Chapter 165: Li Tingxian

Ji Kun and Yang Wenwen, standing behind Lin Moyuan, were sharing the same ice cream on the sofa.

After hearing Sophie’s words, Ji Kun suddenly choked and couldn’t help but cough a few times.

Yang Wenwen, who was sitting opposite Ji Kun, annoyed Ji Kun with a hammer.

However, Ji Kun’s gaze still looked very strange.

Only two couple rooms left? And they are all double-bed rooms?

Isn’t it interesting now?

Of course, Yang Wenwen and Yang Wenwen have to sleep in the same room, but Lin Moyuan and Sophie…

An evil smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Ji Kun’s mouth.

After all, although Sophie is Lin Moyuan’s Big sis, it is only a nominal Big sis!

Although Sophie had betrayed Lin Moyuan before, she has finally reformed!

It’s exciting to think about being alone in the same room…

Lin Moyuan naturally noticed Ji Kun’s expression, gritted his teeth, and cursed in his heart, “Good, you Kun, I will make you laugh, and you will be beautiful in a while!”

Immediately, Lin Moyuan cast his gaze in front of him, and Sophie, who was drooping her eyelids, said in a low voice:

“A double bed room is a double bed room, I just sleep on the sofa at night!”

“Let’s go, let’s all go upstairs, I’ve been on the plane for several hours, and I’m exhausted…”

While talking, Lin Moyuan took the lead to walk upstairs.

There seemed to be a blush on Sophie’s pretty face, but no one noticed it.

Ji Kun followed Lin Moyuan with Yang Wenwen, still wondering, does Sophie mean to the boss?

Opening the door of the hotel, Lin Moyuan saw a small but very elegant entrance.

This hotel accepts long-term stays, which is a bit like an apartment hotel.

Lin Moyuan walked along the hallway into the living room. The entire living room was made of marble. It seemed that only the bedroom had floor decorations such as carpets.

Lin Moyuan didn’t care about Sophie who was behind him, but in the hotel room, he began to look for hidden cameras.

For Xiao Fan this person, although Lin Moyuan is a little dismissive, but when he should be cautious, he must be cautious.

Otherwise, the ship capsized in the gutter would happen to own.

After a round of inspections, Lin Moyuan was still very satisfied with the result. This hotel, at least in this room, did not hide the existence of the camera.

From Sophie’s point of view, Lin Moyuan seemed a bit nagging, walking around every corner of the room with her mobile phone. Although it felt a little strange, Sophie did not dare to interrupt Lin Moyuan.

Since the Yunhai City Hotel, Sophie has developed a sense of fear for her nominal Little Brother.

Of course Lin Moyuan didn’t notice this, he just felt that Sophie had obviously changed and became more taciturn.

What Lin Moyuan didn’t know, every time he showed a confident expression, it made Sophie terrified for no reason.

This is mostly the psychological role of Sophie.

After walking around in the room, Lin Moyuan opened the door of the bedroom, looked at a large double bed, frowned, then turned around and closed the door of the room and left the bedroom.

When she came to the living room, Sophie was sorting out the documents. Lin Moyuan came to the coffee table and sat down, picked up a document casually, and asked casually:

“With regard to Red Maple Capital, have you figured out the project that we are cooperating with Lin Group?”

Sophie nodded immediately after hearing this, and said:

“I figured it out, this file bag contains all the exchanges between Red Maple and the Lin Group in recent years, as well as cooperation projects.”

Lin Moyuan’s gaze followed Su Fei’s direction and found that there was a document bag placed on the other side of the coffee table.

Lin Moyuan took the document bag in his hand, took out a document, scanned it a few times, and was a little surprised!

Unexpectedly, the project with Red Maple is not a small project!

After all, Lin Lin made the most money from equity investment and overseas business, which accounted for almost 80% of the income since the cooperation in recent years.

But what makes Lin Moyuan very strange is that Lin Shengtian said that in the past few years of cooperation with Red Maple, he has not made much money!

This is a little strange!

It stands to reason that even if the tax is removed, there is still a profit of nearly 10 billion yuan!

After the two are divided, the Lin Group can still get nearly seven billion!

It clearly states that Li Tingxian had been to Red Maple’s headquarters just last month and summed up the quarterly earnings and took away nearly 5 billion!

Fifty hundred million is not a small amount in the eyes of his father?

Something’s wrong! There must be a problem here!

The problem is not with the ledger, or with Li Tingxian!

Afterwards, Lin Moyuan raised his head to look in Sophie’s direction, and asked suspiciously:

“Sophie, where did you get these documents?”

Sophie was taken aback when she heard the words, and then replied:

“Isn’t Young Master looking for a cooperative project between Red Maple and Lin Group? So I went to Red Maple Capital first.”

“As for the group side…because the project leader is on vacation now, it should be sent later…”

Lin Moyuan’s face suddenly became gloomy!

Because he thought of a possibility!

The data for these projects are all from Hongfeng. In other words, it is very likely that Li Tingxian has not reported the actual income at all!

This more than five billion yuan is what Li Ting has taken carelessly!

However, there is no evidence now, and we can only wait for the documents from the group to be sent. Comparing the two, there will naturally be an answer.

However, the chance that Li Tingxian moved his hands and feet was almost 80%!

Lin Moyuan carefully flipped through the documents in his hand again, his expression gradually calming down from anger.

The reason why Li Tingxian would show his feet is because he would never have thought that someone would come to Gangdong City and personally handover with Red Maple Capital!

Because although Lin Shengtian was not very satisfied with Li Tingxian, he still trusted him after all.

But I didn’t expect Li Tingxian to live up to this trust and come to his own pocket!

Had it not been for Lin Moyuan to come to Gangdong City in order to deal with Xiao Fan, Lin Shengtian would probably still be kept in the dark!

With a light sigh, Lin Moyuan sorted out the information in his hand, stood up and said:

“Let’s go, follow me to the headquarters of Red Maple Capital. I want to see what kind of character this Xue Hong is!”

While talking, Lin Moyuan put on a decent suit and walked directly to the outside of the room.

Sophie froze for a moment, pursed her lips, and followed.

Sophie’s mood is a bit complicated, because she also knows Xue Hong.

When he was rescued by Ye Feng, Xue Hong was nearby. Xue Hong and Ye Feng were comrades-in-arms, and Sophie was of course very familiar with them.

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