The City of Terror

Chapter 1567: Weapon avatar

There is too much nonsense in the last chapter. This chapter is no nonsense. Everyone reads. .——

But then again, this is probably the impact of the avatar on the ontology.

Wei Xiaobei suspects that if the ontology is only the degree of will of ordinary people, I am afraid that I will freeze to death at that moment.

But then again, with only the ice floes as the research object, Wei Xiaobei can hardly see the other effects of the method of the incarnation of Cang Xuan-dong.

Therefore, after a little meditation, Wei Xiaobei took out a ghost nucleus from the storage ring, an alloy arrow, a sea monster egg and so on.

As I said before, through the study of ice floes, Wei Xiaobei has come to a tangible conclusion. The body strength and other aspects of the method of the incarnation of the body are directly related to the quality of the articles.

And then, Wei Xiaobei needs to study what items are best for pinning the avatar.

This is very important.

After all, the power of Wei Xiaobei is not unlimited. How to use such a supernatural power more efficiently is of great help to Wei Xiaobei's combat strength.

More than ten kinds of items were lined up on the ice floes, Wei Xiaobei's right index finger showed a little tri-color light, and then went down to these items.

As the power of the magical powers poured into these items, these items began to bloom with dazzling brilliance, and the interior undergoes drastic changes.

Waiting for Guanghua to disperse, Wei Xiaobei, who has a red fruit and a body, appeared.

These appearing avatars are significantly different from those of the former ice floes.

The strength of the wine-swallowing boy's nucleus has reached the level of four stars, and the avatar of the alloy arrow has reached the two-star elite. The avatar of the fire dragon's pure water bottle has reached the two-star horror.

After thoroughly exploring the strength of these avatars, Wei Xiaobei almost understood the relationship between quality and avatar.

Well, in simple terms, the general quality corresponds to one star elite, while the boutique corresponds to the two-star level, the treasure corresponds to the Samsung level, and the fairy corresponds to the four-star level. As for the quality of Lingbao, Wei Xiaobei has few hands. He was not daring to test it.

It should be known that the method of the avatar of the celestial body is applied to the article, which will cause certain wear and tear on the article. If the number is more than one, the article may completely collapse.

In addition, some attributes of the item will have a certain impact on the resulting avatar.

For example, the body of the alloy arrow has a layer of metallic luster on the surface of the skin, and its defense is even more than the avatar of the fire dragon pure water bottle!

The nucleus of the wine-swallowing boy's nucleus, Wei Xiaobei feels that this avatar reveals a wretched temperament, and can't wait to slap the other party.

The sea monster egg failed to make a split in the first time, until Wei Xiaobei inactivated the sea monster egg into a dead egg, only then turned out to look like a whole body without bones, lying on ice floes. Wei Xiaobei came up.

Obviously, at this stage, Cang Xuandong’s method of incarnation of the object cannot be used to carry objects of any possession.

After taking some items and testing it for a while, Wei Xiaobei almost figured out some of the rules.

Simply put, using raw materials to carry objects is the least efficient.

Well, an ordinary iron ingot, the resulting avatar is the level of a star elite.

If this ordinary iron ingot is sent to Longhuding for smelting and purification, and its quality is upgraded to the second-class quality, then the split body can reach the ordinary strength of two stars!

If the purified iron ingot is forged into an alloy arrow, then the resulting avatar is at least a two-star elite.

If you engrave some runes on this alloy arrow, then the avatar will reach the two-star horror!

Well, rune alloy arrows, ordinary alloy arrows, and purified iron ingots, the quality of these three are actually inferior, but because of their different lethality, they have different strengths.

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but imagine that if he invaded the sun rifle, he wouldn't know if the avatar would be better than himself.

Of course, this is just an illusion.

Even if Wei Xiaobei is hitting the iron, he will not really make it happen.

The weapon such as the Sunshine is completely evolved by chance.

Although it was only a leg of the Longbo people at the beginning, it is impossible to evolve a sun rifle even if it is a leg of the whole leg of Wei Xiaobei.

However, after understanding this point, Wei Xiaobei is also able to use the magical power of the method of incarnation of the body of Cang Xuan.

So now, what you need to do is that Wei Xiaobei took Dragon Fire Ding from the storage ring and placed it on the ice floes.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei sifted through the materials in the storage ring. After a trade-off, some of the rubies, diamonds and even some metal ingots were taken out.

These rubies and diamonds are the walls of Wei Xiaobei cut from the reincarnation pool in the Heaven Mountain projection.

Thanks to these rubies, the purity of the diamonds is at its peak, making them much higher quality than the real gems, reaching the quality of second-class quality.

The metal ingots are materials that Wei Xiaobei used to refine various weapons, including iron ingots, copper ingots and even expensive ingots such as platinum ingots.

Pour these materials into Long Huanding, and a small finger of Wei Xiaobei is placed on the outer wall of Long Huoding. Even a fire is emerging in the Dragon Fire Ding, and then turned into a miniature fire dragon, which is desperately wrapped around those materials. on.

Wei Xiaobei now has reached the point where the operation of this dragon fire trip has reached the point where the fire is pure. Longhuo Ding originally had its own dragon fire plus Wei Xiaobei’s own light and heat. The two add up, and the material inside is instantaneous. It began to melt rapidly.

Initially, the gemstone and the metal ingot each formed a liquid ball that could not fuse with each other.

However, after Wei Xiaobei purified the two groups of liquid **** several times, when they met each other again, they began to infiltrate each other and eventually merged into a colorful liquid ball.

It is only in this dragon fire, these different substances can be blended together so that if they are outside, it will not be possible at all.

Soon, under the control of Wei Xiaobei, the liquid ball began to split into small balls, and the shape of these small **** was also rapidly changing. When they completely solidified, they formed various forms. Different weapons.

In addition to common weapons such as guns, cymbals, sticks, cymbals, forks, cymbals, hooks, cymbals, knives, swords, axes, whip, cymbals, hammers, sticks, cymbals, gems, bows, cymbals, spears, etc. There are also ring-shaped weapons such as rings, turns, meteor hammers, rattan cards, generations, crickets, and so on.

In short, all the Chinese cold weapons known to Wei Xiaobei have been made in Longhuoding.

The only problem is that the diameter of these cold weapons is a little small, only the length of the palm, it looks almost the size of the baby toy.

Of course, this does not matter. Wei Xiaobei refines these cold weapons. Originally, I wanted to see what cold weapons are used to send objects to be better.

In accordance with the refining process, next, Wei Xiaobei should have inscribed some runes to enhance the strength of some aspects or add some features.

However, this time is only for testing purposes, Wei Xiaobei also saved this step.

After waiting for the cold weapons to be taken out from the Dragon Fire Ding, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t wait to lift his right hand, and the three colors flashed. The first weapon and the sword appeared on the eyebrows, and the eyes could not be stabbed. Open

With the movement of Wei Xiaobei's right hand, a piece of brilliance blooms on the sea, and the sea that has slowly subsided is like a shining pearl, and it is like a star dotted on the sea.

After all the weapons were activated, Wei Xiaobei’s face also showed some exhaustion.

After all, this magical power, Wei Xiaobei has just begun to practice, in the immortal body, the control of power is somewhat biased, which also makes the power consumption quite large.

Although the quality of these weapons is only an entry-level treasure at this stage, Wei Xiaobei's consumption is more than ten times more than the previous object ice floes.

With hundreds of weapons left, Wei Xiaobei felt that the tides in his body had become somewhat flat.

It should be known that after Wei Xiaobei gained the power of the rule of power, for such a long time, the power of this rule was almost deeper.

He found that the tide of power is not only used to strengthen his own power, against other rules, but also to serve as a source of strength for himself.

Especially after the activation of the avatar, Wei Xiaobei can directly provide the power needed by the avatar through the power tide, instead of consuming the power in his body.

But in any case, the characteristics of the method of the incarnation of this celestial body are also very obvious.

Just the entry stage, you can send hundreds of avatars at the same time, but it is the advantage that most avatars can't match.

Ten times more time passed, Guanghua slowly faded, revealing a small Weibei.

The sword is so sturdy and the front is exposed. Wei Xiaobei sees the feeling of his first split.

Most of these avatars are made up of weapons and avatars, and the avatars of hammers, sticks, whip, etc., each have their own momentum.

The only thing that makes Wei Xiaobei frown is that these avatars are too small!

Like the weapons they are avatars in, they are only slap in size!

Well, looking at a group of slap-sized Wei Xiaobei on the ice floe, this feeling is really a bit strange.

Well, these avatars don’t have much difference in strength seen by the naked eye. They are basically Samsung ordinary. (To be continued...)

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