The City of Terror

Chapter 1603: The world of light

Late in the evening, I missed the time in the little black room, I am sorry to be embarrassed -

Without hesitation, Wei Xiaobei rushed to the white light hole!

He knows that from all kinds of signs, the white light hole is the core area of ​​the Amaterasu body!

When Wei Xiaobei slammed into the white light hole, the first feeling was hot!

too hot! The heat is at its best, almost giving Wei Xiaobei an illusion that he is instantly ignited or dropped into the magma!

You must know that Wei Xiaobei's current fire immunity can resist the high temperature of 6.5 Baidu! And after adding lightning, such as mercury, even Jinwu blood and other factors, even if it is a high temperature of 100,000 degrees, Wei Xiaobei will not feel anything different.

But now, Wei Xiaobei actually feels hot and hot!

It is conceivable that the temperature in this white light hole has reached a horror.

If a guy comes in, I am afraid that it will be evaporated in a flash, and even the ashes may not be able to leave a little.

However, this kind of heat only lasted less than ten minutes in the feeling of Wei Xiaobei.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei saw that he entered a world of dreams.

There is soft light everywhere, but you can't see any light source, and the light is generated in all positions out of thin air.

Wei Xiaobei hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward.

An hour later, Wei Xiaobei came to the conclusion that this is a world far beyond the length of the body of Amaterasu!

You know, how far can you run in an hour at Wei Xiaobei?

If it is extremely fast, there is no problem running three or four thousand kilometers. If it is a relatively leisurely run, then at least three or four hundred kilometers can be run.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei did not run to the end of the world!

In other words, the diameter of this world is at least three or four hundred kilometers.

The body of Amaterasu is only a diameter of ten kilometers, and it is impossible to accommodate the next world of three or four hundred kilometers in diameter.

Wei Xiaobei stopped and his brow wrinkled and thought about it.

There is no doubt that there are only two possibilities for this situation.

The first is that if the world is so big, then it must not exist in the Tianzhao body. The white light hole is just an entrance, and the real position of the world should be in the void!

Second, the world is not really that big, just a strange rule that limits itself and prevents itself from reaching the edge of the world.

Slightly thought about it, Wei Xiaobei will be the first one to overthrow.

The reason is very simple. If it is really a huge world controlled by the Amaterasu, then is it necessary for the Amaterasu to operate the high heaven outside?

This point even the fool knows how to choose.

A world in which an entrance exists in one's own body is much safer than Gao Tianyuan.

Even if the two operate at the same time, Amaterasu should also transfer some of the divine ghosts here.

However, after Wei Xiaobei entered here, he did not feel the slight breath or traces of other creatures.

Of course, it may be that Amaterasu has hidden the creatures that exist in this world, but Wei Xiaobei does not think that Amaterasu can do this.

Wei Xiaobei is the master and creator of Aoki Fudi, and has an absolute say in this regard.

Even if Wei Xiaobei is in Qingmufu, it is impossible to do this completely. At most, it is to isolate some kind of existence in a certain position in Qingmufu, but it is impossible to absolutely feel the breath of other creatures.

As a result, there is only one conclusion.

This is a space that exists in the body of Azure. The rules within it are completely different from the outside world, so that Wei Xiaobei mistakes him for a huge world.

So how to crack the limits of this world? Or how to see the essence of the world?

Wei Xiaobei once again pondered, but his right hand involuntarily extended, and some strange changes began to appear on the palm of his hand.

The thunder and lightning of mercury emerged first. It suddenly turned into a power grid, and it was sprinkled around. For a time, the electric light around Weibei was shining like a thunderstorm.

But after the electric light dissipated, there seemed to be no change in the surrounding, and the light still had no source, and it was dotted into a sea of ​​light.

It seems that it should not be some extremely horrible illusion effect.

After the electric light thunder, Wei Xiaobei sighed and made this judgment.

First of all, Wei Xiaobei's willpower, temperament and tolerance can resist most of the illusion, the intrusion of the mental type of power, and this thunder and lightning is not the original thunder and lightning, which contains the atmosphere of a sneak peek in the green wood. .

Under such lightning and lightning, I am afraid that even if it is a rule-level illusion, it is difficult to reveal a flaw in front of Wei Xiaobei.

So what about the wind rules?

A small tornado emerged from Wei Xiaobei's right hand palm. The next moment the tornado broke away from the palm of his hand, and then suddenly became bigger. In a blink of an eye, the light around Wei Xiaobei was absorbed.

This is the power of the rules.

Under the influence of the rule power, something that is impossible in reality will follow.

But this test eventually failed.

The reason is very simple. When the tornado absorbs the light, Wei Xiaobei is only blank for less than a few times, and the light is born again, filling the blanks.

Undoubtedly, the tornado generated by Wei Xiaobei's rules of wind can indeed clean up those lights, but because the light can be generated quickly, it is impossible for the tornado to wipe out the rules here in a short time.

As a result, it is impossible to break the restrictions here.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei raised a hot and incomparable light in the palm of his hand!

This is the last resort of Wei Xiaobei. Before the various means failed to break the restrictions here, in fact, Wei Xiaobei finally wanted to hit the Universiade.

But after the light and heat of the group rose, Wei Xiaobei saw some stunnedly. Under the light of his own group, the light that was continuously generated around it began to fade rapidly, just like the snow covered under the scorching sun. .

Under the light of their own heat, the light that was originally endless, not suppressed by any rules, disappeared, revealing a emptiness that is spreading.

To be honest, this change is indeed what Wei Xiaobei had not thought of before.

Who would have thought that here, the core part of the Amaterasu god, the restriction of breaking the light would be the external light.

But soon, Wei Xiaobei's attention is not on this.

As the light faded, the original appearance of the entire space was revealed in front of Wei Xiaobei.

I said it before, here is a world of light, and as the light fades, Wei Xiaobei sees a scene that surprises him.

The wall of this space, the ground is composed of the light after solidification. Wei Xiaobei gently touched the ground composed of this light, and could not help but be amazed by the means of the Amaterasu.

The ground is hard and hard, just like this, Wei Xiaobei knows that even if you want to break the ground wall here, you need to consume a lot of power!

The light that was originally nothing but a state of emptiness can form a substantial ground, wall, and thus it can be seen that the **** of the day has surpassed Wei Xiaobei in the depth of the rules of light and heat.

Perhaps this means of materializing the light needs to consume a lot of power. Maybe the **** of the day is really hurt. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Wei Xiaobei, who had previously broken into the sky, to enter.

After the interest rate, the light in the space dissipated, and the diameter of the whole space was only about one hundred meters.

Just less than 30 meters in front of Wei Xiaobei, a crystal clear crystal with a length of about one meter is suspended in midair!

this is?

Wei Xiaobei's gaze immediately gathered on it. This golden crystal is like a sea of ​​light. The brightness is extremely high, but it can make people see clearly, but with the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, the golden crystal It exudes an indescribable but terrifying power.

This power, Wei Xiaobei is very familiar, is the power of the Amaterasu god.

At the next moment, the light in the golden crystal suddenly disappeared. Then a three-legged golden eagle slowly emerged from the upper part of the golden crystal, and looked at Wei Xiaobei with his head, an old-fashioned sound of unrecognizable men and women in Wei Xiaobei’s mind. Ringing: "Who are you?"

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei involuntarily closed his breath and looked at the greedy color in the eyes of the three-legged Jin Wu.

It is the golden blood of the **** of the sky!

That's right!

The kind of familiarity of Jinwu blood veins, mixed with the blood of other kinds of ghosts, Wei Xiaobei even if it is burnt into ash, can also feel it.

"I am here to find you!"

The ultimate goal of Wei Xiaobei’s coming here has already appeared in front of him. He naturally will not grind and delay the time. Who knows whether it will appear here after the gods, or what means will be used.

At the same time as saying this in his mouth, Wei Xiaobei rushed toward the three-legged Jin Wu, and in the twinkling of an eye, he had already put on a sun glove!

This is a necessary measure!

Things like Jinwu blood are not in existence. If you don’t have sun gloves, you may need to take a lot of time if you want to catch each other.

However, when Wei Xiaobei was about to rush to the front of the three-legged Jinwu, a circle of aura on the golden crystal spread out, and Wei Xiaobei was pushed out easily, and suddenly hit the wall and made a fierce impact.


Wei Xiaobei stood up, and the impact with the light wall did not hurt him, but the aura of the golden crystal suddenly appeared to be able to launch it easily, but it made Wei Xiaobei feel a little surprised.

We must know that although Wei Xiaobei did not go all out and kept a lot of things in case of unexpected accidents, it is not an easy task to push it out easily.

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