The City of Terror

Chapter 1391: The redemption of the indigenous gods?

Seeing the new "Taoguan", the poor road is quite gratifying, the new year is new, and for the poor road, everyone's subscription and voting is the best reward for the poor road.

Lowering the height, Wei Xiaobei temporarily entered the height of this strange power.

The height of this strange force is about 5,000 meters, but Wei Xiaobei feels very surprised after entering the scope of his coverage, just as the whole world is rejecting himself.

Wei Xiaobei even feels like an ordinary person has fallen into the water and is about to suffocate!

Taking a step back, after leaving the scope of this strange force, Wei Xiaobei spit out a long breath.

This situation is what he did not expect.

Wei Xiaobei can clearly judge that this strange force has affected the rules of the entire Blue Cotton Island!

To put it simply, this is like turning the Blue Cotton Island into another world. Some of its basic rules have changed a lot compared to the real world.

Can these five gods do this?

This is what makes Wei Xiaobei look at them quite.

Next, Wei Xiaobei carefully explored and reached a conclusion.

Due to changes in the rules, after entering the scope of their coverage, the strength will drop by 20%!

This is because they have reached the level of four-star disaster, if only four-star terrorist strength, the strength will drop by more than 40%!

It's really amazing!

With that said, the five gods almost transformed the entire Blue Cotton Island into another world!

In short, this is like the Aofu blessing.

After the opening of the earth, Aoki Fukushima has such an ability. Because of the different rules, the powerful creatures of other worlds will be suppressed to a considerable extent after entering, just as the whole world is rejecting itself.

After discovering this, Wei Xiaobei felt that he was still ignoring these indigenous gods.

Of course, the biggest problem is that Wei Xiaobei feels that he has stunned the power of the gods.

In the past, Wei Xiaobei felt that the gods were powerful together, but because of the dependence on the power of faith, in addition to the congenital gods born at the beginning of the earth, other gods who grew up by faith were easy to fall.

This made Wei Xiaobei reject Shinto from the first time.

But now, this **** has its own merits.

Just weakening the strength of 20% of their own, Wei Xiaobei feels that he can afford it.

Then Wei Xiaobei turned around the blue cotton island and carefully observed the coastal terrain of the Blue Cotton Island.

Wei Xiaobei soon found the only port on the island of Blue Cotton, the largest city on the island of Lanmian, the city of Blue Cotton!

Compared with the prosperity of the past, the blue cotton market at this time is particularly bleak.

In the urban area, you can see the unfinished fire everywhere. A large group of red-breasted indigenous people came down from a merchant ship full of cargo. They were excited to carry a sack, and the scimitar on their hands was already Dry blood.

These indigenous peoples should be the so-called gods of the gods.

Wei Xiaobei confirmed this after seeing the strange atmosphere of these indigenous people.

The only problem is that the language of these indigenous peoples is not an ancient indigenous language, but a modern indigenous language.

Of course, let Wei Xiaobei be able to determine this because the words spoken by the indigenous people are mixed with the names of some modern objects.

If these indigenous people come from the gray world with the gods, things like this are impossible.

This gave Wei Xiaobei a speculation that these indigenous people should be modern indigenous people, or that the indigenous people on the island of Blue Cotton were conquered by the gods!

After thinking about this, Wei Xiaobei quietly fell to the surface of the sea, then sneaked into the port from the sea, and quietly sneaked into the city while holding a team of indigenous people who watched the port.

After Wei Xiaobei sneaked into the urban area, all the way past, the scenes he saw were bloody.

The streets are full of broken cars, corpses lying on the ground, and some ashes left behind by burning wood products.

A team of indigenous people carrying knives and patrolling in the streets, residential quarters, etc., as long as someone was discovered by them, they will make a burst of exclaiming, surrounded by the past.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei soon saw several middle-aged men caught by these indigenous people.

To be said, these middle-aged men are similar to the indigenous people and are native indigenous people.

But the clothes between them are different in all aspects.

The indigenous people were all made in the skin of a simple leather, with a sharp machete on their hands and a grotesque pattern on their faces. The middle-aged men were obviously a group of white-collar workers with some dirty clothes. A suit, a tie, and even a middle-aged man carrying a briefcase.

But because of these differences, they have suffered the brutal beatings of these indigenous people.

One of the middle-aged men with glasses even hit the eyeballs and screamed on the ground.

Wei Xiaobei originally thought that these indigenous people would kill these white-collar workers directly on the spot. What he did not think was that after the indigenous people had beaten the meal, they did not use the machete to directly hack them, but tied them up. And they are leaving them to follow the street.

Wei Xiaobei can't understand the indigenous languages, but with some foreign words mixed in their language, plus Wei Xiaobei's horrible learning ability, he has been able to understand the small half in the blue cotton market. The meaning of it.

Those indigenous people probably meant to send these middle-aged men to the central square to accept the redemption of the gods.

The salvation of the gods?

Wei Xiaobei was in the heart, and then he followed it quietly.

In fact, this location is not far from the so-called central square.

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei saw the so-called central square, and its floor space was not enough to have more than 30 acres of land. At the entrance to the streets, they were all guarded by spears.

It can be seen that the indigenous people holding the spears are higher than those of the scimitars.

After seeing the spears of the indigenous people with a few middle-aged men in the past, they nodded one by one and became a lot more honest.

Wei Xiaobei was able to sense that the strength of the scimitar indigenous people, after attaching a strange atmosphere, probably reached the level of a star elite.

To be precise, it is similar to the elite veterans of the seven or eight years of the military, and the strength of the spears of the indigenous people is much stronger, reaching the two stars.

Wei Xiaobei saw the land and did not continue to follow the past. He could see that the center of the square was filled with strange and full-bodied atmosphere. He even had a hunch that if he followed the past and stepped into the central square, he would probably be found.

After all, it is a place for people.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei entered a building near the central square.

Obviously, this central square should be the most prosperous part of the blue cotton city and even the blue cotton island. Every floor of the building can see the famous company name, but now it is messy and can see the body everywhere. .

On the top of the building, everything in the central square fell into Wei Xiaobei's eyes.

At the center of the central square, five rock statues of more than ten meters high are erected. Wei Xiaobei sees the radiance of divine light above this statue.

From the perspective of the radiance of divine glory, the divine reserves in this rock idol are not too small.

Around the five rock statues is a circle of digging from the concrete floor. There are about three-fifths of the liquid inside, which should be human blood.

Quite simply, Wei Xiaobei saw a group of indigenous people standing by the ditch, holding a machete, and cutting off some of the humans beside them, cutting the blood from the broken neck and pouring it into the groove. Among them.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei felt that some of his back was cold.

The blood in this groove needs at least tens of thousands of talents to reach this level!

The bodies that were exposed to blood were quickly towed away by the indigenous people.

These gods actually play blood sacrifices!

This is what Wei Xiaobei did not think before.

To say that this blood sacrifice, Wei Xiaobei had research before.

In short, the blood sacrifice is good for the gods, and can quickly restore or enhance the power of the gods!

But the problem is that the blood sacrifice will also affect all aspects of the gods.

Of course, the existence of indigenous gods probably won't care about them. They should be the habit of blood sacrifice.

The middle-aged people who were caught before were also sent to the ditch.

The middle-aged people were scared to scream as they saw the broken body next to the groove and the blood inside.

Obviously, they are scared.

The problem is that those indigenous people have no plans to let them go, forcing them to squat down the ditch, they lifted a bright scimitar, and they cut down the momentum with a knife.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei saw a divine glory on a rock statue, and a red light fell on those middle-aged people.

Soon, the change appeared. The suits of the middle-aged people turned into flames and burned. They got a sigh of excitement and jumped up. Then they desperately took off their suits and trousers.

After the indigenous people saw this scene, instead of cutting the knife, they went down one by one and went to the statue.

Not long after, the middle-aged people suddenly appeared in a simple animal skin, and even the scimitars were ready for them.

Except for the slightly short hair and the unpainted color on the face, the rest is no different from those of the indigenous people.

At this time, the middle-aged people seemed to understand what they were, and hurriedly slammed toward the gods. They seemed to say thank you to the redemption of the gods.

Only the middle-aged man whose eyes were shot was still yelling, and Wei Xiaobei probably heard it. It should be what his wife had done by these indigenous people.

Therefore, he is not willing to worship this evil spirit.

Not much to say, a few indigenous people swooped up and slashed the middle-aged man's head.

Seeing here, Wei Xiaobei understood it. This is the so-called salvation.

As long as you are willing to return to the gods and become like the gods, then the redemption is successful.

If you don't want to, then become a dead body. To be continued.

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