The City of Terror

Chapter 1498: When is the monk?

A little sleepy, go to sleep first, everyone slowly read the book -

In fact, Zhang Xiaoxiong is also anxious. After staying at Weijia Island for so long, his family now does not know what is going on.

Fortunately, after this exchange, Wei Xiaobei finally agreed to go to Yingguo reinforcements and bring back Zhang Xiongxiong's family, but Zhang Shaoxiong also needs to join the Institute of Biology in Weijiadao to serve Wei Xiaobei.

This made Zhang Xiongxiong overjoyed and thought that it would be more difficult to bring his family to Weijia Island.

He would not think that his identity as a special envoy of the Eagle State is very bullish in front of Wei Xiaobei, and he is also relatively strong in the gray world.

The strong self has the pride of the strong, especially in this chaotic era, the power may not be able to suppress the strong.

For the existence of Wei Xiaobei, even if the Eagle Country is in its heyday, I am afraid that there is not much threat, not to mention the current chaos and the time when the military power is greatly damaged.

The only thing that makes Zhang Xiongxiong feel a bit puzzled and hijacked is that the reason he was seen by the other party would be his own college major, bio-gene engineering!

Fortunately, although the world is chaotic, but Zhang Xiaoxiong’s profession has not been left behind. There are quite a few scientific research successes on his own farm. Therefore, even for this reason, Zhang Xiaoxiong’s heart is still somewhat bottomless, and he will not worry that he is not enough. Later, people were shot out.

Since the sunrise gate was set, Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time. After Zhang Xiaoxiong was beaten to wait, Li Zhaoxing and others were called in.

This fashion is on Weijia Island and the disciples who can come over in a short time are only Huang Kun, Xiao Baiyu, Tian Yuwen, Li Zhaoxing, Zhang Tiantian, and the Prince of Maras is busy consolidating his position as a Crown Prince. This period of time was quite busy, and Wei Xiaobei did not notice.

When the five arrived, Wei Xiaobei took out the half-derelict Buddha's head from the storage ring.

See Wei Xiaobei take out a half-residual bronze head like an antique. Huang Kun and others have some doubts. Is it true that Master is preparing to open a treasure conference today?

But the next moment, if it came out, it would make Huang Kun and others stunned and could hardly believe his ears.

"People are here? Well, this time, for the teacher to get a treasure, you can open the magic."

Wei Xiaobei's eyes swept over the crowd, especially when he saw Huang Kun, he nodded and couldn't help but laugh.

For Wei Xiaobei, it is worthwhile for Huang Kun to suffer bitterly for a long time under the sputum. At least the hidden dangers in his body have been eliminated, and he does not have to worry about his own accidental headshot.

Turn on magic?

What the hell?

When Huang Kun’s disciples heard the words of Wei Xiaobei, they could not help but think that their ears had auditory hallucinations.

What is magical power, they know more or less, but when is the master able to open up the magical power to the disciples?

Don't be kidding, Master! Today is not April 1!

"Huang Kun! What? Don't you hear the teacher?!"

If you want to get the magical power of the half-residual Buddha's head, then you need to read the Diamond Sutra as required!

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei took the time to copy a batch of the Chinese version of the Diamond Sutra. Anyway, for the language, this half-dead Buddha's head is not required. No matter what language is used for reading, as long as the requirements are met, you can pass.

And Wei Xiaobei also noted the reading time under each sentence, which is also a great relief for them.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei took out a stack of diamonds and prepared them to let the disciples familiarize themselves first. When they came back from the Eagle Kingdom, they helped them formally enlighten the magical powers. The rest of the disciples came up to receive the Diamond Sutra, but Huang Kun was in the same place. Not moving, this made Wei Xiaobei unable to increase the volume.

Huang Kun was stunned by Master, but he reacted and hurriedly ran forward, leading a Diamond Sutra from Wei Xiaobei.

However, with the nature of Huang Kun, it is impossible to not spit.

While turning over the Diamond Sutra, Huang Kun began to vomit unconsciously on the side: "What happened to Master? Is it necessary to be a monk? We don't care if we are monks, but Master is so beautiful, go to be a nun. Master is willing to give up?"


Take Wei Xiaobei's ear force, not to mention that in this office, even within a hundred meters, such whispers can be heard clearly.

what is this?

Isn’t Huang Kun knowing what happened between him and Zhu Xinyi?

This made Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but feel angry. It seems that the month he stayed under Yan Yan, he couldn't correct his habit of squandering, but it became more serious.

Dare to spit in front of your own face!

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei immediately slap on the head of Huang Kun, playing Huang Kun dizzy.

"Master, what are you doing with me?"

Huang Kun’s face was slightly wronged and looked at Wei Xiaobei. He thought about what happened to Master today. Is it good for yourself?

Huang Kun’s middle-aged guy, thinking about something in his mind, showed up on his face. Wei Xiaobei knew that he couldn’t let this go. If he went on, the whole house’s eyes would come together. If you say it, it’s hard to say that you won’t let the disciples doubt anything. In that case, your face may fall to the ground.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not have the opportunity to continue to speak to Huang Kun. He took Huang Kun to his side and said that he would go to Yingguo and bring Huang Kun to let other disciples go out to do things.

See Master's words, the rest of the disciples did not dare to ask more, and then sneak out.

Huang Kun listened to Wei Xiaobei to bring himself to the Eagle Kingdom. However, he had some interest. The previous doubts were immediately transferred, and he followed the master and walked outside.

The man who was lying outside was waiting for some attention, and he was worried that things going to the Eagle Kingdom would change again.

Until Wei Xiaobei and Huang Kun appeared, Zhang Yixiong was relieved and hurried forward, smiling: "Mr. Wei, I have ordered the Elizabethan frigate to start fire, just waiting for you."

To say this, Zhang Xiongxiong still took some careful thoughts and wanted to use Wei Xiaobei to take it, lest the other party should make up any other moth.

Well, Wei Xin understands Zhang Xiong's mind, but he is not angry. If he is his own, it will probably be the same.

But then again, Zhang Shaoxiong came to Weijia Island this time. Although the Elizabethan frigate was very fast, it was always an ordinary ship. Although it was as high as 64 knots, it only had 27 knots when cruising.

In other words, from the **** of Weijia Island to the Eagle State outside Wanli, I am afraid that it is impossible to arrive in one week.

For such a slow transportation, Wei Xiaobei naturally cannot see it.

"No, let them go back slowly, you follow me."

Wei Xiaobei waved his hand and interrupted Zhang’s words. He gave Zhang Shaoxiong a few minutes to inform the frigate by satellite phone, and then took the two to a beach on the west side of Weijia Island.

Zhang Shaoxiong initially thought that Wei Xiaobei was preparing to take the plane, although it is very unsafe to take the plane now.

From the Eagle State to the Weijia Island, this route is full of strange flying monsters.

There are huge goldfish, big snakes with feathers, etc. When Zhang Xiaoxiong came over the frigate, he even saw the air battle between Angel and Chimera in the Red Sea!

The angels are all white, with two pairs of white wings behind them, which look sacred, and that Chimera has two heads on the body of the dragon, a lion's head and an eagle's head, which looks very incomparable.

The battle between the two sides, the rest of the wave even worse than the passing Elizabethan frigate.

It is conceivable that if you pass by the plane and go back, whether it is a passenger plane or a fighter plane, I am afraid that there will be some big troubles.

Just when Zhang Shaoxiong defended Xiaobei, the sea was about five or six hundred meters away from the beach, and suddenly there was a huge and dazzling blue light.

When Zhang Xiaoxiong opened his eyes, he saw a giant beast resembling a squid appearing on the sea.

"This is this"

At this time Wei Xiaobei had already mentioned Zhang Xiaoxiong, and his legs slammed on the sea and rushed to the behemoth.

When the three entered the giant beast, Zhang Xiaoxiong returned from the previous horror, and wanted to ask something, but worried that it involved the secret of Weijiadao, so he didn’t say a word for a long time. Words come.

As for Wei Xiaobei's behavior of being like a kitten, Zhang Xiaoxiong directly ignored it and did not notice it at all.

After issuing an order to the eagles in the direction of the Eagle State, Wei Xiaobei took out a few beach chairs and gestured for the two to sit down.

"If you want to ask, just ask."

Wei Xiaobei does not care about other countries or the forces know the existence of eDonkey.

It is not difficult to defend Wei Xiaobei’s understanding of space and biological genes, and to cultivate a few electric gongs. The only trouble is that this shovel needs to consume a large amount of material reserves.

"What is this giant beast?"

Although Zhang Shaoxiong wanted to suppress his curiosity, he finally failed to suppress it and asked.

"It's called eDonkey, and it can span thousands of kilometers in a flash."

Weihua, Huang Kun can't wait to say it, just like having a good toy and want to share it with friends.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not blame Huang Kun for his meaning. Although the character like Huang Kun is easily criticized and exposed to some secrets, it is not necessary to worry too much about the strength of Wei Xiaobei.

Besides, what if it is exposed?

This in turn can enhance the status of Weijia Island in the international arena and avoid unnecessary troubles.

To put it bluntly, such behemoths as eDonkeys should also be considered strategic weapons.

See who is dissatisfied, directly teleported to the other city, the other party did not even have a reaction time.

This is even more powerful than a nuclear bomb. 8

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