The City of Terror

Chapter 1502: Fearless Merlin!

To say that for Merlin's division, the poor road is still very fond of, Merlin's legend has been repeated over and over again, but unfortunately, the more like the role, the more the poor road likes to squat -

Hey, this dragon also dared to attack himself?

After many previous experiences, Wei Xiaobei's current strength is enough to despise the heroes on this battlefield. Therefore, the body shape of the 20-meter-long green dragon swooped down and did not give Wei Xiaobei a sense of tension.

Even Wei Weibei simply slammed his legs on the ground and rushed toward the green dragon.

To be honest, the green dragon made the reaction of Wei Xiaobei somewhat confused.

In the past battles, even those round table knights who were so powerful in humans did not dare to defend themselves in the face of the dragon's dive attack. The only thing they could do was to escape and escape the dragon's dive. After the horror dragon spurt out, at most, after escaping the dragon's breath, counterattack with a spear.

But this little bit does not mean that I have not escaped, but I rushed towards myself!

what's going on?

do not care!

The two sides quickly approached in the air, and after a short time, the distance was less than three hundred meters.

At this time, the green dragon also had rich experience in combat. At that time, there was no more thought about it. The giant mouth was opened, and a green liquid suddenly appeared in the throat. After a short time, it swung down toward Wei Xiaobei.

The green poisonous liquid just left the green dragon giant mouth and turned into a waterfall of countless branches. It fell toward Wei Xiaobei, and between the branches of the waterfall was a green poisonous dense fog. It can be said that it would be Wei All the escape routes of Xiaobei are blocked!

In the face of this poisonous dragon, the only choice is to fall quickly, and there may be a chance to live, but even so, there will be more than 90% chance of being poisoned by this poison. On, and thus quickly poisoned.

It can be said that in the view of the Green Dragon, he has already won the battle, and the small one below is even more powerful, and it is impossible to survive under his own poisonous dragon!

Can face the overwhelming venomous dragons, Wei Xiaobeifei but did not retreat, but instead speeded up, one end rushed into the poisonous dragon!

Almost all the people who are concerned about this battle, the dragon has a thought in mind, this guy probably does not want to live, let him find death?

In fact, among the people watching the battle, there are some big Eagles who have rushed to the back of the line of defense.

Huang Kun escorted Zhang Xiaoxiong's speed a bit fast. He worried that after he slowly escorted Zhang Xiaoxiong back, the enemies on the entire battlefield were robbed by Master.

Therefore, Huang Kun did not have too much time on the road. It was directly grabbed Zhang Xiaoxiong and squatted on his shoulders. He ran all the way. He walked through the edge of the battlefield in less than ten minutes before and sent Zhang Xiaoxiong to the rear of the line of defense. A command.

As the special envoy of the Prime Minister, Zhang Yuxiong naturally has relevant identification. He quickly borrowed the telephone from the headquarters and contacted the anxious Prime Minister.

To be honest, when the prime minister received a call from Zhang Xiaoxiong, some of them couldn’t believe their ears. Is this guy coming back? Also brought reinforcements?

Isn't the Elizabeth frigate just starting from Weijiadao?

Is this Zhang Shaoxiong a liar?

However, at this critical juncture, no matter whether this is a liar or a swindler, as long as it really comes back with the reinforcements!

Therefore, the Prime Minister’s adults rushed to the headquarters with a number of ministers.

At this time, the battle between Wei Xiaobei and the Green Dragon had just erupted, so the Prime Minister and the top executives really saw the contest between humans and dragons.

This is the reinforcements brought back by Zhang Xiongxiong?

Through the telescope, I saw that the human being rushed into the poisonous dragon's breath, and the prime minister couldn't help but sigh, and his eyes fell on Zhang Xiongxiong.

If this is the reinforcements brought back by Zhang Xiongxiong, then the rim city is probably unable to keep up. It is time to consider withdrawing from the issue of forming an exile government at sea.

The other ministers could not help but look at Zhang Shaoxiong with some anger, and even the economic minister spit on the ground.

Well, in their view, the brain-residual reinforcements brought back by Zhang Xiaoxiong completely ruined their own bright future. Just thinking about the life of leaving the country afterwards, these ministers were filled with anger.

Of course, rationally speaking, this kind of thing can't actually blame Zhang Shaoxiong, but at this time, the performance of the reinforcements brought back by Zhang Xiaoxiong had to let them vent their anger to Zhang Shaoxiong.

However, Zhang Xiongxiong is full of confidence, and he does not believe that Wei Xiaobei will hang in the poisonous dragon.

As for Huang Kun, at this time, he was not here at all. He has crossed the line of defense and entered the square of the longbowmen, setting off a storm.

Just when the Prime Minister considered the safer government on which warship the exile should be set up, there was a burst of exclamation in the command.

"What happened?"

The Prime Minister’s eyes swept over, but they found that everyone was holding a telescope and constantly making exclamations. This made the Prime Minister’s unconscious thinking of lifting the telescope and letting it go out.

Sure enough, things happened to make it impossible for everyone to flip.

At this time, a green figure has broken through the poisonous dragon's breath and rushed to the green dragon.

Well, for Wei Xiaobei, the feeling of rushing into the poisonous dragon is not very good.

You know, although he closed his breath, the skin pores of the whole body tightened, and a layer of thunder and lightning covered the whole body, which made the poisonous silk invade a little bit, but the poisonous dragon was too stinky, and the stock seemed to merge with the stinky salt. Fish, rotten tomatoes and even the smell of all kinds of moldy things slammed into the nostrils, let Wei Xiaobei vomit almost!

This kind of taste can be really uncomfortable, especially the poisonous liquid contaminated on oneself, directly brushing Wei Xiaobei into a green person.

Therefore, when Xiaobei rushed to the green dragon, there was no soft hand. He had not waited for the green dragon to react, and posted it, it was a solid punch in the belly of the green dragon.


The boring sound came, and the green dragon suddenly felt that his abdomen seemed to be hit by a giant siege cone, which caused pain and shock, and almost made it impossible to lift the wings.

But this is not the end. After a short while, Wei Xiaobei jumped on the head of the green dragon. With one hand inserted and pulled out, the scales on the top of the green faucet were smashed, and the green dragon was so high. Hey, the body struggled hard.

But then, Wei Xiaobei's number of fists squatted on the top of the green faucet, and even let the green dragon become honest.

No way, the green dragon is struggling more, then the fist of Wei Xiaobei’s fist is heavier. Even when the green dragon struggles the most, Wei Xiaobei’s fist almost smashed the green dragon’s head. Under such circumstances, this green dragon will not be honest.

"Target, the building!"

Wei Xiaobei pointed the direction of the green dragon and forced the green dragon to fly over the building.

The people who saw this scene in the headquarters could not help but be stunned. They could not believe that a human being could surrender a giant beast like the Green Dragon!

You know, in the previous battles, they didn't catch the dragon.

Once a red dragon was severely wounded, it was captured by the Eagles, but the Eagle Government was transferring various biologists, but it was never able to surrender the red dragon.

Until the red dragon died and the biologists had to regret to come to a conclusion.

That is, the only way to surrender these dragons is to surpass them in their personal strength and conquer them!

To put it bluntly, it is like the ancient herdsmen surrendering to the wild horses. After the wild horses are caught, they need to ride on their backs and let them jolt. Only when the wild horses run out of power and cannot chase the herdsmen from their backs, the wild horses will surrender. One truth.

Personal strength?

If the individual strength can surpass these dragons, can the Eagle Government still use the means to surrender these dragons?

Now, they do see a human being who will succumb to the dragon.

Therefore, after being dumbfounded, all the human beings in the commandment cheered up. Even the former Minister of Economy who spoke to Zhang Xiaoxiong’s feet seemed to have forgotten the previous unhappiness. He smiled and grasped Zhang’s hand and shook it. .

Well, Zhang Yuxiong naturally knows the faces of these politicians, and it is normal to change.

However, how did Mr. Wei ride the dragon to rush to a skyscraper?

Just when Zhang Xiaoxiong had some doubts, hundreds of fireballs were born on the skyscraper, and the face of the skull smashed toward Wei Xiaobei.

Seeing the appearance of these fireballs, Wei Xiaobei was not angry and rejoicing. From this point of view, the Merlin division did not escape.

Since there is no escape, then don't leave!

Wei Xiaobei's legs were lightly pressed, and they crossed the fireball over the rain. The figure was like electricity, and rushed toward a robes standing on the top of the building!

It is only said that Wei Xiaobei has left. The green dragon is complaining. The hundreds of fireballs in front of him seem to be only the size of a human head, but the green dragon can be keenly aware of the destructive power contained therein.

However, the scope of the Green Dragon's attack to escape these fireballs is not enough, so the Green Dragon can only bite the scalp and face the fireballs!


A series of explosions spread immediately, and the green dragons constantly flashed a group of fires, and the painful high-pitched voice of the green dragon.

Aside from the sad reminder of the Green Dragon, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are now firmly locked in the figure.

At about forty years old, his face was slightly handsome, his body was covered in a black robe, and his right hand was holding a magic wand.

It should be the Merlin division.

Well, some are not quite right?

Wei Xiaobei, who rushed toward the other side, suddenly felt a little bit wrong. The Merlin* saw him rushing down, but instead of panicking, he smiled at himself.

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