Chapter 229: Kick off the curtain

At this time, the atmosphere in the zero bar became very weird!

The reason is simple, Ji Kun also noticed something wrong with Ye Feng!

Ji Kunming still remained calm on his face, but whispered to Yan Kexiang:

“It’s not good, we seem to have been discovered.”

Yan Kexiang raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, but the smart he did not choose to look back, instead he still looked careless and whispered to Ji Kun:

“What? Let’s withdraw now?”

Ji Kun sighed. Through the reflection on the glass wall of the bar, he had already seen Ye Feng approaching in this direction!

So Ji Kun typed the words ‘we were found’ on the phone and sent it to Lin Moyuan!

Then, I said again:

“Immediately, what can I do if I am discovered? Anyway, the news has been sent out!”

Yan Kexiang also nodded, only Ye Feng, where can he go arrogantly?

Ye Feng had come behind Ji Kun at this time, stretched out his hand and patted Ji Kun on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

“Brother, is there any fire? Borrow it!”

Ji Kun smiled, took the lighter from his arms and handed it to Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng lit a cigarette with a lighter, he took a sip and said with a smile:

“Brother, I think you are familiar, did we meet it? You were filming me just now? Or were you filming Boss Wang? This is the site of the Wang family. Candid photography is not recommended!”

Ji Kun raised his brows and said curiously:

“What are you talking about? Brother, stop joking, I’m here for a drink, I really don’t know the bar owner!”

Ye Feng slowly narrowed his eyes, and his voice became serious!

“I said, brother, would it be convenient to show me the phone? I just check it! If you really didn’t take a sneak shot, the consumption tonight will be charged to my account!”

Ye Feng’s words immediately attracted the attention of the customers in the surrounding bars, and they became a little interested. It seems that this is a lively watch!

This is Wang’s bar. They are very curious. Who would dare to make trouble here?

At the bar counter, several security guards gathered around, but none of these security guards belonged to the Wang family, they were just people recruited by Wang Xian himself. Wang Xian waved his hand and asked these security guards to return.

Ye Feng’s fighting ability, Wang Xian, had already seen with her own eyes, so she was very relieved of Ye Feng. What really should be worried about was the young man who was taking pictures with his mobile phone just now.

Ji Kun still had a smile on his face, and slowly handed his own phone over. Just when Ye Feng was about to take the phone, Ji Kun suddenly turned on his side, and then the crowd onlookers saw a drink The bottle flew towards Ye Feng!

Ye Feng slammed a fist on the flying wine bottle, and the bottle was smashed to pieces in an instant. Ye Feng with a gloomy face looked up and found a young man with a very strange face holding two wine bottles in his hands. He sneered and looked at himself.

This person is naturally Yan Kexiang.

Ji Kun also stood beside Yan Kexiang at this time and said with a smile:

“Your kid’s name is Ye Feng? He looks average, I can’t think of why the boss cares about you so much!”


Ye Feng frowned and suddenly found a keyword!

Behind these two people, is there a man behind the scenes? They are definitely not from the Wang family, who sent it?

But it doesn’t matter now, as long as these two people are taken down, things will naturally become clear!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng rushed forward, his low body was like a sweeping leg!

Yan Kexiang reacted and immediately pushed back a few steps. Although he looked a little embarrassed, he was finally able to avoid Ye Feng’s attack!

Ji Kun picked up the stool next to him and rushed up directly. Yan Kexiang clenched the bottle in his hand, and followed closely behind.

Although these two people have fought, they are still not Ye Feng’s opponents. Ye Feng is a well-trained person, so naturally he won’t be stumped by their two three-legged cat skills. It’s just about five minutes later. At that time, Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang were already lying on the ground.

Ye Feng slowly squatted down and asked in a deep voice:

“Tell me! Who sent you here?”

Ji Kun got up with some difficulty, spit out a bloody saliva, and said with a smile:

“We? We are sent by the Great Sage Qitian!”

Ye Feng hit Ji Kun’s lower abdomen again with a punch, and Ji Kun fell to the ground again, but at this moment, Yan Kexiang rushed up again, and a wine bottle hit Ye Feng’s body!

Ye Feng didn’t have any serious problems. His current physical fitness was far beyond what ordinary people could imagine!

Ye Feng grabbed Yan Kexiang’s wrist with his backhand, followed by a shoulder throw!

Yan Kexiang’s arm made a crisp sound of bone collision, and this arm was obviously dislocated!

Ye Feng knelt down and asked again:

“I will ask you one more side, who asked you to come?”

Yan Kexiang had a very rebellious character since he was a child. He was a person who didn’t eat hard and soft. Hearing Ye Feng’s question, his face also showed a disdainful smile.

“Who do you think you are? If you ask me, I will tell you? I’m pooh! Today is not over!”

Ye Feng heard the words, and he was about to do it again immediately to give these two wild people their memories, and then he heard a low and somewhat cold voice coming from behind!

“Ye Feng! Stop!”

Twenty minutes ago, Shangri-La Hotel.

Lin Moyuan looked at the messy data in front of him, a little numb in his scalp.

Before him were the detailed information of the Xue family for more than ten years, and even the Xue family’s who and who, when they made their voices, and where they are currently going to school or working, he has checked them clearly.

As for how to find out, it’s very simple. Lin Moyuan called Yang Donghua. There is such a hacker genius, it’s simple!

However, this information is too messy. As one of the four big families, the Xue family has a few hundred people. If you want to disintegrate such a family, you must first provoke a fight within the Xue family!

Threats from the outside will only make this family more united.

So Lin Moyuan had to analyze from this information, inside the Xue family, who had a contradiction with whom, could this contradiction be used?

Just when Lin Moyuan was having a headache, his mobile phone rang, and it was Ji Kun who sent the message!

Lin Moyuan turned on the phone and saw it turned out to be a photo. The background of the photo was a bar, and the person in the photo turned out to be Ye Feng! Next to him, there was a woman whom he didn’t know.

Then came a paragraph from Ji Kun, this woman turned out to be from the Wang family and the owner of the bar, Wang Xian!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Moyuan saw a message again-“We have been discovered!”.

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