The City of Terror

Chapter 1580: Kill! reward!

The weather suddenly became hot, and brothers and sisters remembered the heatstroke ——

Whether it is light or lightning, the damage caused by the darkness of the Great Dark Lord is enormous.

Therefore, when the big dark main body was re-formed into the black giant, the size of the black giant has been reduced from the first hundred meters to more than ten meters, that is to say, its strength has been weakened by more than 80%!

"Oh, die!"

There was no pause in Wei Xiaobei’s hand. The black giant had just turned out, and Wei Xiaobei’s hands slammed into the sea.

Under the speed and power of Wei Xiaobei, even sea water has become an extremely hard substance.


A loud noise, the black giant's head and the sea surface had a sharp impact, the black giant's head even collapsed into the chest for a moment!

The black giant was so slammed, suddenly angered, and the head re-stretched out of the chest, his hands smashed toward Wei Xiaobei.

However, in Wei Xiaobei's view, the black giant's close-knit technique is too rough, but his hands are gently shaken, and the black giant is shaken by both hands, and then Wei Xiaobei is stunned. On the sea.

Under Wei Xiaobei's special power-lifting skills, the big dark master only feels weak and weak. He knows that if he doesn't want to come up with any other way, he will probably be killed.

But what can the big dark Lord at this time think of?

Already the mountains are running out!

No matter how you turn in the big dark master's mind, you find that you have no retreat.

After discovering this, the big dark Lord's avatar was extremely decisive, and the whole body was shocked, and the whole body suddenly exploded, turning into countless black fog.

This time, Wei Xiaobei found that the sun gloves worn by his hands could not catch the black fog.

The next moment, a black light burst out of the black mist, and in a twinkling of an eye, it rushed out a hundred meters, but it was the means of the big dark Lord's golden shells!

This great dark Lord abandoned most of his body in a flash, leaving only a little black mist containing a divine character to escape.

To be honest, such decisive behavior, if there is only one Wei Weibei here, it really let it escape.

But here is not just Wei Xiaobei.

A Jinwu detachment has quietly stopped on the black light escape route, and the black light turned and turned, but another Jinwu split on the line.

And when the black light is ready to turn again, Wei Xiaobei has already chased it up, and will no longer give this black light opportunity, and the right hand will stretch it into the hands!

At this point, the black light still refuses to let go, and struggles in the palm of Wei Xiaobei.

But this is always futile.

As the light and the thunder rose above the palm of Wei Xiaobei, the black mist over the black light was quickly cleaned, revealing a divine nature inside.

This sacred look looks like a small snake, the body is very dark, on the palm of the hand, desperately vomiting the snake letter to Wei Xiaobei, seems to want to threaten Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei smiled and put it into the storage ring. He called the two gold singers and left.

Wei Xiaobei ended the battle here, but it made the tops of the Sam State amazed.

The original nuclear bombs were all ready for pre-launch preparation, but a news came from the satellite monitoring center.

The huge source of heat radiation suddenly disappeared.


The top officials of the Sam State who got the news couldn't help but look at each other, but they did not dare to neglect, and immediately ordered the suspension of the nuclear bomb launch.

When they rushed to the satellite monitoring center and saw the signal from the satellite, the huge source of heat radiation did disappear.

You know, there are three satellites of the Samo State above the sea area at this time. If there is a problem with a satellite, it is possible, but the three satellites belong to different departments, including the military and scientific research institutions. Therefore, the probability of problems is only one percent.

"Really disappeared?"

Even if you saw the signal picture, the President of the President felt that he was a little dazzled and asked not surely.

"From the satellite screen, it really disappeared, but in order to ensure that we have sent an early warning aircraft to the sea area for final confirmation."

A senior military officer accompanying the President’s side hurriedly responded.

Indeed, although only one percent may have problems, it is more necessary to be safer.

Not to mention that Sam’s country has been rushing to stop the nuclear bomb launch, sending military aircraft to conduct on-the-spot investigations, only to say that Wei Xiaobei’s servant has returned to Honshu Island.

Returning to Honshu Island, Wei Xiaobei took back Jinwu and found a cave to rest.

This battle seems to be relatively easy, but for Wei Xiaobei, it is also quite hard and tired.

We must know that the light is the tide of power, and Wei Xiaobei activated it twice. Therefore, after Xiaobei sealed the cave with a huge stone, he fell to the ground and fell asleep.

After a day of slumbering, Wei Xiaobei wakes up from his sleep.

After waking up, Wei Xiaobei did not rush to sort out the harvest in the storage ring. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the ground, recalling the battle between the former and the big dark Lord, and thinking about the ancient Jin Wulie. Some problems with Yang Jiuzhi.

After a long time, Wei Xiaobei spit out a sigh of gas, only to reach out and grab the golden blood of the group of Tianzhao from the storage ring.

Before the income storage ring, Wei Xiaobei did not carefully check the blood of this group, but now, Wei Xiaobei could not help but laugh.

Compared with the golden blood veins obtained before, the volume of the golden blood of this group is dozens of times larger than the size of the head!

For Wei Xiaobei, this is undoubtedly an unexpected surprise.

This is indeed what he did not think of. The size of the huge fireball is much larger than that of other Tianzhao. The same is true of the golden blood in it.

On the palm of Wei Xiaobei, even a group of light and hot emerged, wrapped the golden blood of the group tightly.

There was nothing different from the previous one. Under the smouldering heat, the other blood veins mixed in the blood of Jinwu quickly emerged one by one, and were burned to ashes by the heat of time.

After all the mixed blood vessels were burned, the golden-red blood of the fist size appeared in Wei Xiaobei's palm, and the three-legged golden eagle slowly emerged.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei could not help but have a smile on his face.

Although the guardian Xiaobei probably guessed that the Jinwu blood veins were more than those before, but such a volume is also beyond the expectations of Wei Xiaobei.

As this group of Jinwu blood was purified, Wei Xiaobei's heart gave birth to a desire that was difficult to suppress. Then he did not hesitate to absorb the blood of this group.

Different from before, the integration of Jinwu blood veins into the body is no longer the kind of pain of hot magma, but a stream of warmth flowing throughout the body, as if the body is soaked in the hot springs inside and outside as well as comfortable.

Wei Xiaobei knows that the key is that his body has been transformed many times by Jinwu blood, so he will once again be integrated into Jinwu blood, and he will not feel much uncomfortable.

At this time, the heat in Dantian reached the extreme, and it was faintly let Wei Xiaobei feel like a volcano appeared in his stomach.

Wei Xiaobei will sink into the heart and his attention will be transferred to Dantian.

This time, what Wei Xiaobei saw in Dantian was completely different from before.

The liquid ball suspended in Dantian is slowly emitting a faint glow of light. Although the light is not very dazzling, it has turned into a rudiment of the sun, constantly throwing out the golden light and flowing. The real mercury through Dantian also brought a touch of gold.

For the change of this liquid ball, Wei Xiaobei still can't see too much detail, and then he checked the whole situation in the body.

The appearance of the sun in the dantian makes the color of true mercury begin to change a little, and this transformation seems to have also led to the golden runes in the body, making these golden runes seem to have made some changes.

Wei Xiaobei has a hunch that he seems to be not far from the five-star level.

Calling, after the recovery of the mind, Wei Xiaobei could not help but spit out a breath, with the help of Jinwu blood, his ancient Jinwu Lieyang nine-point technique, this magical power finally arrived in Xiaocheng!

In other words, I am now able to sing out three Jinwu avatars in one breath, and the strength of Jinwu avatar has also been improved to a considerable extent!

The improvement of the overall strength has made Wei Xiaobei's confidence also improved a lot. Even Wei Weibei has a kind of direct entry into the Dongpu gray world, killing the Amaterasu god, and taking the other party's Jinwu blood, and will take the ancient Jinwu Lieyang nine points. The urge to ascend to Dacheng.

However, this impulse was quickly suppressed by Wei Xiaobei.

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing each other can not fight, and Wei Xiaobei did not have a good hand with the Amaterasu god. The strength of those Tianzhao avatars was not allowed.

However, it is inferred from the common sense that the **** of the day should be at least the biological level of the four-star disaster, even higher!

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei once again opened the space passage to Qingmu Fudi and stepped in.

Entering Qingmufudi, Wei Xiaobei slowly walked toward the sun above the sky, and took out the deity of the group of gods from the storage ring.

The divine nature had just been taken out, and a sharp voice rang: "Who are you! Dare to take my divinity"


This divinity falls into his own hands. How can Wei Xiaobei let it go because of a little intimidation, but the sound of this day is listening to Wei Xiaobei’s somewhat unhappy, and even a thunder flashes over the palm of his hand. The next pressure will interrupt the sound of the day.

Thunder and lightning continue to consume the sense of sunshine in the divine. When Xiaobei arrives at the sun, the sense of sunshine in the divine nature is cleaned up.

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