The City of Terror

Chapter 1504: If I smell

Sleepy, go to the meeting first, everyone worship. ——

For Wei Xiaobei, this is not a problem.

The true mercury that has been liquefied to silver and mixed with lightning is more effective than the internal gas in the lion's lion's lion!

What's more, Wei Xiaobei's creative combination of Bailian Shentong and this Buddha's lion cub is used together, but it feels exceptionally smooth at this time.

Just a big bang, a wave of rushing out from Wei Xiaobeikou, and the white thick fog that fell down was shattered in a blink of an eye.

However, the white thick fog always belongs to the extremely low temperature. Even if it is shattered, it will turn into a white space in the surrounding area. In the middle of the sky, countless snowflakes drift down the wind.

"If I smell it"

However, after being smashed and smashed by the Buddha, the frozen dragon's breath has completely failed to cause any harm to Wei Xiaobei. Even the soldiers around him feel that the whole body is cold, but they will not be frozen in the ice. in.

With Wei Xiaobei's first sound of Jingang through the export, the white lotus statue in his mind, with the brilliance, made Wei Xiaobei's body covered with a golden light.

At this time, even if Wei Xiaobei knew that he was about to become a Buddha, there was no room for retreat. He simply stepped on his legs and stepped on the air and slowly went up.

At this time, the white dragon saw that the frozen dragon's breath did not have any meritorious deeds. The anger of the heart was even more blazing. The acceleration was thrown at Wei Xiaobei and wanted to tear the other party into pieces.

Changed to a dragon of other colors, seeing Wei Xiaobei can easily dispel the dragon's interest, probably knowing that the other party is not good, and how much will be a little vigilant.

But this white dragon among the many dragons belongs to the most inferior intelligence, almost to the beast, so when they are raging, they are more likely to lose their sense of reason and vigilance.

It is impossible to estimate how powerful the enemy you will encounter!

When it accelerates to dive down, a soft voice that doesn't understand well is introduced into its ear. What is it?

Before the white dragon reacted, he was already immersed in the beautiful and soft voice. He slowed down the speed unconsciously. Finally, he swooped his wings and shook his tail. Its behavior and look, a detachment is a puppy that wants to please the owner!

"Too much of our dragon's face!" A red dragon who had just swooped into an air defense position and rushed to the sky again saw this scene and the nose was not angry.

"This stupid beast!" and another arrogant black dragon disdainfully looks at the behavior of the white dragon. There is no doubt that in the black dragon's eye, the white dragon with low intelligence is the real beast.

"The human being is weird! Everyone is careful."

A sly green dragon found the key to the problem, and even reminded other dragons.

The problem is that even with the reminder of the green dragon, the two red dragons that swooped down the white dragon before, also followed the white dragon's footsteps.

Of course, it must be said that the Red Dragon is much stronger than Bai Long in all aspects, whether it is strength, will or even overall strength. As a result, their voices in Wei Xiaobeikou are also more resistant, even As they slow down, they have a struggling look in their eyes.

However, after using the white lotus for several times, Wei Xiaobei has mastered some of the subtleties of this magical power, and the Buddha lion cub can improve the effect of this white lotus.

To be honest, if a group of giants plunged down, Wei Xiaobei’s mouth may be a lot worse. It’s hard to control a group of dragons, but now Bailong is controlled for the first time. Under the two red dragons, Wei Xiaobei just added a little bit of strength and tame them.

As the two red dragons were tamed, a white lotus was spit out in Wei Xiaobeikou, and he reached out and fed the white dragon, then he rode up.

After the two red dragons screamed at the lucky white dragon in their eyes, they began to fly alongside Bailong.

I have to say that this scene stunned the rest of the dragons who were hovering at high altitude.

Their huge brain capacity can't explain what is going on here?

Is the three dragons suddenly brain-dead? What is going on?

You know, in the cognition of the dragons, even the seven-ring spells are powerful and fascinating, and it is impossible to have a slight influence on the dragon.

Be aware that any type of dragon has a unique advantage in resisting mental spells.

Some of the dragons stopped thinking about launching an attack on Wei Xiaobei and became hesitant.

After all, this scene is too strange, the three dragons become like a puppy in front of a human being, which is too magical!

But the dragon, like human beings, has different personalities, has a quick mind, and has a fever in the brain, and can't see the situation clearly.

Next, there were three dragons of different colors that launched an attack on Wei Xiaobei.

As in the previous scene, after their dragon spurts were ineffective, the three dragons attempting to be close to each other were under the enhanced version of the white lotus, and became like theirs. Flying north is like a puppy wooing the owner.

Once again, the three heads of the same kind fell, which undoubtedly caused the dragons on the back of the scene to chill.

This is amazing!

Even the dragons have not seen such a situation after their long life.

Therefore, the blue dragon that flashed a slight electric spark in the whole body, when he saw Wei Xiaobei riding a green dragon and carrying a group of followers to fly toward him, he turned around decisively in the first time.

With the emergence of the first dragon to escape, the remaining dragons did not hesitate, just like opening the floodgates, they were out of control, and they turned around and fled.

In just less than a minute, the original dragon was still swaying in the sky, and the dragon that swooped and vomited a bit of horror from time to time was scared away by Wei Xiaobei.

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei is very satisfied with the performance of Bailian.

You should know that when I was in Tiewei Mountain, although he used a white lotus to tame a lot of iron beasts, those iron beasts were mentally inferior. It is hard to say how good the effect of white lotus can be seen.

But now, it is possible to tame six giant dragons in one fell swoop, which is enough to prove the magical effect of the white lotus supernatural power.

You must know that in addition to the white dragon, the dragons of other colors have absolutely more intelligence than humans.

It’s just that the dragon’s arrogance and arrogance have made this high level of intelligence not fully realized.

Of course, this is not to say that Wei Xiaobei has no other way to deal with these dragons except for Bailian Shentong.

As far as the individual combat level is concerned, Wei Xiaobei will not be afraid even if all the dragons that were present before are on the scene.

After all, the strength of these dragons is not too strong.

After those dragons fled, Wei Xiaobei used to see all the younger brothers who had taken over.

Name: Bailong Ole Stephen

Introduction: Ole Stephen is a white dragon of adolescence. Compared with its similarity, its intelligence level is slightly higher. Because it is not yet mature, it has only three rings below the ice. Western Fantasy Ice Spell

Weaknesses: flame, high temperature

Race: Dragon

Gender: Male

Age: 198 years old

Biological grade: four stars common

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: flying, slamming, nesting, western magic dragon language, collecting treasures, sleeping

Special skills: Western magic ice spells (below the three rings), cold ice, low temperature aura

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: 241 gold coins

Hey, after seeing his own property sheet of this white dragon, Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised.

To say that this is the first time that Wei Xiaobei saw the property list of the Western Magic Dragon.

As far as its biological level is concerned, it is still lower than Wei Xiaobei’s imagination. Although it is not yet mature, it should be weaker than the adult dragon, and the white dragon is the bottom of the dragon. This is even more so.

However, in the previous battles, Bailong’s fighting strength should be almost equal to the four-star elite.

In particular, its attributes are almost full of the average strength of four stars.

Well, maybe this is the talent of the dragon. Even if it is only the four-star ordinary strength, its explosive power can reach the level of the four-star elite. Well, it is the worst four-star elite.

The remaining dragons, the property sheet looks just a little stronger than this white dragon, and in special skills, the Western Magic Ice spells are replaced by Western Magic Flames, etc., but their common skills. It’s almost the same, what collects treasures, what sleeps, this is similar to the dragons described in European myths and legends.

Wei Xiaobei watched his own spoils, and from time to time put a white lotus popping out of the mouth into these dragons.

This is also a helpless thing, the mouth white lotus supernatural powers are not always able to produce white lotus, each generation of white lotus needs Wei Xiaobei to recite enough scriptures.

In this way, if Wei Xiaobei wants to completely conquer these six dragons, it will take a little time.

At this time, seeing the dragon in the sky was conquered by a human being, and the rest of the dragons escaped the light, this scene suddenly let the human soldiers who had been struggling to collapse on the ground cheered together.

They have not seen hope before and have become promising, so the morale has been greatly enhanced, and then they have launched a rapid attack against the ever-promoting longbowmen!

On the other hand, the Knights of the Round Table, in the attack of Xiaobei, hanged two round table knights, injured several people, and the original full confidence was suddenly hit, especially those long-handeders who were advancing, and the pikemen also found The end of their own commanders, their morale can not help but fall a lot.

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