The City of Terror

Chapter 1550: Master the rules of floating!

To vomit blood, these days when I met someone who asked the poor road to play the king, the poor road is very modest to say that Arthur will play a little, and the result is despised by people. Is there no human rights to play with meat? ——

This city token seems to carry some spirituality. After feeling the threat from Wei Xiaobei, the rebellion disappeared and lay on the palm of Wei Xiaobei.


To be honest, for such an ending, Cheng Dabao never imagined that he even stayed for a moment before he remembered what he should do.


That's right, escape!

But at this time, Cheng Dabao wants to escape some nights, Wei Xiaobei's left hand has been caught in the neck of Cheng Dabao.


Cheng Dabao was probably anxious at this time, and turned around and turned to Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei did not dodge, and Cheng Dabao’s wish punched through the merits of Jinde, hitting Wei Xiaobei’s chest and making a loud bang.

But the next moment, Cheng Dabao screamed with his right hand on his left hand.

Not to mention the natural counterattack of Gongde Jinguang on the blood of Cheng Dabao, only to say that Cheng Dabao hit a small body in Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei’s body naturally produces the anti-seismic force, and directly passes Cheng Dabao’s right arm. Shocked and shattered!

For Cheng Dabao, who hasn’t really suffered from it, the pain of smashing the whole arm is the pain he can’t bear at all!

For Cheng Dabao's pain, Wei Xiaobei did not give birth to a little bit of compassion, put it in his hands, and looked at Cheng Dabao's property sheet with all things.

Name: Cheng Dabao

Introduction: Cheng Dabao, a resident of Daji City, Huazhong Province, China, once a professional mix, now a professional pseudo-city, the ghost king is timid and timid, but extremely brutal

Weaknesses: Bright, righteous, etc.

Race: human

Gender: Male

Age: 21 years old

Bio Rating: Samsung Elite

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: extortion, skating, sister

Special skills: mantle golden light (pollution), evil spirits (weakness), scorpion flying, dreaming, ghost control, ghosting

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: City Order

I have to say that this Cheng Dabao is really a good brand.

To be honest, if this Cheng Dabao is steadily cultivating pilgrims and collecting incense after getting the city shackles, the future is simply limitless!

This guy is really lucky.

After Wei Xiaobei had ordered the city to look at it, he could not help but sigh.

Name: Daegu-gun City Order (Premium)

Introduction: The owner of the Daji County Township can control the gas of the land of Daji City, collect incense, clean up the evil spirits, build the Chenghuang Temple, and call the Yin Soldiers to become the gods of the city!

Effect 1: Collecting incense

Effect 2: Control the yin

Effect 3: Manipulating Ghosts

Effect 4: Calling Yin

Effect 5: Building Chenghuang Temple

Effect 6: Condensing the gods

Effect seven: agglomeration merit

Effect eight: the canonized land

It can be seen from the property introduction of this Daegu-gun city command that this thing is so powerful!

With this possession, you can collect the power of incense in the area of ​​Taitung County. Well, this Taji City was in Daye County in ancient times.

It can control the gas of the land in the area of ​​Taitung County. This so-called gas of the earth is actually equivalent to the spirit of the yin and the earth, and the mantle and other mantles can be used for cultivation of the land. If the temple is built, Then the gas of the earth can be injected into the Chenghuang Temple to promote the formation of Yintian in the Chenghuang Temple and plant various food crops.

Well, in fact, Wei Xiaobei knows that the biggest use of this city is to build the Chenghuang Temple!

This city temple is not a city temple in reality, but a city temple with its own self-contained space!

City God Temple is actually the real foundation of the city! That is a piece of blessing created by hand!

To put it bluntly, with this city temple, the city can truly exercise its own power.

Like the other abilities on the city squad, what manipulates the ghosts, summons the squadrons, and if there is a city temple, the effect of these two will be much improved.

In particular, the convening of the sinisters, with the Chenghuang Temple, the sinister soldiers who gathered together, have the opportunity to promote strength, not weaker.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei’s squadrons, recruited by the souls and the land, have this problem. Most of the sinister soldiers become weaker and weaker over time, even some sinister soldiers are now They have dissipated and disintegrated on their own.

The combination of the city's gods and the canonized land can only be achieved after the establishment of the city temple.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei will say that this Cheng Dabao is such a treasure.

If this Cheng Dabao honestly collects the incense and builds the city temple, as the foundation, and condenses the gods of the city, Wei Xiaobei is in this Daji city, and it is difficult to seize Cheng Dabao so easily. It's hard.

And if Cheng Dabao can seal the land, the speed of collecting incense will be faster.

In short, this Cheng Dabao is lucky, and he got a good baby, but he didn't even figure out the correct way to use it. If he messed up, he would buy a luxury car, but he would use it as a bumper car.

Looking at Cheng Dabao, who was screaming again and again, Wei Xiaobei shook his head and took the city’s order to the storage ring. When the right hand tightened, he would pinch the death of Cheng Dabao!

This is not Wei Xiaobei's heart and hands, but this is not a big problem. It is also a lot of people who are bad at controlling the ghosts. Don't look at his current arm crushing, the pain is extremely incomparable. If you give it to the official Chinese law, I am afraid. I just escaped as soon as I entered the prison, and might even set off a massacre.

In order not to let this guy have the opportunity to escape, Wei Xiaobei is not the kind of pedantic, and immediately kills the killer, there is no bit of mercy.

Cheng Dabao’s face was very purple, and when he was dead, he looked at Wei Xiaobei’s eyes full of grievances.

Undoubtedly, if you can talk, this Cheng Dabao will probably curse Xiaobei, even swearing.

Just when Wei Xiaobei threw the dead body of Cheng Dabao on the ground and prepared to leave, suddenly his heart suddenly gave birth to a warning.

This warning does not indicate the imminent danger, but the danger in a relatively distant time. Looking for a moment, Wei Xiaobei feels that if he leaves now, he will probably have a lot of trouble in the future, so he will sit down and study the rules he knows while waiting for possible problems.

Time and time passed by, Wei Xiaobei's mind was immersed in the research rules, and there were some irregularities in his body from time to time.

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei's body sitting cross-legged on the ground gradually floated up. Of course, not only his body floated, but the small stones around him also shook slightly.

After some struggle, the small stones around Wei Xiaobei immediately swayed off the ground and began to rise quickly toward the sky, while Wei Xiaobei's body also rose to a height of hundreds of meters.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes and smiled on his face.

I have really mastered the floating rules initially!

This is what Wei Xiaobei had not thought of before.

We must know that as the progress of various researches continues to deepen, there is not much that Wei Xiaobei can come up with to study the rules of floating space. At ordinary times, there is at most one mind, and the rules of floating are indeed more profound. For a long time, Wei Xiaobei’s research on the floating rules has not made much progress.

However, during this research, Wei Xiaobei tried to make an accident when he was studying and practicing the magical white lotus and other magical powers.

Because the mouth white lotus has been in a semi-integrated state with Gongde Jinguang, which makes Wei Xiaobei practice the mouth of the white lotus, Gongde Jinguang also opened itself.

After Wei Xiaobei studied for a while, he found that this meritorious gold light actually consumed a lot, and his research on the floating rules was advancing by leaps and bounds!

Does Gongde Jinguang actually have the effect of promoting research rules?

This really makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not have time to study the relationship between Gongde Jinguang and the rule research at this time, and he took the initiative to master the floating rules!

After the initial mastery of the floating rules, although there are realistic rules and restrictions, Wei Xiaobei's mastery of the floating rules is also leaps and bounds.

At the beginning, Wei Xiaobei could only float his body and some small stones around him. But as time went by, Wei Xiaobei had been able to give hundreds of kilograms of large stones to the floating rules. Feel free to float without being affected by gravity.

However, at this time, an accident occurred, so Wei Xiaobei had to stop the in-depth mastery of the floating rules.

The body of Cheng Dabao suddenly burst into a rich black gas, covering up all within a hundred meters.

this is?

Wei Xiaobei, who was at a height of 100 meters, moved his eyes.

If it is an ordinary human being, it is impossible to see through the rich black air.

But for Wei Xiaobei, such a thing is very easy.

The black gas is actually a peculiar phenomenon formed when the yin gathers.

As Wei Xiaobei's gaze penetrated, he saw a ghost in the body of Cheng Dabao.

This ghost is semi-transparent and not much different from the ghost of the newborn, but it is red light like blood, extremely dazzling, and the evil atmosphere contained in the red light makes Wei Xiaobei frowned. head.

Although the face of this ghost is very incomparable, with incomparable hatred, but it is clearly visible, it is that Cheng Dabao!

Undoubtedly, although this Cheng Dabao was killed by Wei Xiaobei, it did not die, and it turned into a ghost!

It can be said that if Wei Xiaobei did not have the hunch of a threat before, it would probably go straight.

When Xiaobei knew that the evil spirits of Cheng Dabao had harmed one side, it probably became a breath, and it was not so easy to destroy.

You must know that Cheng Dabao has once been a city, and he has many special abilities. Once he becomes a ghost, his harmfulness will far exceed that of ordinary ghosts!

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