The City of Terror

Chapter 1524: ,unexpected surprise

Go to sleep first, everyone is going to worship -

In the eyes of the magician, as long as there is no magic effect in it, it is within the normal range.

Therefore, the value of the mage did not interfere with the interference, of course, he has no way to interfere with this situation, can only report upwards.

The only trouble was that Lord Merlin was in a meeting with King Arthur and other high-level officials, so the news could not be passed to Master Merlin for a moment.

As the number of pigeons invading the square continues to increase, the spells released by the magic array are constantly increasing and constantly upgrading.

At this time, the magic runes that make up the magic array have risen from the ground. Countless flames, poisonous fog, and lightning are intertwined in the sky, turning the square into a place of death.

Not long after, the value of the mage could not sit still, and several magical runes showing the level of magical energy reserves in front of him had emerged red light, and the energy was about to dry up!

When there was no equivalent day, the mage figured out what should be done. A sudden burst of sound broke out in the square, and he saw that the magic runes on the square burst themselves, turning into an endless fire that blended into the previous magic effect. , made the final contribution to the previous magic symphony to climb the peak.

Just like this, the magic square over the sky is like a nuclear bomb explosion, the violent shock wave mixed with endless fire completely lost the constraint, rushed out in all directions!

For a moment, the building at the foot of Wei Xiaobei was violently swaying in the violent shock wave. At the same time, all the decorations in the building spontaneously ignited, and the concrete body of the building began to red, making the steel bars inside. And so on, the metal melts into a hot molten iron.

After losing the binding force of the steel bars, the building quickly appeared numerous cracks from the inside to the outside. In just half a second, it suddenly collapsed and turned into countless gravel, which was blown out by the subsequent shock wave.

In fact, this building is just a portrayal of the buildings around the square.

If you look at it from a high altitude, you can see that a ring of red-hot gas-like shock waves spread out like a water ripple, and those buildings are like sand, which quickly breaks and turns into gravel.

The buildings farther away are mixed with flames, and the shock waves of the gravel are directly riddled with holes, and suddenly collapse in a few seconds.

In just a few seconds, the buildings centered on the square and the radius within a few kilometers collapsed, turning into countless gravel mixed in the shock wave.

The buildings within a radius of three kilometers were still cracked after being hit with holes, and some of the gravel was taken away by the shock wave and continued to rush toward the periphery.

As for the buildings with a radius of five kilometers, they are all screened.

In this range, the impact wave was greatly weakened by the continuous destruction of buildings along the way, but the buildings five kilometers away were almost ruined.

As for the flammable materials in this range, they are ignited, and some gas cans, cars, wires, and the like become a sea of ​​fire, and the molten iron drops can be seen everywhere.

Well, those ancient British troops stationed in this area are even a big mold, it is a disaster of heaven.

In addition to several quick reactions, the far-away round table knight escaped, and the remaining soldiers and even the round table knights turned into coke!

This is not an ordinary mixed fire, gravel shock wave!

It also mixes the magical elements of incomparable violent!

Magic elements such as flames, toxins, wind, sand, smoke, etc. are almost all inside.

It can be said that even if Wei Xiaobei stepped on the air and slammed into the sky at a high altitude, I am afraid that it will be hit hard in this sudden magical explosion.

To be honest, even Wei Xiaobei did not think that the big bang of a magic square in the district would have such great power!

The power of this big bang is that Merlin's magical use of magic projections to count their own times more than a hundred times!

Well, even now that the magical bang has stopped, Wei Xiaobei can see the black space cracks that appear from time to time on the square below. These black space cracks are like small fish, swimming irregularly in the air. Anything that is passed through it will be split into two halves without any indication, and the profile is smooth and sleek, like a mirror.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but **** a cold air.

To say that the creation of a space crack, for the current Wei Xiaobei, is a small matter.

The problem is that the space cracks like the following, the number of thousands, sometimes appear, sometimes disappear, and still wander around this situation, can only explain a problem.

The space here is so unstable that there is such a horror.

To put it bluntly, the space here is like a glass with a lot of cracks. Although the space has the ability to recover spontaneously, the space is too unstable and the space cracks are constantly appearing and spreading.

In short, this magical array set by Master Merlin is indeed extraordinary.

Now, in this situation, Wei Xiaobei is not very convenient.

Although Wei Xiaobei can now avoid those space cracks and even resist the cracking of space cracks in a short time, the problem is such a big movement, I am afraid that everyone inside is alarmed.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei will quietly hide into a slowly moving white cloud, but attention is still focused on the bottom.

Ok, everyone in the space gap is really alarmed.

Can't be alarmed.

In the magical explosion, a considerable part of the power was directly poured into the space gap!

The poor and sad Mage Master even turned into a ashes without even having to get out of the police.

It can be said that the Uther Castle in the space gap is like a mouse hole being poured into magma.

The explosive power generated in the enclosed space is far beyond the open space.

Therefore, for a moment, in addition to the magic shield that Merlin's mage bursts in an instant to protect a part of the space inside the Uther Castle, the rest of the place becomes a flame, and the shock wave is raging.

Even the Knights of the Round Table have suffered heavy losses in this disaster, even death!

As for the elite soldiers who guarded the castle, they were swept away and turned into ashes.

For King Arthur, the most terrible situation is not these, but the entire space gap under such impact, it has become unstable, and the space cracks appear even more than the space cracks in the square!

But then again, this is normal.

This space gap was originally not a normal, stable space, but only the Merlin Master used the original instability of this space to open up.

Now that it has been attacked by the magical explosion, this space gap can be stabilized and blamed.

Wei Xiaobei originally thought that it would take a while for the people inside to come out, but I didn’t expect that in just ten minutes, a group of wolf-stricken guys got out of the seemingly solid red light door. .

There are about 30 people in the group, one of them wearing a plate armor, wearing a crown, carrying a long sword with a slight golden light, and the red cloak behind him was burned off. The original bright plate was cloth. Filled with traces of smoke and fire, it looks particularly embarrassing.

Undoubtedly this is King Arthur, and the black robe mage around him, needless to say, Master Merlin, in addition, the rest are round armor knights wearing armor, but at least one third of them are dying, half body Jiaozuo, a few want to dying, need to help the companion, carrying, and the other third is also lack of arms and broken legs, in a heavy hit.

As for the Knights of the Round Table hanging inside, I don’t know how many.

In this way, the Knights of the Round Table under King Arthur can be described as a heavy loss, and there are still ten people who still have combat power.

What happened?

At this time, King Arthur was a slap in the face. He was originally discussing with the Merlin Master and even some of the closest round table knights. Who would know, suddenly there was a disaster.

The Knights of the Round Table guarded in the Uther Castle lost most of the time and the soldiers were completely destroyed.

It was only after the escape of the space gap like **** that King Arthur had time to ask Master Merlin.

At this time, Master Merlin looked bitter, although it was sudden, but he did know what was going on.

It took a few months of hard work and consumed a myriad of precious materials to explode, which caused this irreparable disaster!

How do you tell King Arthur this kind of thing?

Could it be that the magical array that was originally used to protect the space between defenses exploded?

In that case, King Arthur would probably spit out an old blood.

Ok, to be honest, Master Merlin also wants a spurt of old blood.

But this thing can't be said or not, even if I don't say it now, King Arthur will come back to God, and this thing can't be stopped.

Just as the Merlin Master was in a dilemma, he suddenly felt the danger in the sky!


The sound of a bowstring vibration came out, and an arrow broke out from the white clouds. In a flash, it was shot at the King Arthur and his party who stepped out of the red light door!

The arrow left the white cloud less than a hundred meters, and it instantly burned up and turned into a fire dragon with a claw and a claw!

Master Merlin’s reaction was not slow. The right-handed staff was lifted in one fell swoop, and even a layer of yellow mask rose from the ground. Numerous soils spread like yellow water along the yellow mask.

Within a short half-time, the yellow reticle turned into a thick and earthy structure, and the next moment of magical brilliance flashed on the earth cover, and the earth hood immediately turned into a rock structure!


The arrow of the arrow is extremely fast, and it hits the rock cover in a blink of an eye. Suddenly, the fire is shining, and the rock cover suddenly bursts into the red color of the fire dragon. The numerous magma runs along the cover. As soon as it ran down, the yellow mask came out again, blocking the incomparably explosive explosion. 8

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