The City of Terror

Chapter 1620: , the opportunity of the fat house

The poor road wants to go to a beautiful place, a wooden house, can go online, quiet code words, away from the red world, but this may be just a luxury. ——

The magical light of the bright colors blooms. After a short time, your fried eggs become a bowel movement, your toast becomes a mud, and your milk becomes sewage.

Ok, do you have a feeling of being blown up?

For example, when you squat, the toilet paper becomes a grasshopper, a snake, and even a frog.

For example, a group of goblins appeared in a arsenal that was producing weapons. They purposelessly scrambled the magic, the barrels on the production line turned into wood, and the bombs turned into firecrackers.

For example, when you go out to work, just a few steps away, you find yourself lost. Until 12 o'clock in the evening, you can't find the door to go home.

And if such a thing happens several times a day, will you be mad, and if such a thing lasts for a month, would you have an urge to commit suicide?

Well, the current state of Gaul is such a state. From top to bottom, from the city to the countryside, from the barracks to the port, there is chaos everywhere.

The Eagle Kingdom is not good, Arthur, Merlin, and the dragon have disappeared, but a small green lake has appeared.

This small green lake is not fixed in one place, it will appear anywhere in the Eagle Country.

And after each occurrence, the first person to meet this green lake will become a guest of the lake fairy, and then get a sword that can give it magical power.

And this person will inexplicably believe that he is the head of Great Britain, and then carry out a series of so-called conquests.

Well, this kind of conquest is actually going to follow me, and the opponent is dead.

Wherever they go, all the towns that dare not surrender will be baptized!

One such guy, one is enough.

But the fairy in the lake seems to have a mind to create more King Arthur, so in just one month in the Eagle Kingdom, there are hundreds of cottage versions of King Arthur.

The appearance of these King Arthurs undoubtedly caused the eagle country that had just settled down again into chaos.

The prime minister, who used the Wei Xiaobei to settle the chaos of King Arthur, may have had a headache at this time.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei also saw the prime minister’s help text message on the mobile phone.

But then again, Wei Xiaobei has no time to help the prime minister.

The reason is very simple. There are a large number of cases of monster invasion in various countries in the world. China has not been able to make exceptions.

However, compared with other countries, China’s historically deeper problems have even greater problems.

The first is that the monsters appear more, and the new monsters are stronger, and there are many guys with names in the myths and legends.

Such as spider essence, snow lion, white zebra, jade rabbit essence, scorpion essence and so on.

Of course, it’s not just monsters, but even some gods.

For example, in some mountain rivers, there are mountain gods, He Bo, and even a shipwrecked rescuer said that he saw the dragon!

I have to say that this time, I will increase the level of the monsters and monsters that appear in China.

Like those mountain gods, He Bo, and spiders, Wei Xiaobei is not very clear about their biological grades, but if the dragons really appear, even the worst inferior dragons, their biological grades are above the four-star elite.

What's more, according to the definition of myths and legends, monsters like Bai Ze are not just monsters, they are a kind of beasts.

Take Bai Ze, in myths and legends, he once accompanied the Xuan Zang Huang Di side, knowing the names of the world's ghosts, looks and even expelled, so it has been used as a ghost-sucking beast for a long time in Chinese history. Enshrined.

Even in the folks, there are rumors such as "the family has a white map, the monster is self-eliminating."

In addition, in the ancient army, Bai Zeqi is also a commonly used banner to expel ghosts that may be encountered while marching at night.

In short, according to such legends, the strength of this beast Bai Ze is probably higher than the mixed blood dragon and so on.

According to Wei Xiaobei's calculation, a beast like Bai Ze, whose biological level is probably four-star horror, is not impossible even if he arrives at the four-star disaster.

The most crucial problem is that a beast like Bai Ze is not only a kind of Bai Ze, but there are many others. In addition, there are more demons with the same level as the beasts of Bai Ze.

The only thing that is fortunate is that most of these beasts, the big demon, are now in the middle of the deep forest, and only a few have ran out and become a scourge.

The text messages that Zhu Xinyi and other disciples reported to Wei Xiaobei mainly recorded the destruction of these beasts and the big demon.

This is also a helpless thing.

The strength of Zhu Xinyi and others should be regarded as a relatively top-notch in the gray world, and with the many benefits that Wei Xiaobei has given, the strength is even stronger.

But in the case of these beasts, the guys at the big demon level, Zhu Xinyi and others can be self-protected, even if they want to deal with them, I am afraid I have to exercise a lot of time.

You know, these beasts, the big demon can be much stronger than the four-star horror ghosts that appear in Dongpu.

If those ghosts are just ordinary soldiers, then these beasts, the big demon should be the elite of the soldiers, special forces!

In addition to the world's major powers, the rest of the country has not been able to overcome the trend of this wave of monsters.

There are a lot of myths and legends in the mysterious legends and even the gods in different ways. In Thailand, there are many projections of the Luohan, and even the projections of the witches. As for the countries of the Europa, there are also various mythological creatures.

As for the African continent, the ancestors of more tribes have emerged. These ancestors have given the tribe members more powerful power and speed, which has led to a step-by-step surge in the strength of each tribe.

But it is precisely because of the large number of these ancestral spirits that the grievances that have long been forgotten between the tribes have once again been picked up by these ancestors, causing the entire African continent to fall into chaos.

After reading the text message received on the mobile phone, Wei Xiaobei could not help but shook his head.

After I had planned to kill the Amaterasu, I took a break and enjoyed my life.

But now it seems that the intention to rest is completely shattered.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei decided to go back to China first.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei suddenly emerged a breeze around his body. When his right leg stepped forward, his body suddenly dissipated, but when it reappeared, it was already out of kilometers.

After several dozens of steps, Wei Xiaobei appeared on the western coast of Honshu Island.

The warm winter sun shone down and fell on the slightly curled waves, forming a piece of golden floral flowers scattered around. If this scene was seen by a photographer, it would be photographed with joy.

But for Wei Xiaobei, all this is a cloud, and his mind is still immersed in the previous moves.

After the wind rules were slightly deepened, it was very convenient.

Just let the breeze wrap yourself and you can easily cross the kilometer distance with the help of wind.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knows that this is just the application of the rules at the initial level.

If you can go one step further, you will be able to increase your speed ten times and more than a hundred times.

But just in front of it, Wei Xiaobei is already very satisfied.

Looking back at the land of Dongpu, Wei Xiaobei sighed and took a step and dissipated in the air.

At this time, in the eastern part of the eastern island of Honshu, a human being in a human gathering place is busy collecting firewood in winter.

To say such a thing, it should be done at the end of autumn.

However, this human gathering place did have some sad reminders. At that time, it was controlled by Tianzhao. All human beings had to pray in the square to pray to the statue of Azure in order to avoid the killing of Tianzhao.

Under such circumstances, they have no time to harvest the mature crops in the field, and there is still time to collect firewood.

Even now, the food they reserve will probably need to be saved to survive this winter.

Well, anyway, in their view, the current situation is very embarrassing, but at least it is better than waiting for it at any time.

Miyamoto Musashi, although with an amazing name, is not the famous kendo master in the history of Dongpu.

He is just one of the flat-headed people in this human gathering place. Before the chaos of Dongpu, he was an ordinary white-collar worker. When he was not at work, he did not go out to make friends, but only stayed at home to enjoy the beauty of the second yuan.

Therefore, there is no such thing as this, and there is no physical strength. After the chaos of Dongpu, it is impossible to mix up.

Today, he followed his group for a total of ten people to go out and pick up firewood.

For a long time, when I was tired like a dead dog, Miyamoto Musashi remembered that the high-rises in the human gathering place were enjoying the warmth of the fire and eating the sashimi that I could not eat. The heart could not help but emerge a little. Fantasy comes.

If you are the famous Miyamoto Musashi in history, you may not have to take the cold wind to pick up firewood at this time, but as a high-rise of human gathering place, hiding in a warm room and enjoying delicious food. Or take a few beautiful people to do the unspeakable things.

At this time, Miyamoto Musashi’s character of the dead house has long been ruined by the suffering life, and replaced by the desire and fantasy of the upper life.

Stretched a lame, Miyamoto Musashi directly lying on the ground.

"Wu Cang, don't lie down, look, there are a few dead trees over there, it seems that today's mission can be completed."

The member of Miyamoto Musashi, Uesugi Oda was very excited and shouted at the distance.


Miyamoto Musashi’s heart can’t help but swear, the task?

What about it? There is no such thing as a good thing. Every day, I eat food that I didn’t even eat.

Compared with the laziness of Miyamoto Musashi, the small field on the mountain is obviously active and active. Seeing that Miyamoto Musashi is not willing to move, he has no more words and walked toward several dead trees in the distance.

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