The City of Terror

Chapter 1530: Death of King Arthur

This copy is finally a sigh of relief at the end of the poor road -

Time passed by, because the dragon was packaged into the Qingmu blessed land by Wei Xiaobei, and the loss of the King Arthur was heavy, this round of the city has become calmer for a while.

As soon as this external threat disappeared, the unique habits of human beings and even the instinct of infighting broke out.

In a few days, the prime minister’s adult appeared to be a bit sloppy and found Wei Xiaobei.

The problem here is that many Members have tried to intervene in the dragons that Wei Xiaobei conquered.

There is no doubt that the value of the dragon's gadget is so much that everyone understands.

Whether it is its powerful strength, or its body is extremely valuable!

If you think about it, you know, if anyone has a dragon, what kind of status and power will there be in this chaotic world?

Not to mention taking dragon blood from the dragon, dragon scales and other things to study, cracking the secrets of the dragon, researching the potions that allow humans to gain the power of the dragon, etc. Just think about it. Can make people crazy!

Although, with the current level of science and technology of mankind, it is not always possible to study the medicinal agents that make human beings become giant dragons, but it is already tempting to let humans have some of the power of the dragons!

Therefore, those members of the legislature began to attack the Prime Minister with the banner of inheriting the dragon into the state.

In their words, since the dragon appeared on the land of Britain, it belongs to the wealth of Britain. How can a small foreigner Wei Xiaobei steal the wealth of Britain!

After listening to the Prime Minister’s remarks, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but sneer: “Well, they have to collect it and take it away. It’s a coincidence that I think the dragon is going to eat me poorly.”

Hearing Wei Xiaobei said that the Prime Minister’s adult was still talking about it, and he could not help but be anxious.

We must know that the Prime Minister’s adult can still sit in this position in such a chaotic situation, and can command the country to rely on the dragons!

It can be said that whoever has the dragons has a sense of orthodoxy.

Once the dragon was taken away by the members, the position of the prime minister was probably not stable.

"No, no, Wei, you haven't understood the seriousness of the matter!"

The prime minister’s indignation was filled with indignation.

Of course, this prime minister is not so simple. He actually wants to defend Xiaobei’s hand and dispose of those who oppose him!

Although the retreat to Weijiadao has been arranged, the Prime Minister is still not willing to give up the power in his hands. If he dares not say it, it is good to be able to stay in this position for a while.

Who wants to know, Wei Xiaobei turned out to be soft, and he was willing to send the dragon. This result is not what the Prime Minister is willing to see.

Seeing that the prime minister was really anxious, Wei Xiaobei only laughed and said his own calculations.

To put it bluntly, the problem here is that the eyes of the Prime Minister’s adults are still in the past and placed in that era of peace.

What era is it now?

The monsters invaded and there was chaos everywhere. The British Parliament had not officially opened a meeting for several months.

To put it bluntly, the British Parliament is now not as authoritative as it used to be, and you can freely impeach the Prime Minister.

Although it is not explicitly announced now, it is actually a wartime system, so the Prime Minister is naturally the most powerful.

Those members who are so noisy are simply trying to decentralize and gain benefits.

Therefore, it is best to ignore them.

It’s like Wei Xiaobei, you want the dragon, take it, the question is who will listen to the dragon in addition to Wei Xiaobei?

Those who really ran away, I am afraid that the dragon will be sprayed into a broken piece and die faster.

After listening to Xiaobei’s waking up, the prime minister had come back to God. There were so many things during this time that he was a little confused.

In the next few days, those members became more and more arrogant.

But as the dragons accidentally sprayed several members into ashes, things became simpler.

Time and by bit, the scientific and technological materials needed by Wei Xiaobei are constantly being collected.

However, if a certain amount is collected, Wei Xiaobei will transfer the electric cabinets back to Weijiadao.

At the same time, Wei Xiaobei also recruited a lot of researchers from the Eagle State, all of which have been packaged and sent away.

King Arthur, who escaped from the wolf, was actually under the supervision of Lancelot.

Only this King Arthur seems to have been hit hard, seemingly a little languid, and drinking daily.

The king of Arthur wilted, and the situation in the Eagle State became much better.

This made Wei Xiaobei quite dissatisfied. After all, as the situation improved, the collection speed of scientific and technological materials also slowed down.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei asked Lancelot to encourage King Arthur. The King Arthur did not let Wei Xiaobei disappoint, and then the soldiers once again rushed to the rim city, and there was a lot of revenge.

But the current power of King Arthur has actually declined.

There is no Master Merlin, no support from the dragon, and no help from the projection of the fairy in the lake. It only relies on more than a dozen round-table knights and more than 3,000 soldiers. If you want to attack the rim city, you can only draw The last question mark.

However, with the threat of King Arthur, the speed of collecting scientific and technological information has soared.

In just one month, about 60% of the scientific and technological materials in the Eagle Country were collected.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei has been very satisfied.

You must know that when this squad is in chaos, I don’t know how much information is destroyed in the war. This is impossible to count.

It is able to collect 60% of the money, and the prime minister has sold his life.

Even if you continue to collect it, I am afraid that it will take longer and there will not be much gain.

It is time to end things here.

Then, under the planning of Wei Xiaobei, a good show was staged in the camp of King Arthur.

As the confidant of King Arthur, the Lancelot led the army to leave the camp and went to the east of the rim city to prepare to cut off the transportation channel of the rim city, forcing the rim city to surrender.

Just after Lancelot’s commander left the army for less than two days, Modred, who had found the opportunity, rebelled and led his cronies to King Arthur’s big account!

At that time, King Arthur was probably relapsed from the old disease. He was drunk with a can of wine.

Therefore, even with the help of the round table knight, the King Arthur was finally cut off by Modred!

After getting the exact news of King Arthur’s death, Wei Xiaobei was slightly relieved.

To say that directly killing King Arthur, Wei Xiaobei is not impossible.

However, there is a hunch in Wei Xiaobei's faintness. If he kills the King Arthur himself, there will be some accidents that he will not expect.

In fact, this accident did appear and let the Mordred suffer.

At the moment when King Arthur's head was cut by Modred, the fairy in the lake rips the space barrier with incomparable anger and descends into the camp!

Because of fear of being discovered by the fairy in the lake, Wei Xiaobei did not go to see the details. But the next day, when Wei Xiaobei arrived, the entire camp had been turned into a ruin.

Modred and even all the Knights of the Round Table, the soldiers became the body.

Only the head of King Arthur disappeared, leaving only a headless body left in the collapsed big account.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not know why the fairy in the lake would take away the head of King Arthur, but what he can be sure of is that the fairy in the lake that has broken into reality has been rejected by reality.

Although there are many loopholes in the space barrier between the gray world and reality, many of the gray world monsters invade the reality.

But the horrible existence like the fairy in the lake has entered the reality, and it has to pay a lot of money, and it cannot stay in reality.

The reality is omnipresent to its exclusion, and when it finally reaches, the fairy in the lake will be directly discharged.

As for the fairy in the lake, he returned to the gray world, or where he went, Wei Xiaobei is not clear.

But Wei Xiaobei is clear that his own affairs in the Eagle Kingdom are also over.

Lancelot, who was defended by Wei Xiaobei, and his longbow soldiers, were sent to Qingmu Fudi by way of Wei Xiaobei.

For Wei Xiaobei, Lancelot and even the longbowmen are good experimental materials, but they can't be wasted.

The news that the Prime Minister’s adult learned that Wei Xiaobei was about to leave was a dilemma.

According to the idea of ​​the Prime Minister, the Eagle State is like this anyway. It is estimated that he will eventually die. Therefore, he wants to go to Weijia Island when Wei Xiaobei leaves.

But now the situation is different from his previous thoughts. King Arthur was destroyed, the dragon was mysteriously missing, and although the entire eagle country was still in a state of chaos, but the discerning eye can see that without these threats, it is sooner or later that the eagle country returns to normal. thing.

Under such circumstances, the Prime Minister’s adult wants to give up his power to leave, and there is some disappointment in the real.

In the end, the prime minister still did not leave, just ask Zhang Yuxiong to take care of his family.

Zhang Shaoxiong is naturally a family migration. In addition, many Chinese families have expressed their willingness to follow Wei Xiaobei to Weijia Island.

After the incident of King Arthur in the whole country, the leaders of these Chinese families have seen it.

Don't look at the fact that King Arthur has been killed now, but it is hard to say that there will be no more invading monsters in the eagle country. Besides, now that the eagle country wants to return to normal, I am afraid it will not be realized in a short time.

Because of the existence of King Arthur before, the rulings of the eagle country were not smooth, and there were not a few guys who took advantage of their own abilities to occupy the mountain.

The strength of the current Eagle State government has also been weakened to the extreme.

So in the next time, I am afraid that a civil war broke out.

Those who claim to be kings on their own sites will not be so easy to give up their power, and the Eagle State government will not allow small kingdoms to exist in the country. The contradiction between the two sides has a fundamental conflict, at least initially. It is difficult to compromise and coexist.

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