The City of Terror

Chapter 1592: Strong of the weak

During this time, the weather has changed a lot, sometimes the sun is shining, the hot wind is bursting, sometimes the clouds are overcast, the coldness is incomparable, the poor road is unfortunately caught, the cold is cold, and the nose is blocked and feels sleepless.

After understanding the origin of the blood of the Feathered Serpent, Wei Xiaobei thought about it, and the snake that floated in front of Wei Xiaobei immediately turned into a pool of black water, sucked back by the pork, and it made up for some Material damage.

This snake is only a test piece of Wei Xiaobei. In fact, it cannot be called a snake, but it has a bloodline of a snake.

In addition to being able to suspend in the air and drain the water within a hundred meters, there is no other ability to sing the snake.

To put it bluntly, it is a kind of goods, and its biological level is only the ordinary appearance of Samsung.

Compared with the material it consumes, this cottage version of the snake, the price is really too low.

If you want to truly copy such beasts, Wei Xiaobei needs to further enhance the altar of life.

Well, this question, Wei Xiaobei has not paid attention to it for a long time.

After the strength of his own self-improvement to the four-star disaster, the ability of the altar to cultivate creatures in life has been weakened in the importance of Wei Xiaobei.

After all, compared to Wei Xiaobei's own powerful combat power, the creatures cultivated by the altar of life are even more powerful, but they are at most four stars, and they also need to consume a lot of material.

The mass of all the material reserves of the altar of life can only breed a few four-star ordinary creatures.

What's more, Wei Xiaobei's avatars completely compare the cultivation of life altars.

But now, Wei Xiaobei turned his attention back to the altar of life.

After all, if you can really breed the creatures of the beast-level, it is not just a simple way to strengthen Wei Xiaobei.

The evolution of the altar of life requires some special treasures to be carried out.

To put it bluntly, it is a high quality treasure!

Wei Xiaobei calculated his treasures, and at this level of life altar, he was able to see things with his eyes, and he only talked a few times.

The sun-gun, the jade bottle and the half-residual bronze head of the Buddha, the semi-residual water bottle, and the semi-broken clock.

Well, Wei Xiaobei discovered that the altar of life also responded to the heart of the hundred-armed dark master.

There are six treasures that can make the altar of life evolve.

The sun-gun is the main battle weapon of Wei Xiaobei. It is impossible to let the altar of life swallow it. The jade bottle is completely a treasure. If it is swallowed by the altar of life, it may not be able to let the altar of life evolve. Instead, it is a waste of treasure.

Among the three treasures obtained from the Datianlong Temple, the half-derelict Buddha's head has been sent to Zhu Xinyi by Wei Xiaobei, so that many disciples can open the Buddha's small magical power and enhance their combat power.

Therefore, even if Wei Xiaobei wants to let the altar of life swallow the head of the half-derelict Buddha, there is no way.

As for the semi-residual water bottle, it is used to collect the Xuanhuang Gongde juice. If one day, Wei Xiaobei does not need to use the merits and golden light to accelerate the study of the rules. The cultivation of Shentong can be fed to the altar of life.

And the last half-broken clock, the effect is to eliminate the evil spirits, although the existence of evil spirits, Wei Xiaobei is less encountered, but after a battle with the troubled witch, Wei Xiaobei still pays close attention to this aspect. .

Therefore, this half-breaking clock can not be fed to the altar of life in a short time.

Until now, the only one that can feed the altar of life is the heart of the hundred-armed dark Lord.

The heart of the hundred-armed dark master, Wei Xiaobei holding is really not very useful, it was originally a version of the cottage made by the big **** of the big god.

Now Wei Xiaobei has the divine nature of the Great Dark Lord, and this heart has no use.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei took the heart of the hundred-armed dark master out of the storage ring.

As soon as the heart was taken out, it quickly pulsed, and then countless shredded pork emerged from the heart and entangled each other. In the blink of an eye, the heart suddenly formed a prototype of a skull.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei was amazed at the resilience of the 100-armed Dark Lord.

It only has one heart left, but look at this situation, as long as ten minutes, the hundred-armed dark master can fully recover from the heart!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not look at the thought of the recovery of the hundred-armed dark master. When the left hand stretched out, the head shape of the skull was caught as a meat sauce, and then the pork in the left hand palm suddenly spewed out. The heart of the hundred-armed dark Lord was wrapped in it.

In the following time, Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised.

If the altar of life wants to swallow this heart, then you must first swallow the flesh that is constantly emerging.

But the meat that came out of the heart was so dense that it was endless.

Look at this, for a time and a half, the altar of life can not get the heart of the hundred-armed dark master!

But this is not without benefits.

The shredded pork from the altar of life continues to devour the shredded pork outside the heart, which in turn makes the material reserve of the altar of life rapidly increasing!

The vitality of this hundred-armed dark Lord is too abundant!

In just one day, the altar of life sucked up the material reserves, but the heart of the hundred-armed dark Lord was still alive and well, with no signs of recession.

In this way, the altar of life wants to swallow up the heart of the hundred-strong Dark Lord in a short time, and it becomes an impossible thing.

Wei Xiaobei broke the shredded pork and took the heart of the hundred-armed dark master into the storage ring.

The time spent on my own island is not too small.

Wei Xiaobei didn't know if he was on the side of Dongpu.

After the small Weibei and the weak pigs who stayed on the island of Honshu in the east of the country established a spiritual connection, they had to make a quick trip.

The reason is very simple. On that day, the gods really sent a detachment to invade the reality, and the number has reached more than 30!

In the time when Wei Xiaobei was mistaken, the avatar of the **** of the day had already won the island of Honshu, and even the sun **** belief church created by Wei Xiaobei was also occupied by the other party.

Perhaps the avatars of Tianzhao are busy consolidating the beliefs they have seized and have not yet invaded Kyushu.

After getting this news, Wei Xiaobei could not help but be fortunate, but fortunately he had already harvested the divine in all the gods.

Otherwise, now, it’s not cheaper.

But then again, what made Wei Xiaobei quite annoyed was that when the priests came to the Sun Gods on the day, the high-ranking officials of the Holy See were rushing to surrender to the day.

On the contrary, many of the priests and believers at the bottom did not want to sacrifice their faith to Tianzhao, and they were eventually destroyed by the high-level sects of the Holy See and even the high-ranking members of the Holy See.

Undoubtedly, the upper levels of the Holy See are the betrayal of the red fruit.

After Wei Xiaobei was angry, he thought about it, but he laughed.

This is not Wei Xiaobei's anger, but he thought of a way to deal with the avatar.

The reason for this is very simple. Don't look at the high-level surrenders of the Holy See, who are eager to surrender to Tianzhao, but Wei Xiaobei wants their lives to be easy.

The sun gods around the high level of the Holy See are all ordinary people, and these ordinary people did not cause the attention of the day!

What did Wei Xiaobei say, and those leaders of the Holy See still dare not listen?

As a result, Wei Xiaobei was not in a hurry to rush to kill him with the photo of the day. Instead, he found a hidden cave and hid himself.

In the following week, Wei Xiaobei did not leave the cave half a step and concentrated on cultivating the creatures in the cave.

Each of the meat chops constantly appeared in the cave, and after the rupture, a creature with a cold body was drilled.

In view of the previous experience of using Snow Maiden to reinvent Tianzhao, Wei Xiaobei was mainly based on the snow female gene, supplemented by other low temperature type biological genes, to study the most modulated low temperature organisms.

To say that the snow woman's gene is in contact with Wei Xiaobei's genes, the complexity is only moderate.

But it was just a matter of modulating and cultivating creatures that were almost snowy, so that Wei Xiaobei wasted a lot of time.

What's more, Wei Xiaobei wants to cultivate creatures that are more powerful than Snow Maiden, at least in terms of manufacturing low temperature!

As a variety of low temperature organisms were cultivated, the temperature in the cave remained at zero and the walls were covered with a layer of ice.

Of course, with Wei Xiaobei’s current depth of research on genes, if you don’t consider biological grades, it’s just that you can strengthen a certain aspect of living things. It’s not impossible to breed more than snow creatures.

A week later, Wei Xiaobei pushed the huge stone that had been frozen in the hole, and a ray of sunlight hit the cave, making Wei Xiaobei feel a lot more comfortable.

In the case of the golden blood veins owned by Wei Xiaobei, it is also very difficult to stay with those low-temperature creatures, even if those low-temperature organisms are cultivated by themselves.

Wei Xiaobei stretched out a lazy waist and extended his left hand. Then countless shredded pork squirted out of the palm of his hand. At the time of counting, he formed a one-meter-diameter meat raft on the open space outside the cave.

In just one minute, the meat chop ruptured, one pair of wings, no more than thirty centimeters in diameter, and the fluffy ball that blew out of the body flew out from the inside.

These plush **** are the final result of Wei Xiaobei's research this week!

In its form and ability, Wei Xiaobei gave it a resounding name: cold hair ball!

Well, to be precise, the creature level of this cold hair ball is only the second star elite!

The low temperature that the cold hair ball usually produces is only about minus ten degrees, and they have no attack ability except for high-speed flight.

But they can create low temperatures of minus 190 degrees in a self-explosive form in a flash!

Moreover, the low temperatures created by these cold hair **** can be superimposed to create a lower temperature!

Ten cold air **** can instantly superimpose the low temperature of two Baidu, and one hundred cold hair **** can create absolute zero!

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