Chapter 125: Qin Chiyang

Qin Chiyang didn’t realize what was wrong, he was still immersed in his own beautiful fantasy.

In Qin Chiyang’s eyes, he seemed to have successfully replaced Qin Chiyue’s position.

And as long as Qin Chiyue’s newly opened company is suppressed this time, so that he can’t do it, then Qin Chiyue will be a useless person in the family from now on!

No one will know his name, no one will care how capable he is!

This is the Qin family, and interest is the real kingly way!

Almost an hour passed slowly, and Qin Chiyang was already sleepy.

Qin Chiyang’s drinker is very good, and Lin Moyuan has known this for a long time.

But Qin Chiyang didn’t know that Lin Moyuan had mixed some special things in the wine…

That’s a mystery/drug!

Qin Chiyang had never drunk single malt whiskey before. Naturally, he didn’t know what the original taste of whiskey was, so he didn’t notice any medicine in the wine.

Finally, after the last glass of wine, Qin Chiyang fell directly on the sofa, unconscious.

The medicinal/medicine used by Lin Moyuan is very powerful, basically it takes a full 24 hours to gradually disappear, even if the gods in the sky take this medicine, they have to sleep obediently all day.

Lin Moyuan saw Qin Chiyang lying on the sofa, and the smile on his face slowly receded.

Seeing Lin Moyuan’s expression change, Sophie also got up from her seat and asked in a low voice:

“Mo Yuan, shall we implement the plan now?”

Lin Moyuan nodded/nodded, and stepped forward to help Qin Chiyang who was already snoring loudly, and said:

“After taking the picture in a while, just throw him here!”

Sophie breathed a sigh of relief, then nodded with a crimson face.

This is the first time Sophie has such an intimate behavior with the opposite sex. She has always been a cleanliness person, and she is most disgusted with people like Qin Chiyang who turn into a wolf when she sees a beautiful woman.

But considering Lin Moyuan’s plan, Sophie had no choice but to bite the bullet.

The two helped Qin Chiyang into the hotel room, Sophie took off her own coat, but at this moment, Lin Moyuan turned around and went to the outside of the room.

This is not because Lin Moyuan is not interested in Sophie, but because Sophie is still Lin Moyuan’s Big sis after all. If two people are too close, they will be criticized.

When Sophie saw Lin Moyuan turned and left, she felt a little disappointed in her heart.

Sophie knew very well that if he hadn’t adopted Lin Shengtian and his wife kindly, she would have died by the side of the icy and snowy road.

So Sophie was already prepared, no matter what Lin Shengtian asked her to do, she would obey the arrangement.

What embarrassed Sophie the most was that Lin Shengtian really regarded her as a daughter, so she never asked for anything. Sophie always wanted to repay her, but she didn’t have any chance.

Knowing that Lin Moyuan was about to take up the position of manager, Sophie saw the opportunity and offered to be Lin Moyuan’s bodyguard.

In Yunhai City and even the entire Long Kingdom, there are many criminals who are eyeing Lin Shengtian’s wealth, but the preservation force around Lin Shengtian is very good, and of course they can’t make a move.

But Lin Shengtian’s son Lin Moyuanke is different!

This kid is just a dude. He is idle every day and doesn’t like to bring bodyguards. He is accompanied by at most three or five people every time he travels, so it naturally becomes the biggest goal!

In recent years, Lin Shengtian has been worried about the safety of his son.

Lin Shengtian has always wanted to find a personal bodyguard for his son, but how could Lin Moyuan agree to let a strong man follow him every day?

But this time, Sophie’s return finally made Lin Shengtian relieved.

Lin Moyuan was naturally unwilling, and immediately rejected it, but under Lin Shengtian’s coercion, he could only succumb.

So when he left Lin Shengtian’s villa, there was an extra Sophie behind Lin Moyuan.

Sophie doesn’t know much about the Little Brother of own, but heard from the outside world that Lin Moyuan is a idle, ignorant dude. In Yunhai City, when Lin Moyuan’s name is mentioned, no one is cursed. .

But Sophie was already prepared, what if Lin Moyuan was dull?

He is the flesh and blood of Lin Shengtian and his wife, even if he is crushed, Lin Moyuan can’t have an accident.

But after seeing Lin Moyuan, Sophie realized that most of the rumors from the outside world were wrong!

Lin Moyuan is clearly a polite and modest gentleman, even if it is not to this level, it is almost the same.

Now Lin Moyuan turned and went out, avoiding the act of owning, and he looked very gentleman.

Sophie shook her head and scolded herself secretly, what she was thinking about, it’s important to do business!

After that, she bent down and looked at Qin Chiyue who was still snoring on the bed. She sighed and lay down beside him.

After taking out her mobile phone and posing in a few intimate poses, Sophie immediately put on her own clothes and left the room.

She really didn’t want to stay in this room for a second.

Just outside the room, Sophie saw Lin Moyuan sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Lin Moyuan was holding a cigarette at this time, looking a little worried, but didn’t realize that Sophie was already sitting in front of Own.

In fact, Lin Moyuan is viewing the own property panel!

Just after Sophie took the photo, Lin Moyuan received a prompt from the system and obtained a lot of villain values ​​again!

Now the villain value of Lin Moyuan can open a gold-level treasure chest!

That is tens of millions of villain values!

However, Lin Moyuan hesitated a bit. Judging from the burst rate of the system, with a villain value of 10 million, if you open a golden box, most of it will be a waste of water!

But if it is a silver treasure box, maybe something good can be opened!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

Is it cost-effective to open a silver box or a gold treasure box?

Otherwise, wait until you get the bar street, then there will definitely be a large amount of villain rewards!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan had a direction in his heart!

Get the bar street first, then open the gold treasure box directly!

Just closing the own property panel, Lin Moyuan found that Sophie was sitting in front of own, secretly observing herself.

Looks like Sophie has finished taking pictures?

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan was about to stand up, but an idea suddenly appeared in his heart!

I have the skill of True Vision, so why don’t you look at Sophie’s loyalty to own?

It’s good to confirm whether Sophie can really be trusted!

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