The City of Terror

Chapter 1562: Curse, rebirth!

The second chapter is sent! Next, the poor road needs to take a break and then code. .——

Among the big pits, Wei Xiaobei's body first exhibited the Bajiquan in this level of battle!

And the one hundred-armed black night master is honored to become the boxing target of Wei Xiaobei's body!

Of course, the hundred-black night master will not be willing to act as the boxing target of Wei Xiaobei's body, and even struggled.

But the fist of Wei Xiaobei's body is not so delicious. Whenever he is in boxing, the master of the hundred nights feels that the power he has just raised is suddenly being smashed!

How weak is this feeling!

Every time the whole body was hit by a fist, so that the strength of the hundred-black night master continued to weaken. Even at the end, Wei Xiaobei’s body took it out of the big pit and threw it on the ground. The Lord is soft on the ground, and there is no strength to climb up, let alone escape.

At this time, the avatar that had been on the sidelines fell to the ground, smiled at the body, and then walked slowly toward the body. When the two coincided, the avatar suddenly disappeared into the body and disappeared.

Wei Xiaobei immediately closed his eyes. After a long time, he opened his eyes and spit out a sigh of gas.

When the avatar is integrated into the ontology, Wei Xiaobei naturally gets all the memories of this time.

"It turned out to be."

After getting all the memories of the avatar, Wei Xiaobei naturally understands what happened before.

At this moment, the hundred-black night master seemed to have recovered a little strength, and the body moved a bit, but even if Wei Xiaobei kicked on the back, not only kicked more than a dozen arms that had been recovered. It is the point at which the strength of the hundred-armed black night master recovers.

After kicking a hundred-black night master, Wei Xiaobei was shocked by the change of the avatar!

To be honest, if Wei Xiaobei shot and removed all the human gathering places that believed in the Azure God, Wei Xiaobei really couldn’t get it.

But the avatar is decisive.

This is a bit weird.

According to Wei Xiaobei's understanding, the avatar is actually copying all his memories and even personality changes.

But now it seems that the character that appears in the avatar is not necessarily the same as Wei Xiaobei's current character. Perhaps it is just a part of the hidden character of Wei Xiaobei.

However, the guns that I realized were made to have some surprises for Wei Xiaobei, and he even named the guns as broken stars!

And Wei Xiaobei discovered that with this gunshot named after the broken star was absorbed by himself, after floating on the property panel, the supernatural seed of the celestial body in his mind seemed to become active.

In accordance with this trend, this supernatural seed may not be long before it can be unblocked and activated!

In that case, Wei Xiaobei will get another avatar!

But for now, how to deal with this hundred-black night master?

Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment, then pulled out the dragon chopper and smashed it on the hundred-black night master. After less than a minute, he dismembered the guy with a body size of more than ten meters.

Of course, this is not Wei Xiaobei's psychopathy, and I want to act as a limb to solve the madness.

But Wei Xiaobei wants to carry this one-armed black night master more conveniently.

If you say that the hundred-black night master will kill like this, it will be a waste. Wei Xiaobei also wants to further smash the broken star gun from this guy!

But if you let the hundred-black night master be in a complete state, it is hard to say when the other party will escape.

In order to prevent this, Wei Xiaobei dismembered him and found the life of the hundred-black night master!

It is a heart that is striking and full of vitality!

In the shape of a hundred-height black night master, the size of the human-sized heart is too small.

However, it constantly ejects blood with golden color, in which the divine atmosphere is extremely rich.

After excavating it from the chest of the Hundred-Heavy Black Night Lord, the body of the Hundred-Heavy Night Black has a huge suction force, and wants to **** back the heart directly.

However, under the tight grip of Wei Xiaobei's hands, even if the heart struggled with the effort, the suction did not absorb the heart a little.

"Give it back to me!"

There was no movement, and the **** night master woke up at this moment, his hands struggled to reach out to the heart, and his mouth screamed hysterically.

"No, it doesn't belong to you now."

Wei Xiaobei’s look replied indifferently, with a glimpse of strength.

Well, Wei Xiaobei didn't notice at this time, he seems to have some influence on the avatar.

Of course, all of this is a small problem.

With the constant struggle of the hundred-black night master, the vitality of his body is dissipating a little.

In the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, he can clearly see the vitality of the main body of the hundred-black night, and a considerable part of it is condensing toward the heart of his hand, even outside the heart. Thin film of meat.

Finally, the vitality in the main body of the hundred-black night was dissipated, but before the vitality completely dissipated, the hundred-armed black night master sent the most vicious curse of his life to Wei Xiaobei!

The general idea is that you will be reborn in Wei Xiaobei and so on.

Well, Wei Xiaobei didn't care or worry about it. In fact, at the same time as the one hundred-armed black night master issued his own curse, Wei Xiaobei felt a strange power from the main body of the hundred-black night.

This power is somewhat similar to the power of the celestial celestial curse that Wei Xiaobei has ever touched, but it is much weaker.

It attempted to cross the layer of merits covered by Wei Xiaobei in vitro and invade Wei Xiaobei.

But before I said it, Gongde Jinguang can resist any force of external evils, not to mention the power of this curse can not match the pens of the immortals, where it is possible to penetrate the merits.

Therefore, after the unsuccessful penetration, the power of this curse turned to the heart and disappeared.

As the curse of the force penetrated, the heart's changes immediately became fierce.

A layer of meat film grows out, covering the heart and gradually forming a meat ball.

In fact, at this time, it can be seen that the master of the hundred-black night wants to be born again from this heart.

There is already a stiff face on the meat ball, exactly the same as the face of the hundred-black night master.

Wei Xiaobei saw this and had to sigh. Like these pseudo-gods who rely on divinity and beliefs, there are some tricks to save their lives. Even these tricks will not appear on the property sheet. come out.

Of course, this time is not a good time to study the **** night master, so Wei Xiaobei stripped the meat ball covered by the heart without mercy, and then the heart was included in the storage ring.

After doing this, Wei Xiaobei did not stay here, but the body was slightly shocked. In the next moment, countless light and heat were ejected from the pores, turning themselves into a huge fireball.

When the huge fireball dissipated, the Wei Xiaobei that appeared appeared into two.

There is no doubt that one of them is the body of Wei Xiaobei, and the other is the avatar.

Wei Xiaobei’s body said to another Wei Xiaobei: “You continue to trace the things that are cleaning up here, and I am going to harvest the divinity.”

Wei Xiaobei waved his hand and looked a little impatient: "Ontology, I know, go, don't be embarrassed, like a little old man."

Listening to the answer of the score body, Wei Xiaobei's body could not help but look at it. The answer to this avatar was that he did not think of it.

However, it seems that this avatar seems to be somewhat different from the previous avatar, but it seems to be the same as when he was in his second year.

Of course, even if this is the case, Wei Xiaobei's body is reassuring to do things. In any case, this is from the self, and doing things will not exceed the scope that you can tolerate.

As Wei Xiaobei’s body left here, he looked at the face of a slap in the face and looked at the messy human gathering place that had been cut by space cracks. He whispered in a pitiful world: “It’s a bunch of poor guys. ""

But the action on his hand is completely different from his own tone. The right hand is caught in the air, and even a fireball is thrown at the gathering place of human beings.

After the counting time, humans gathered in a cluster of fire explosions, slowly rising a cluster of mushroom clouds that rose slowly, destroying all the buildings left by human gatherings.

It does not mention that the body of Xiaobei is busy harvesting the divinity in the statues of human beings. The avatars quietly explore other powerful existences that enter the reality. They only say that the only remaining Alaszi people in Sam’s country are reserved. There is a drastic change in the inside.

"Hey, Hills, what are you doing so early?"

A young and beautiful youthful Alaszi girl looked curiously at a group of young Alaqisie boys.

"Ah, Domia, we us"

The young man who was headed was suddenly asked by the most beautiful girl in the reserve. After a while, he couldn’t speak.

There are both self-admiration for the girl and some unspeakable things, which makes the young man's heart extremely contradictory.

"Nothing, Domia is also our Arazis. There is nothing to say, but Domia, you can't tell us about the white-skinned college students."

Another young man looked at the hesitation of Hills, and he was a little bit impatient, even Zhang mouth said.

Yes, Domiya is one of the few college students in the Alaczi reserve.

It should be noted that although most of the Alaczi people living in the reserve have deliberately kept the ancestral lifestyle, men hunting for fishing, women collecting fruit, raising sheep or something.

Therefore, breaking the old tradition, Dominia insisted on going to college. It seems a bit weird in the entire reserve. It can even be said that in the eyes of the older generation of Alaczi, the girl of Domiya is a traitor. presence. (To be continued.)

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