Chapter 181: Bring it to you!

Yan Kexiang frowned and asked suspiciously:

“No, why do you know so much, boss?”

“How can you still know that this kid is developing a bomb?”

Lin Moyuan guessed that Yan Kexiang would ask, and said with a smile:

“It’s actually very simple. I have an eyeliner who is specifically responsible for inquiring about this kind of information, but you have never paid attention to it.”

Yan Kexiang suddenly realized that he nodded to express his understanding.

In fact, this was all news from that skill, and Lin Moyuan was far from exhaustive.

Ji Kun felt a little puzzled. He never knew Lin Moyuan had any eyeliner arrangements…

But think about it, the boss has such a scheming, arranging some eyeliner, it couldn’t be more normal.

The three walked into the community side by side, Lin Moyuan glanced left and right, then fixed his eyes on one of the buildings.

“That’s it, come with me.”

Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang looked at each other and followed in Lin Moyuan’s footsteps.

The three people came to the second unit of Building 1, and followed the old building to the top floor. This old-fashioned residential building has no elevator. The highest is the fifth floor. According to Lin Moyuan’s memory, that person is in the left-hand room on the fifth floor. .

“Kunzi, you go in first, Yan Kexiang, guard the door, don’t let the people inside run out!”

Ji Kun nodded, while Yan Kexiang turned to the left side of the dilapidated security door and grabbed the door handle.

Lin Moyuan stepped forward and knocked on the door lightly, and then there was a noise from the room. It seemed that someone was muttering something. Lin Moyuan put his ear on the door, held his breath and heard a sound.

“How did the takeaway arrive? I must give a bad review!”

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth, and then he said loudly:

“Hello, your takeaway is here!”

At this moment, the people in the room completely relaxed their vigilance and opened the door directly.

The moment they opened the door, the three saw a man with a shabby beard, wearing a shabby shirt with a cigarette in his mouth, and Lin Moyuan recognized the man the moment he saw it.

This person is the one who will plant the bomb at the ribbon-cutting ceremony!

The man looked at the three of Lin Moyuan at the door with an unkind look, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, so he shut the door immediately.

Ji Kun had quick eyes and quick hands, so he rushed in without giving the man a chance to close the door.

Lin Moyuan followed closely, Yan Kexiang looked into the room at the door, followed behind, walked into the room, and closed the door with his backhand and locked it.

In this room, only this man lives alone.

Ji Kun had already controlled the man and let him sit on the dilapidated sofa in the living room.

Lin Moyuan looked around the room. It looked like it was in the style of the 90s, with a dilapidated electric fan making a huge buzzing noise, newspapers on the wall, and a mahogany table covered with pulp. It’s full of age.

Lin Moyuan returned to the sofa, looked at the man with a little horrified gaze, and said in a deep voice:

“Cai Dafu, are you busy these days?”

The man named Cai Dafu was taken aback for a moment. It was obviously unexpected that this young man would even know the name of own.

Cai Dafu immediately thought that these three people were policemen!

“I…you found the wrong person, I’m not Cai Dafu…”

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth, slowly stepping forward and bending down, patted Cai Dafu’s face lightly, and said with a smile:

“Okay, do you think I’m in the game?”

“Then you guessed wrong.”

Afterwards, Lin Moyuan turned to Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun and said coldly:

“Search me to see if there are any good things in this Cai Dafu’s home!”

Both Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang knew what this ‘good thing’ was in Lin Moyuan’s mouth, so they smiled and immediately began to rummaged.

Cai Dafu looked at this scene, his face immediately turned pale.

What did this young man just say?

Not in the game?

What do they do?

Before long, Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang returned to the living room again, but they both held small yellow squares in their hands.

In his other hand, Yan Kexiang also held a pile of wires and other debris.

Two people threw the things in their hands onto the coffee table at the same time, and the sweat on Cai Dafu’s forehead kept falling. As long as they were not fools, they would know that these things belonged to Cai Dafu.

Lin Moyuan smiled again and said:

“It doesn’t matter if you are called Cai Dafu. Are these things yours?”

With cold sweat on Cai Dafu’s face, his Adam’s apple rolled, as if he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Just about to shake his head, Lin Moyuan said again:

“C4 plastic explosives, this kind of little dough-like thing, as long as it is more than 400 grams, it can blow up a Jiefang car!”

“And this metal stick is called a detonator? I’m curious where you got these things, but these are not important.”

“The most important thing is, what do you want to do with a full ten kilograms of C4? Five kilograms can blow up a two-story building! You are playing with fire!”

Cai Dafu’s lips trembled slightly, and he said intermittently:

“This…I want to…I want to ask for justice for my wife!”

“Almost Qi Yanyu! That bitch! She killed my wife! I want her to pay!”

After saying this, Cai Dafu’s eyes slowly became firm and fierce.

“In our hometown, one life is worth one life, this is the rule!”

Originally, Yan Kexiang was still holding his arms, standing aside watching the excitement. After hearing these words, he frowned.

One life worth one life?

Is human life a cargo?

Besides, Qi Yanyu can’t fight with this Cai Dafu, right?

Where did Cai Dafu get such a big hatred?

What Lin Moyuan said next made Yan Kexiang suddenly realize.

“You want Qi Yanyu to pay for his life, because the chip produced by Qi Yunshengshi has a problem, which caused the phone to explode and your wife was seriously injured. Then the rescue was ineffective, right?”

Cai Dafu nodded, looking no longer as nervous as before.

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“I give you this opportunity, listen carefully to what I am going to say, I also have enemies with Qi Yun Shengshi, so this time I am here to help you!”

“As long as you do what I say, I promise you will definitely have a chance to take revenge!”

When Cai Dafu heard the words, his eyes brightened up instantly!

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth.

Plastic explosives? Bring it to you!

Standing on the side, Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun glanced at each other, and they both saw Lin Moyuan’s smile.

Good guy, the boss is starting to cheat again.

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