Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Nine: The Storm Will Rest

Lin Moyuan was sitting in the living room of the suite at this time, playing with his mobile phone.

By Lin Moyuan’s side, Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun were also playing mobile phones, and the three obviously played games together.

Sophie is working on her wounds with the assistance of Yang Wenwen.

“Kunzi, why don’t you join the group?”

“Yan Kexiang! Go on the road to support! Be careful!”

“Boss! I’ve been suppressed here!”

Seeing the three people who were fighting fiercely, Sophie felt very speechless.

We are about to return to Yunhai City. After returning to Yunhai City, it is bound to deal with the problems of Li Tingxian and the Li family. Why does Lin Moyuan seem to be unprepared at all?

The Li family is not so easy to deal with. According to the existing intelligence, the shares held by the Li family account for 30% of the entire group!

In other words, if the Li family gathers some party friends to target Lin Shengtian, Lin Shengtian will be in danger!

In fact, Li Jiaming owns only 10% of the shares, but there are two other shareholders who each hold 10% of the shares. They have a very good relationship with Li Tingxian of the Li family.

These three people basically wear a pair of pants, so if Lin Moyuan wants to tear his face with the Li family, he must first solve the issue of shares!

Otherwise, the Lin Group will be in trouble!

Seeing Lin Moyuan still playing games, Sophie couldn’t help but ask:

“General manager, how do you plan to solve the Li family matter?”

Lin Moyuan frowned upon hearing Sophie’s words and said:

“How to deal with it?”

“Of course it’s the solution. The Li family admits that knowing a mistake can be corrected, it couldn’t be better.”

“But if I don’t admit it, then I can’t do anything, depending on what my father means.”

Sophie sighed helplessly, she also expected Lin Moyuan to give a good solution…

In fact, Lin Moyuan really thought so, but he didn’t say anything.

If the Li family were more acquainted and took out the more than eight billion that they had swallowed, and returned them to the Lin Group, then there was still room for change.

But if the Li family refused to admit it, and Li Tingxian would not admit that he had taken the money, Lin Moyuan would be happiest in this situation.

It just so happened that the group of assholes in the Li family were not pleasing to the eye for a long time. After the whole Li family was uprooted/out, when I sat in the chairman’s seat, I felt much more relieved…

You don’t have to think about it. As soon as Lin Moyuan takes the seat of chairman, there will definitely be many old guys who have a little friendship with Lin Shengtian, jumping out one after another, wanting this, wanting that, if you don’t give it , Just say that your kid is unreasonable, we are all the people who have beaten the world with your daddy back then…

This is what Lin Moyuan has always annoyed the most!

I have fought against Lin Shengtian, I, Lin Moyuan, will respect you three points and treat you as a father?

If you want to be chairman, do I have to obediently wipe the seat clean and let you out?

How old are you?

And Lin Shengtian is the original owner’s daddy, but not my Lin Moyuan’s daddy. How are you guys and how are you related to me?

Lin Moyuan had planned it a long time ago. If someone really dared to do this by then, one would count as one, and Lin Moyuan would not let it go!

Of those old friends of Lin Shengtian, the only one that impressed Lin Moyuan was Ji Xingsen, that is, Ji Kun’s father!

Ji Xingsen has never done anything like a report of kindness. He has always been diligent and diligent. For the sake of the Lin Group’s busy schedule, Lin Moyuan saw everything in his eyes. That’s why he always regarded Ji Kun as The reason for the brother.

If one day, the Lin Group is about to fall, and the first one to rush to the front, to disperse the family’s wealth and prevent the building from falling, only Ji Xingsen and Lin Shengtian will be the only two people.

It is not difficult for Lin Moyuan to guess this from Xiao Fan’s body.

A person’s eyes can reveal many problems. When Lin Moyuan met Xiao Fan, he saw Xiao Fan look at own eyes.

That’s the look in the eyes of the loser!

Lin Moyuan combined with Xiao Fan’s identity as a rebirth, it is not difficult to guess that in Xiao Fan’s previous life, or before Xiao Fan crossed back, the Lin Group’s fate was definitely not very good!

Moreover, the collapse of the Lin Group was mostly related to Xiao Fan.

Therefore, Lin Moyuan has always wanted to find opportunities to kill Xiao Fan. Other types of son of luck, such as Ye Feng’s, are better to deal with, because Ye Feng’s strength is on the bright side, and the threats that Ye Feng can bring are also obvious. Surface!

Only people like Xiao Fan, such a rebirth, know how many things in their minds can help them rise!

The problem is that Lin Moyuan can’t see these things!

If you can’t see it, it means there is no way to prevent it!

This is the real terrible place.

Lin Moyuan has always disliked fighting unprepared wars, and has always been like this.

Just as Lin Moyuan was thinking secretly, Sophie suddenly spoke again, interrupting his thoughts.

“There is news from Xiao Fan… and Xue’s family!”

Lin Moyuan’s attention was immediately attracted.

“Tell me, what’s the news? What does the Northland Hotel plan to do with Xiao Fan?”

At the same time, Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang also put down their mobile phones at the same time. For them, the result of this treatment is still very attractive.

Sophie came over with her mobile phone, sat next to Lin Moyuan, and said:

“Xiao Fan will be expelled from Gangdong City for twenty years! It will take effect in seven days!”

“At the same time, the Xue family and the Wang family are preparing for a full-scale war! The two families are now gathering their staff, and the Xing family’s Patriarch has come forward to mediate and invalidate, maintaining neutrality with the Zhang family!”

The Xue family went to war with the Wang family, and Xiao Fan would be expelled from Gangdong City at the same time. Obviously, no matter how you look at it, their plan this time was a complete victory!

But Ji Kun noticed that Lin Moyuan didn’t seem to be very satisfied?

Ji Kun asked:

“Boss, isn’t the result pretty good? How come you are not satisfied?”

Lin Moyuan sighed slowly and said softly:

“It’s pretty good, but there are some shortcomings…”

“It’s time for me to do my best to deal with Xiao Fan. This Northland Hotel is a bit weak!”

“I thought I could use their hands to directly take Xiao Fan…”

Halfway through the conversation, Lin Moyuan swallowed the second half of the sentence back into his stomach, but everyone in the suite living room understood what Lin Moyuan meant!

The temperature in the living room seems to have dropped a bit too.

What Lin Moyuan said, even Yan Kexiang, who only had a car in his head, understood.

He really wants to kill Xiao Fan!

This is a killing intent without adulteration!

But isn’t Xiao Fan just an ordinary college student? What hate do you have with Lin Moyuan?

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