The City of Terror

Chapter 1552: God's thief!

Huh, tomorrow, the poor road must rise! ! ! ! ——

A large city composed of reinforced concrete is different. After the explosion of Shentong, the extent of the damage to the city can be seen, and the greatest power of Wei Xiaobei is now.

Will the whole city be over again with fire?

With gasoline, explosives?

Xu Feiyang is not a fool, and there are all kinds of means in his mind.

But no matter what method is used, the city will be destroyed.

Wei Xiaobei is right, the price is indeed too great.

I am afraid that even if it is reported to the Chinese Parliament, there will not be many Members who will agree. It is a step back. Even if it is passed in the Huaxia Parliament, the citizens of Taji City may not agree.

If you change to someone, you will not be willing to blow up your home and burn it into ruins.

Think about it too, as long as there is no such thing as Cheng Dabao, even if there are some ghosts, the problem is not too big.

After all, the existence of evil spirits and devils is not so easy to generate.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei still thought of Xu Feiyang, and asked the real monks. The Taoist priests came to Daji City to do more water and land law conferences, and overtook those lonely ghosts, and the yin naturally dissipated.

To say that a place like Daji City, Wei Xiaobei personally shot the super-dead, how much can also harvest some Xuan Huang Gongde juice, which is the merit of Wei Xiaobei.

Before, Wei Xiaobei thought this way. After all, studying the floating rules before, it consumed a lot of merit.

Its consumption accounts for more than 30% of all merits and golden light!

We must know that Wei Xiaobei’s collection of Xuan Huang Gongde’s juice was only six thousand drops from the front to the back. Studying a floating rule consumes two thousand drops of merit, which is not too small.

In particular, the defender Xiaobei will also study the rules of floating, the rules of light and heat, etc., and the more merits will be consumed.

In this way, under normal circumstances, such as Daji City, Wei Xiaobei will not let go, the ghosts will be overtaken, and some can also harvest some Xuan Huang Gongde juice.

After all, the Cheng Dabao made a lot of grievances in Daji City, which also made the Xuanhuanggongde juice that the super-dead can get more.

But Wei Xiaobei couldn’t take it himself at this time.

Just when talking to Xu Feiyang, Wei Xiaobei suddenly felt a shock between his heart, and felt that the devil connected with himself completely disappeared.

Well, the disappearance of this group of deities is the divinity of Wei Xiaobei's statues placed in the east of the city!

As I said before, in order to promote the growth speed of the sun in Aomufudi, Wei Xiaobei erected a statue in many human gathering places in Dongpu, and implanted a divine nature to absorb those sun beliefs. Sex.

And every time Wei Xiaobei goes to Dongpu, he harvests divinity.

If you calculate the time, Wei Xiaobei should go to Dongpu almost.

But at this moment, Wei Xiaobei felt that a group of divinities in those gods had disappeared.

Divinity disappears, and there are generally several situations that can lead to the disappearance of divinity.

For example, someone takes away the divine nature and places the divinity in a treasure that is inductive, or someone devotes the divinity, and finally the **** is completely destroyed, or most believers completely reject the image.

Wei Xiaobei is not a omnipotent god, and he does not intend to follow the path of faith in the gods. With his current mastery, he can't find the reason for the disappearance of the gods thousands of kilometers away.

Of course, even so, Wei Xiaobei can get some conclusions through reasoning.

As far as probability is concerned, it is generally impossible for most believers to completely reject the image of God.

After all, the rejection of the image by the believer means that the believer has turned away from the gods he believes in. This probability is extremely low.

This may happen to several believers, but more than 80% of believers usually do not do this. After all, the religious organization structure set by Wei Xiaobei determines that the believers want to spit and also spurn the bishops and other clergy, instead of giving They hope the sun god.

The remaining few possibilities are likely to occur.

In fact, even ordinary human beings can swallow the divine nature. As for the death of the gods, it is life or death. It depends on luck. Of course, most people who swallow the divine nature will usually Explosion and death, even if it has survived the explosion, it will be manipulated by the power contained in the divine because of the lack of strength, and become a low IQ creature like the divine vassal.

In addition, it is more likely that the idol will completely destroy this situation.

After all, Dongpu at this time is in extreme chaos. Although the number of ghosts in reality is decreasing with the constant clearing, it is not that Dongpu has become safe.

The battle between ghosts and humans, the battle between humans and human beings, exists on this island nation.

In fact, before this, the human gathering place that believed in the sun **** was also broken by other forces, but the gods were saved under the desperation of those believers.

Of course, in any case, how does this divinity disappear, Wei Xiaobei still needs to go to Dongpu to know.

In this way, even if Wei Xiaobei saw the Xuanhuang Gongde juice that may be collected here, he had to leave immediately.

Hearing Xiaobei’s suggestion, Xu Feiyang had some circles.

Please a group of monks, Taoist to the water land road? Isn't this a joke?

This can't be blamed for the fact that Feiyang would think so.

Before the monster invades the reality, when it comes to who is dead, please ask the monk, the Taoist priest to open a water and land field, just a spiritual sustenance. As for the effect, everyone can only say huh.

To put it bluntly, many people will not believe that this land and water course can really surpass the undead and what, and Xu Feiyang is one of them.

He did not believe that even the ghost existed before.

Indeed, in the previous reality, the ghosts did not exist, but as the monsters invaded the reality, the strict rules of reality were shaken by the gray world, so that many things that did not exist in reality appeared before. .

Wei Xiaobei said his suggestion, and did not pay attention to whether Xu Feiyang really listened to it, but called Yang Tingting alone in a house.

For Master to call himself alone, Yang Tingting could not help but feel a little nervous, and did not know what Master had to find himself.

When Yang Tingting began to think about it, Wei Xiaobei took out a half-remained bronze Buddha's head from the storage ring and handed it to Yang Tingting.

what is this?

For the first time, Yang Tingting saw the half-breasted bronze Buddha's head. I couldn't help but wonder what it was.

But why did Master take an antique for himself?

Yang Tingting really didn't understand, but she was still in her hands.

"Bring this head to your master sister, she knows how to do it."

Due to the disappearance of divinity, Wei Xiaobei’s plan to see Zhu Xinyi and other disciples was also broken.

One of the purposes of Wei Xiaobei’s coming is to bring this half-bone bronze Buddha head to Zhu Xinyi and other disciples so that they can open a small magical power.

I have been thinking about it for so long, and their Diamond Sutra should be more adept.

"Oh, Master, the disciple knows."

Yang Tingting nodded and took the half-breasted bronze head into the storage bag.

This sweet and delicate girl probably still doesn't know how terrible the torture will be when she brings this half-breasted bronze head to her master.

Well, in fact, even Wei Xiaobei, when he chanted the Diamond Sutra to open Buddhism, he felt that he was going crazy, not to mention his disciples.

Going to Dongpu, Wei Xiaobei took the transport plane in the temporary wilderness airport and went straight to a military airport on the seashore. Xu Feiyang helped to contact a certain aircraft carrier formation that was cruising in the nearby waters before Wei Xiaobei landed.

Therefore, after Wei Xiaobei landed at the seaside military airport, he even transferred to the aircraft carrier formation of the HNA fighters and went straight for 800 kilometers. After landing on the aircraft carrier, he transferred to a fighter plane and went straight to Dongpu.

After arriving at the east of Jiuzhou Island in the east, Wei Xiaobei jumped directly from the fighter plane as usual.

For Wei Xiaobei’s behavior, the pilot was as stunned as usual, but given the confidentiality regulations, the pilot could not spread the matter everywhere.

Waiting for Xiaobei to fall to the ground, due to the closeness of the distance, Wei Xiaobei almost knew the place where the deity disappeared, but it was a human gathering place to the east of Honshu Island.

This gathering place of human beings was not developed by Wei Xiaobei at the time. He wanted to come to be a new gathering place for human beings after the Sun God believed in the Holy See.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei did not immediately rush to the island of Honshu, but rushed to a nearby human gathering place.

Now that he has come over, Wei Xiaobei is ready to harvest the divine nature of Kyushu Island, so as not to cause another accident, but it will cause even greater losses.

Compared with the past, this human gathering place seems to be a lot more peaceful. Although there are still some guards on the wall, the fields within 20 kilometers of the human gathering area have been used up, and the crops are in the maturity stage. It will not be long before these crops can be harvested.

It can be seen that there are very few ghosts on this island of Kyushu.

Otherwise, it is impossible to use the fields within 20 kilometers of the human gathering place.

We must know that in the 20-kilometer range, ordinary humans need twenty minutes to use the means of transportation. If there are a large number of ghosts, the 20-kilometer range cannot be controlled by human beings. On the crop.

Wei Xiaobei did not show up and met with the high-level people in the gathering place. He just waited for their dinner time, quietly sneaked in, screaming at the people, and then left after harvesting the divinity.

Of course, while waiting, Wei Xiaobei probably also knows some things.

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