The City of Terror

Chapter 1515: Confuse

Because of the Internet, I was so angry that I didn’t sleep well yesterday. After I got the network, I was sleepy. Hey, now the speed of fiber optic network is fast, but when there is a problem, it is a big trouble. For fiber optics, it takes a couple of years to buy a light cat. It takes two and a half years to get a problem. The original broadband cat has not been used for seven years. Is this a human heart issue or a quality issue? ——

Seeing the red-faced and smiling two people, before they even opened their mouths, Lancelot’s temper exploded: “What are you doing here? Is it my joke? Roll! Roll!”

Well, under the sudden emotional changes, Lancelot broke out and screamed at the two round table knights.

In the face of the sudden outbreak of Lancelot, the two also stunned, but after returning to God, the two men also rushed out of a rag.

Although Lancelot’s life and status are higher than the two, what is the Round Table Knight? Equal to each other!

The behavior of Lancelot is undoubtedly an insult to both of them.

Therefore, the two round table knights did not have much to say, turned and left.

Looking at the figure of two good friends who left in an angry way, Lancelot couldn't help but cry, crying so sad, and a little regret.

There is no doubt that Lancelot is also a bit sensible at this time, but for him, he is also really trying to retain two good friends.

Wei Xiaobei, who has been hiding in the dark, is a bit embarrassed.

To say that Wei Xiaobei was trying to find a leading party.

After gradually learning about some of the situation in the Arthurian camp, Wei Xiaobei discovered that the trip to the Eagle Kingdom may not be as easy as one might imagine!

the reason is simple.

From the historical point of view, the King Arthur did not feel very powerful. Even in myths and legends, the power displayed by him was at most the ordinary level of Samsung. It was too far away from the ancient emperors of China.

But from a higher level of analysis, the King Arthur in the ancient British is the status of the Hua Xiu Xuan Huang Di, who defeated many enemies and unified Britain.

From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to call it the son of the ancients of ancient Britain.

And the existence of such a presence, the bottom of the card, I am afraid not less.

In fact, it is clear to carefully calculate it.

After King Arthur was born, he was sent by his father, Uzza, and raised in a family of noble knights.

The stone sword that was pulled out after it grew up is a lake fairy.

Regardless of the hatred of King Arthur or his character, the Knight of the Modred is undoubtedly the first choice.

A guy who is as thoughtful as Modred and has great ambitions, perhaps giving some sweetness, can be hooked up and become the nail that Wei Xiaobei buried in the King Arthur camp.

But now Lancelot seems to be more suitable as a nail.

The reason is very simple. Lancelot's brain is much worse than Modred. It is better to play with it. The most important thing is that it is now almost in a situation where there is no way to go. The cost of attracting is lower than that of Modred. .

After all, in the character of Modred, it is not honest to find someone to be a patron, even if it is conquered, once there is a chance, it will probably immediately rebel, put a knife in the back of Wei Xiaobei .

Lancelot’s crying turned from high to low, intermittent.

The knights around them couldn't help but look at each other. I have to say that this is a bit too awkward.

His own master, formerly known as the first person of the Round Table Knight, Lancelot of the eighth dynasty of Christ now cried so miserly, and did not know that the Lord’s Lord had come back to God and knew that these people saw his weak side. What will happen.

Lancelot was immersed in his own grief. He didn't know what he was going to do at this time. His future was awkward and he could not see a little hope.

"Lancelot, Lancelot"

Suddenly, a soft, very intimate voice rang in Lancelot's mind.

Lancelot didn't pay attention at first, maybe one of the two friends, maybe other round table knights. In short, no matter who it is, Lancelot, who has fallen into his complex inner world, is not going to pay attention. .

But as time went by, the voice became louder and louder in my mind, so that Lancelot had some headaches.

"Who? Who!"

Lancelot could no longer ignore this voice, and consciousness returned to reality. His eyes swept around, but he did not find a semi-personal shadow. The knights had left from Lancelot and were busy cooking. After all, their strength is only about Samsung's ordinary, but unlike Lancelot, even if it doesn't eat or drink for days and nights, it won't feel too hungry.

As a result, Lancelot was shocked and could not help but shouted loudly.

"The sound is too loud. Do you want to be laughed at by other round table knights?"

That voice seems to laugh.

At this point, Lancelot discovered that the sound actually sounded from his own mind!

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Lancelot's voice then lowered, and whispered back.

"This is right, I am here to help you."

Lancelot listened to the sound coming from his mind, and his frowning brows gradually relaxed, and his face brought some joy, even after the arrival of a few intoxication.

In the end, Lancelot slowly fell asleep, and even the knights did not find it until the knights gave birth to fire and cooked, only to find out.

Of course, these knights did not dare to wake up Lancelot, only to wait.

Behind the grove, Wei Xiaobei was slightly relieved, and then the half-residual Buddha's head flashing a glimmer of light was included in the storage ring.

I have to say that this half-resident Buddha's head carries the ability to use this ability, which is quite tiring.

To say that when people use this ability, it is best to face each other with the help of a white lotus, and thoroughly turn it into a mole.

But Wei Xiaobei also knows that if he appears in front of Lancelot, hehe, even if Lancelot is a fool, he can't believe Wei Xiaobei's words.

After all, this white lotus is just a small magical power of Buddhism, and Wei Xiaobei is also practicing the realm of Xiaocheng. It is still not too powerful to deal with the existence of a four-star elite like Lancelot.

The man-made shackles are the ability of the semi-resident Buddha's head to carry. The bronze Buddha's head is half-dead, and it is conceivable how strong the ability to be a human being.

The combination of the two, against the deep hostility of Lancelot, is not acceptable.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei took no time to take advantage of the ability to artificially connect with the soul of Lancelot first. After that, he used the white lotus, and he took the two-pronged approach, and took advantage of Lancelot’s heart. At the beginning, I finally planted a seed in the heart of Lancelot!

When Lancelot wakes up from his sleep, he will convince Wei Xiaobei's words to a certain extent, and Wei Xiaobei will work harder, use the mouth white lotus, and let people indulge some of Lancelot. Thoughts, then in a few days, Lancelot will regard Wei Xiaobei’s words as a standard!

Of course, this is just the beginning. This is the end of man-made, but it can truly transform the intelligent creature into a monk!

And this monk is not the kind of parallel imports, at least to the extent of carrying the classics of Buddhism!

In other words, if this thing is used well, there is no problem in mass production of qualified people.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei does not have to play so deep, and turns Lancelot into a monk. It is only necessary for Lancelot to listen to his own words.

At about 10 o'clock the next morning, the sun has moved towards the center. For Britain, today is a rare sunny weather.

The soldiers in the military camp also woke up from their sleep and were busy.

On the grove side, Lancelot, who was still asleep, woke up, and several knights who had been stunned by the night and night had sent the prepared breakfast.

I have to say that the Cavaliers can not do this kind of career, not only to help the Cavaliers to brush horses, to clean armor, to fight, etc., but also to serve as a servant for cooking, to be honest, if replaced by modern humans, probably very few Someone can eat this kind of suffering.

But these knights are full of pride in their profession.

Indeed, the Cavaliers are not ordinary people can be on the list!

Usually, every knight, the so-called military aristocrat, the knights around them are noble children, and many of them left their homes at the age of seven or eight and came to the Cavaliers.

But this is not without benefits.

These knight attendants are actually knights in reserve!

When they get the approval of the Cavaliers and then loyal to a lord, there is a good chance that they will be sealed. Although this is probably a small village, from then on, the knight attendant will become a knight. Become a true aristocrat.

You must know that the inheritance of the nobility is usually inherited by the eldest son everywhere, and the other children of the noble family can only get some money after the elder brother inherits the title, and then they need to travel for their future.

Being a knight attendant is undoubtedly the best career choice for these noble children.

Therefore, even in the middle of the night, these knights did not complain at all, and still served the Lanslot Knights.

The reaction of the Cavaliers after they woke up made the knights feel a bit weird.

His hands were together, and he went to a few knights to give a ceremonial ceremony. Then he took up a bowl of white noodles and drank it. As for the barbecue next to him, he did not move.

Seeing this scene, several knights couldn't help but see, then a slightly daring knight attendant could not help but ask: "Lancelot, this barbecue is baked with honey, tender, you try? ”

According to the past habits of Lancelot, this barbecue has already been grabbed up.

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