The City of Terror

Chapter 1522: Space gap

Suddenly, the temperature suddenly rose sharply. The poor road was still wearing a sweater. As a result, it was hot enough to sit in front of the computer.

When the gray world practitioners wear the dragon egg fragments on their bodies, they will find that their abilities have improved.

As the gray world practitioners began to collect such dragon egg fragments, the dragon hills suddenly became lively, and it gradually became a deformed bustling place, and humans of various occupations may appear here. .

Some of them are looking for dragon egg fragments, while others are for trading.

Of course, those who are in the gray world do not know that the dragon egg fragments have such a magical power, mainly the egg liquid on which the dragon is contaminated.

After all, the egg whites in the dragon egg and the egg yolk are rich in magical elements, which makes the egg shells somewhat different.

Of course, the promotion of the egg shell to the gray world is only limited to the lowest level.

Once the strength of the gray world's experienced players is raised to the second star, the dragon egg fragments are of no use.

But to know that in this world, most of the gray world practitioners may not have reached the ordinary strength of the two stars!

In addition, every year, because of various reasons, people who have entered the gray world to become experienced people, the one-star elite level occupies an absolute majority in the gray world practitioners!

For the gray-level practitioners of the one-star elite, it only takes a long time to wear the dragon egg fragments to increase their strength to the two-star ordinary, and do not have to enter the gray world to risk their lives to fight the battle, thus completely open and ordinary The distance between human beings has become a person to become an elite in mankind. What a temptation!

Of course, the dragon egg fragments are always limited.

Therefore, after being unable to find the dragon egg fragments for a long time, it also quickly fell back from the malformation of the deformed, and became a paradise for the shepherds.

Well, all this is happening in the future, and at this time Wei Xiaobei is on the road while sorting out the information collected from Lancelot.

It is now clear that Master Merlin returned to the army and, after setting the tone of return with the Knights of the Round Table, he left in a hurry.

At this time, the army led by the Knights of the Round Table was on his way back to the home of King Arthur.

And because Lancelot was further influenced by the power of Buddhism, he also informed Wei Xiaobei of the location of King Arthur's nest.

To be honest, before this, Lancelot was not willing to tell Wei Xiaobei about the situation of King Arthur because of his friendship with King Arthur and even the spirit of the knight.

Now, Lancelot is willing to tell Wei Xiaobei about the position of King Arthur's nest. How much change can be imagined here.

After waiting for Xiaobei to know the position of King Arthur’s nest, he praised his foresight.

To be precise, King Arthur's nest is located in Lake Lincoln, in the west of Britain.

But if the former Wei Xiaobei ran like this, I am afraid it is impossible to find King Arthur!

Because Arthur’s Uther Castle is not in reality, but in a space gap in a certain place in Lake Lyken!

This is the credit of Master Merlin.

After knowing that real humans have mastered some kind of powerful weapon of fear, Master Merlin managed to do this.

This is also the reason why the eagle government wants to launch a nuclear attack, but even the shadow of King Arthur has not been found.

A castle in the middle of the space, even if the Eagle Government opened up every inch of land in the country, I am afraid that it is impossible to find the castle.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is also the first to hear the term space gap.

Lancelot, who had been to Uther Castle, introduced the Uther Castle in a compliment, in his words he had never seen such a magnificent castle.

Simply put, that space gap is somewhat similar to the existence of spatial cracks mixed with independent spaces.

Wei Xiaobei guess is a special space formed by Master Merlin after expanding the space cracks with special methods.

To say that Master Merlin can do this, Wei Xiaobei is not surprised. After all, the other is the first mage among the legends of Britain. If this is not possible, it is called the first mage.

But in any case, since the founder of King Arthur’s nest was found, Wei Xiaobei did not follow the plan behind Lancelot and others. Instead, he used his mobile phone to bring up the map of Britain and find the direction. The county rushed quickly, but instead left the group of knights far behind.

When Wei Xiaobei arrived in Lake Lincoln, what he saw was a little surprising.

Originally thought that this is the base camp of King Arthur, it must be a charcoal, a mess.

But Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are seen by a large number of human beings who are reclaiming fields and planting crops.

Among them are not only the ancient Britons with a strong gray atmosphere, but also the real humans of Britain.

The only difference is that some of the British real people stood near the soldiers who were armed with long guns, while the ancient Britons did not supervise.

Well, considering that the era of King Arthur was a society of slavery, it is not surprising that this scene has taken place.

The real human beings who were captured by King Arthur acted as serfs, and they needed constant labor to be able to switch to a food that barely filled their stomachs.

Don't be fooled by the performances in those movies and TV shows.

The ancient king of mercy is also in need of money to supply the army and maintain its rule.

Moreover, these real human beings are descendants of the enemy of Arthur, and it is normal for them to act as serfs.

The only problem is that most of these real humans have never done farm work. Even the farmer who runs his own small farm once used a tractor to run on his own field instead of holding a **** as he is now. field.

It can be seen that almost all the real human beings are exhausted, the body is extremely weakened, and even some people dig and dig and fall to the ground, never get up again.

The soldiers who supervised the work on the side seemed to have seen such a situation. They walked over with laughter and laughed. They used a long gun to provoke a real man who had not yet suffocated, and then plucked the body and threw it into a nearby river. .

To say that these real human beings are also sad.

In the past years, they were all lawyers, accountants, officials and even white-collar workers in the city. They were also the craftsmen in the town, gas station employees, farmers, hotel attendants and so on.

But now, their unified identity is the serf of King Arthur!

There is no power, only the obligation to work for King Arthur, until death, not even a graveyard, directly into the river, into the food of fish and shrimp.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not have much time to feel lamented here.

Master Merlin is undoubtedly going back to Uther Castle to find Arthur's King, and Wei Xiaobei needs to find Uther Castle as soon as possible to see the realism of King Arthur and prepare for the next battle!

In the past, what Wei Xiaobei saw was that this Lake District has become a huge farm.

Numerous real people who have been arrested from various places are constantly reclaiming fields. The towns along the way are still good. Because they need to act as serfs, they have not suffered too much damage. Even some bloodstains have been cleaned up.

But the cities I saw were completely destroyed.

The high-rise buildings were pushed down to the ground, and the ground of the concrete road was taken off, revealing the mud foundation underneath, and these mud foundations were quickly reclaimed and planted with crops.

In other words, King Arthur is now helping the Eagle State Government to completely de-industrialize!

In those cities and even suburban factories, the warehouses were also razed to the ground.

Of course, it cannot be said that King Arthur’s approach is wrong.

A person's approach may be wrong in the eyes of others, but it may be correct for himself.

King Arthur did not understand the usefulness of those factories and even skyscrapers. His idea might be very simple. These buildings accounted for too much arable land. It was too wasteful. It would be better to push them all down and become more practical. .

Of course, it is precisely because of this that Wei Xiaobei did not spend too much time to find the location of the Uther Castle.

That is the capital of Lake Lyken, Lycan!

This is probably the only city that has not pushed all buildings into fields.

It has become an endless military camp.

The ancient soldiers who lived in the skyscrapers and trained in the streets looked quite novel.

Around the city, patrols led by the Knights of the Round Table patrol back and forth, and any creatures close to it will be killed.

It’s not difficult to sneak in the strength of Wei Xiaobei.

When Weibei rushed to the center of the city, he discovered that the buildings here were still flattened.

Standing on an office building, Wei Xiaobei was able to see a door erected on the central square where it was enlarged.

Well, in a nutshell, it is a red light door, more than ten meters high, faintly visible through the light door to stand behind a tall castle.

And around the red light door, there were no soldiers guarding.

Switched to a more reckless guy, probably went straight to investigate.

But Wei Xiaobei is different. He keenly felt that there were some unusual magical fluctuations around the red light door.

After a careful observation, Wei Xiaobei discovered a large number of magic runes inscribed on the ground in the center square around the red light door!

These magic runes are not simple goods, Wei Xiaobei knows their bottoms through all things.

These magical runes are inscribed by the Master Merlin, which constitutes a complex magical array of warning, defense, and killing.

To put it simply, there is no permitted creature. As soon as you enter this magical array, the first time will trigger a warning and be attacked by the magical array!

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