Chapter 143: You rob people, I see the excitement

With more than twenty bodyguards of own, Tang Qi began to move towards the factory area in the direction provided by Lin Moyuan, without realizing that there was an extra tail behind own.

Ye Feng slowly followed behind this group of people, and he became more and more certain of own’s guess.

Look at the kid Tang Qi, who is familiar with the road, he must have brought Misty and Rain here!

Even if he didn’t do it, he couldn’t get rid of it!

Ye Feng didn’t realize that, in fact, the real murderer was already ready to watch the excitement…

After Tang Qi passed three workshops, he finally stopped at the door of a small abandoned factory. The smile on his face couldn’t be concealed.

This scene fell in the eyes of Ye Feng, who followed far behind, and that was the smile of a proper trickery!

Just let you laugh for a while, and when you see Misty Rain, I make you regret being born in this world!

Soon, Tang Qi’s bodyguards opened the iron door of the workshop, and finally found Qi Yanyu in the workshop!

Although Qi Yanyu’s clothes are messy, his clothes are still intact, except that blindfolds are put on his eyes and his hands are tied behind his back, unable to move.

Hearing someone opening the door and coming in, Qi Yanyu suddenly began to struggle!

Just as Tang Qi was about to rush over and untie Qi Yanyu’s rope, the bodyguards behind Tang Qi screamed!

Tang Qi looked back, it turned out to be Ye Feng!

The bodyguard boss next to Qi Yanyu!

“Ye Feng! What are you doing? Are you crazy?”

At this time, Ye Feng had just pulled a whip on the head of a bodyguard, and he said with a disdainful expression:

“Tang Qi! Just your rubbish acting, don’t act with me!”

“Hurry up and let the misty rain go! I can spare you a dog!”

Tang Qi’s expression suddenly became gloomy. Could it be that this kid knew that his protection was not good, and now he bit himself back, wanting to shirk responsibility?

“I’m going to your uncle! Would you say it again?”

“I’ve seen something wrong with your kid a long time ago. You must have colluded with the kidnappers, robbed Misty Rain, and then I exposed it!”

“Give it to me! Discard this kid! Then send it to the police station!”

Hearing Tang Qi’s words, the remaining bodyguards around him looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and rushed up together!

This Ye Feng’s combat effectiveness is obviously not like ordinary people, although one by one is definitely not an opponent, but he may be able to win him together!

Suddenly, a fierce battle began on both sides.

“The bodyguard wearing sunglasses has two tricks, but within three strokes, he will definitely be overthrown by Ye Feng!”

“No, boss, looking at that bodyguard is very strong, I think I can at least stick to five or six tricks, right?”

“What do you know, masters make moves, it must look at a momentum! Ye Feng’s aura is much stronger than that kid! By the way, is there any Guazi? Save me some!”

These two were sitting on the windowsill on the second floor of the abandoned factory, chatting with melon seeds and watching the theater. Naturally, they were Lin Moyuan and Ji Kun.

The two came very early, and Tang Qi was just forefoot and hindfoot.

As soon as he arrived at the factory, Lin Moyuan found Ye Feng behind Tang Qi at a glance, so the two of them weren’t too close. In addition, Ye Feng put all his attention on Tang Qi’s body, so he didn’t find Lin Moyuan and him. Two figures of Ji Kun.

Lin Moyuan found a small workshop with a good view, and there were aisles and balconies on the second floor, so Ji Kun simply took Ji Kun to sit down here, and began to watch this great show directed by Lin Moyuan.

Ji Kun knocked the melon seeds, and asked suspiciously:

“Boss, why can’t I see, why are the two sides fighting?”

“It stands to reason, aren’t they all here to save Qi Yanyu? Isn’t it good to shake hands and make peace?”

Lin Moyuan stretched out his hand to pat the back of Ji Kun’s head when he heard the words, and said angrily:

“If Ye Feng’s mind is as simple as yours, then I still need so much effort to circumvent it?”

“I ask you, if a chicken lays an egg, but when it went out and turned around, it came back and found that the egg was gone, and beside the egg, there was a weasel. What do you think the chicken would think?”

Ji Kun didn’t even think about it, of course he replied:

“Of course I think it was the egg stolen by the weasel!”

Afterwards, Ji Kun suddenly realized!

“Boss, you deserve it! What a talent!”

“But why is this weasel, Tang Qi?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Tang Qi has been chasing Qi Yanyu for more than two years. As Qi Yanyu’s fiance, Ye Feng, of course, is not pleasing to Tang Qi.”

“On the other hand, Tang Qi has been chasing Qi Yanyu for two years, and Qi Yanyu suddenly has an inexplicable unmarried deputy. Of course Tang Qi is also very upset!”

“Actually, these two people are not pleasing to the eyes of each other, and it is not a matter of one day or two. I am just an adult beauty, helping them to express the anger that has been complaining in their hearts for a long time. They should also thank me!”

At this moment, Ji Kun looked at Lin Moyuan’s gaze, and the mountains looked up!

Not because of Lin Moyuan’s strategy, but because of Lin Moyuan’s face!

What is this talking about? Let the two sides beat their heads to bloodshed, should the two sides have to thank Lin Moyuan in turn?

“Boss, I believe everything else you say, but when it comes to thank you… I think both sides have the heart to kill you!”

Lin Moyuan shrugged helplessly, and said with a smile:

“How about I bet you?”

Ji Kun frowned, a tingling sensation slowly rising from the bottom of his heart.



It seems that the boss hasn’t lost the bet yet!

But Ji Kun really didn’t believe it, this time Lin Moyuan could still guess it!

“I bet! Just bet on my Lycan supercar!”

Lin Moyuan sighed helplessly when he heard the words, why did this kid rush to give him money?

“Okay, then I’ll bet on my hardtop poison with you!”

Ji Kun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but immediately felt something was wrong!

The feeling that Lin Moyuan gave to people was really a little lighter! Not like gambling should be!

“I said, boss, I really don’t believe it, you can have such a certainty! If they know the truth, they must join forces to deal with you!”

“Should we hide by then? Or wouldn’t it be a trouble?”

Lin Moyuan’s eyes suddenly became a little joking, and he said with a smile:

“At that time you will understand, get your sports car ready!”

Looking uncomfortable with Lin Moyuan’s gaze, Ji Kun couldn’t help but shrank his neck and whispered:

“How do I feel that I have been pitted by you again?”

“This is not right…”

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