Xiaobei also wants to end this matter early, so as not to waste his time. Therefore, he will give himself the identity of a negotiating conference host and convene several parties and the Huaxia Negotiating Group. Together, start negotiations.

To say that these ancient army's messengers, one by one, the military force is strong, and it is also a good hand to bring troops to fight.

Like this kind of negotiation, it is really not their dish.

Especially when everyone just sat down, the Huaxia Negotiating Group took out the prepared covenant herbs and sent one copy to each messenger.

This covenant herb is particularly intimate.

The herbal font for Daqin Qiangjun is Xiaoyan, Datang is Lishu, and Yuejiajun is Shushu.

In short, this herbal font is what they can understand.

But the font can be understood, the previous part is ok, probably can understand.

For example, Huaxia and certain army hope to strengthen the friendly relationship between the two sides and support the principle of mutual benefit. In order to further promote the close cooperation between the two sides, the two sides decided to conclude this treaty in order to safeguard the peace and security of both sides.

Well, probably means why everyone wants to conclude this covenant.

But after some terms, they don't understand it.

For example: "The two sides swear in the field of China's territory, if any party is attacked by force, the other party shall carry out insurance assistance in the nature of the treaty, material assistance, etc."

What is the nature of insurance?

Well, the messengers of the ancient army still don't understand this vocabulary.

The Huaxia Negotiating Group had to interpret them in a relatively simple language.

Wei Xiaobei also got a herb. After reading it again, he couldn't help but have a slight cold on his back.

Good guy, this is a big pit.

It is necessary to say that the esoteric language of Huaxia language is fully reflected here.

To put it bluntly, 90% of the provisions in this covenant are beneficial to China. If the covenant is really concluded, these ancient troops can only become Chinese thugs, um, subordinate.

For this, the IQ of Wei Xiaobei can be easily seen.

The problem is that the messengers of the ancient army will not work.

I said before that they are good at fighting, but they are completely out of touch with such things.

This is why, in ancient times, the military commander was always the reason for the civil official pit.

Look at the look of the messengers, and seem to be happy with these seemingly favorable terms.

As a result, the negotiations, which were originally scheduled for three days and three nights, took less than two hours, and the messengers ended the direct signing of the herbs provided by China.

The initial sign means that the messengers have endorsed the covenant of the covenant, but if they want to really conclude the covenant, they have to bring the herbs back, please use the head of the army to print!

Of course, even so, the members of the China Negotiating Group have some regrets.

I knew that these messengers were so fooled, and they should set the terms more favorable.

For the minds of these negotiating team members, Wei Xiaobei saw it clearly. When the negotiation was over and the banquet was held in the farmhouse hall, Wei Xiaobei called the leader of the negotiating team aside and smiled. Say something.

The general meaning of these words is that the terms can pass, and what is your main purpose? Let these ancient troops use it for themselves!

Don't be too greedy, know that the ancient army is not a good one.

Wei Xiaobei’s remarks made the negotiating team leader wake up.

Indeed, the other party is not a member of the modern civilized society, they are ancient troops.

To put it simply, even if it is a modern civilized country, if the treaties signed by the two sides are too much, people have the right to have a table.

Needless to say these ancient army.

We must know that the people in the ancient army are not all fools. In the process of implementing the treaty, once the other party feels that they are suffering too much, this trouble is not small.

Thinking of this, the leader of the negotiating team really thanked Wei Xiaobei with sincerity.

Wei Xiaobei is not very excited about this. His main purpose is to ensure that the covenant can be successfully signed and implemented.

In any case, Huaxia is also its own motherland. China can get the help of these ancient army, and the disasters suffered by the people will be much smaller.

Wei Xiaobei is not the kind of savior, the Virgin, but if he can help with one hand, Wei Xiaobei will not refuse.

The next day, the messengers began to return, and Wei Xiaobei and Xu Feiyang and even the members of the negotiating team began to send these messengers.

When Wang Zai, Li Zuoguo and Yue Lei appeared, they invited Wei Xiaobei to invite Wei Xiaobei to his side.

To say that Wei Xiaobei really wants to see Wang Hao, Li Yiye, Yue Fei and other heroes, but the three parties also invited, Wei Xiaobei does not have a split surgery now, what should I do?

In the end, Xu Feiyang helped out an idea. Please ask the messengers to go back first. After Wei Xiaobei, they will come to visit in turn. (To be continued.)

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