The City of Terror

Chapter 1589: Monkey stealing peach

Finally, a little balance can be scheduled to be released, and whirring, I feel that the spirit is too tight during this time. ——

Therefore, next, Wei Xiaobei adjusted the grain in the warehouse and filled the grain hills outside. As long as he did not move the grain hills outside, it would be difficult to see that there was a large chunk of the grain hills inside. .

After doing this, Wei Xiaobei returned according to the original road. At this time, the team was stopping at a warehouse to unload the goods. Wei Xiaobei quietly re-sneaked onto a truck chassis.

When the unloading was completed, the team turned around and returned. When they left the concrete passage, the National Guard soldiers did not even pull out the military dogs. They only checked the situation in the train and released them.

It was only five hours before Wei Xiaobei returned to the Azuqi Sai's temple.

The old man named Kukuza was standing in front of the ancestral temple, and a group of Alaqisai people were listening to his teachings.

When Wei Xiaobei appeared in front of him, Kukuza smiled and introduced those Alaqisai people to Wei Xiaobei.

Undoubtedly, for the Alaczis, the position of the old priest is quite lofty. Many of the Alaczi people are the tribal leaders of this uprising, and even several others are in other reserves. High priest.

Wei Xiaobei naturally didn't have much time to waste time here. After laughing and greeting, he asked Kukuza to prepare a place to reserve food.

“Is the grain shipped?”

Nakukuza asked with some hesitation. In his opinion, for such a few hours, this Mr. Wei would be even more powerful and could not find much food.

After waiting for Xiaobei to follow a wave, it was a large pile of grain bags falling on the ground, and when a grain mountain was quickly piled up, Kukuza and even the leaders of the Alaczi people became stunned.

After a while, the Kukuza side only came back to the world, and under the strong feeling of excitement, after expressing gratitude to Wei Xiaobei, they ordered the leaders of the Alaqisai people to bring people to carry food.

The stunned Alaczi sergeants suddenly rejoiced and promised, then one by one or riding a horse, or drove away from the temple.

Wei Xiaobei smashed more than 20,000 tons of grain from the storage ring and piled it up into a grain mountain.

According to Wei Xiaobei’s calculation, 22,000 tons of food, enough for 100,000 Alaqisai people to eat for more than three months.

But this is not enough. Wei Xiaobei did not wait for those Alaqisai people to return to carry food. After a round of greetings with Kukuza, they left and went to Alamey again.

Because it is already familiar with the road, Wei Xiaobei went faster, and ran back and forth less than three hours before and after.

The Arazis, who gathered from all directions, were carrying food with joy and joy, and saw a man in the sky ran over, and then smashed a bag of food, and it was not long before the pile of grain was not carried halfway. A pile of grain hills piled up.

I have to say that the Arazzi people are once again stunned. For them, this scene is really amazing.

However, after Kukuza declared that Mr. Wei was the guest invited by the Feathered Serpent God, the Alaqisai people left the food on their shoulders one by one, and they bowed down to Wei Xiaobei.

Their ideas are simple.

The feather snake **** is their most noble god, and the guest of the feather snake **** is undoubtedly a god.

The respect of the Alazis to the gods is unimaginable to outsiders.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei feels that so many people are squatting toward themselves, and there is a little bit of vanity in their hearts.

Naturally, Wei Xiaobei also has some good feelings for these Alaczi people.

His temperament is like this, others are better for him, then he is better for others.

To put it bluntly, Wei Xiaobei can be said to be extremely short-term in this respect.

This can be seen from his care of the apprentices.

After so many downs, the food piled up in front of the Alaczi ancestral temple reached more than 40,000 tons, enough for the Alaczi people to eat for half a year.

Food is basically enough, after all, there is some food on the site occupied by the Alaczi people.

Next, we need to supply some weapons to the Alaczi people.

Accompanied by Kukuza I, Wei Xiaobei probably visited the insurgents formed by the Alaczi people.

It must be said that from the perspective of weapons and equipment, the Azizi Sai's uprising army is completely a rabble!

Their weapons and equipment can be described as diverse, with the M1 automatic rifle equipped by the National Guard, small caliber rifles used in shooting games, shotguns, etc., and quite a few people armed with javelins.

And their ammunition reserves are extremely small, and almost no decent fight can be opened.

When I attacked several counties and districts, I almost exhausted the Alaczi's ammunition.

Compared with their weapons and equipment, their melee combat ability is undoubtedly much stronger.

Naturally, there is the gift of a feathered zombie. The feathers and snakes make their flesh stronger, and the more devout believers, the stronger their resilience!

Of course, with the exception of a handful of Alaczis, the rest of the Alaczis do not have the ability to transcend firearms.

Well, if they can be equipped with better weapons, then the ability of these Alaczis can fully exert the power of the firearms.

You know, in the previous battle, the National Guard, who confronted the Alaqisais, was shocked to discover that there were quite a few guns in these Arazis!

Their shooting methods are extremely precise, even surpassing the snipers who have served in the Sam army for more than a decade!

However, their weapons are so bad that they limit their combat power. You know, the m1 rifles they seized are already the most advanced weapons in their hands.

The m1 rifle was not originally a sniper rifle for precision strikes. It was just an assault rifle, and the precise shooting range would not exceed 150 meters.

For the weapons of the Alaczis, Wei Xiaobei has already thought about it, and went directly to the arsenal of Sam’s country.

However, this requires intelligence support.

The intelligence department of Weijiadao needs a certain amount of time to obtain such information.

In the evening, the Alaczi people held a grand bonfire party in front of the ancestral temple and invited the distinguished Mr. Wei to participate.

At this bonfire party, the Alaczi people sang and danced, laughing and laughing in the night sky.

Many young Alaqisai boys, the girl looked at the eyes at this bonfire party, and then quit the bonfire party and went to the secret place to carry out some unspeakable activities.

Even a lot of Alaqisai girls took a look at Wei Xiaobei, and shyly went to Wei Xiaobei and left a flower.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t know what was going on, and it didn’t take long for him to pile up a lot of flowers in front of him.

And Kukuza, who was accompanied by him, introduced it with a smile.

It turns out that in the tradition of the Alaczi people, the bonfire party is a good time for men and women to pair. As long as the girl looks at the boy, she will throw flowers on the head and give it to the boy. If the boy is willing, then he can tie the knot. happy match.

All in all, the girl who had been thrown to Wei Xiaobei’s flowers before, as long as Wei Xiaobei had seen it, then he could be alive and be a bridegroom this evening.

Of course, this is just a night out of the groom. If you want to get the other person into the house, you have to send a prey that you have called and so on.

After listening to the introduction of Kukuza, Wei Xiaobei was a bit stunned.

The custom of the Alaqisai people is a bit too open, so Wei Xiaobei feels somewhat unprepared.

Well, Wei Xiaobei, as a man, tells the truth, how much is still moving, especially the third, eleventh, twenty-fifth girl, completely exceeds Wei Xiaobei's aesthetic standards.

Using Wei Xiaobei's past points of view, these girls have reached at least nine points. Even in China, they can count on the county flower, and the city spends a grade.

But when I thought of Tu Qingqing, Wei Xiaobei was shamelessly ruthless, and hurriedly refused the enthusiastic recommendation of Kukuza.

Indeed, if Wei Xiaobei is the kind of little bee who likes to wander the flowers, it is not like this.

Do not say anything else, just a few of his female apprentices, can be called the national color of the fragrance.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei simply drunk and tried to reject the enthusiasm of those girls.

However, he stunned the boldness of these Alaqisai girls. When they took a rest in Wei Zuobei’s ancestral temple, one of the girls even reached out and grabbed a handful of Wei Xiaobei’s squat, then revealed a surprise. Smile.

Seeing the girl's move, the other few girls immediately saw the hunter and joy, and at the same time extended their own claws.

Ok, at this time, Wei Xiaobei really can't fit it.

Perhaps the guy with a very savvy personality will talk about it and accept it.

But Wei Xiaobei really can't bear the monkey who was arrogantly defeated by several girls.

So the next moment, Wei Xiaobei sneaked out of the entanglement of several girls, and escaped without a trace.

Your own innocence!

Wei Xiaobei, who escaped, was really a bit worried, and his heart was inexplicably angry and wanted to vent.

The next morning, Wei Xiaobei, who spent a night in a mountain forest, finally received information from the Weijiadao intelligence department.

There is no separate arsenal in the information sent by Weijiadao intelligence department to Wei Xiaobei. After all, Wei Xiaobei’s time is too short, and the intelligence department can’t find the independent arsenal positions in a short time. .

But the information lists the Samo’s largest military bases in the country.

The Granny military base, located in Granny on the west coast of Sam, is the largest military base on the west coast of Sam. The military port is one of the important repair ports of the Samo Pacific Fleet. In addition, it is also stationed. The third airman of the local air force, and the 18th Division of the Sam’s Army!

As can be seen from the above introduction, this Granny military base is actually a comprehensive military base that spans the armed forces of the sea, land and air.

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