Chapter Twenty-Three: Buying

When Ji Kun heard the administrator’s words, he was intrigued and asked curiously:

“Qi Zhenyu’s girlfriend has leukemia? Can this news be confirmed?”

The administrator looked at Ji Kun dumbfounded and said:

“Of course, now the entire Yunhai University, who doesn’t know about this?”

“By the way, are you a student of our university?”

Ji Kun nodded helplessly. Of course he is a student of this university, but he is almost the same as Young Master Lin, basically from freshman to senior… he didn’t have a few classes!

Therefore, I don’t know much about this matter that has been raging on campus.

But since Qi Zhenyu continues to use a large sum of money to treat his girlfriend’s leukemia, then this is an opportunity!

If you grasp it well, maybe you can develop this Qi Zhenyu into the eyeliner of Young Master!

As soon as this thought came up, Ji Kun immediately took down Qi Zhenyu’s phone number, and after talking to the administrator, he left the file room.

Just walking out of the office building, Ji Kun found a quiet corner with no one, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed Lin Moyuan’s number.

Soon, the call was connected.

“Hello? Found a sign?”

Upon hearing this, Ji Kun immediately informed Lin Moyuan of what he had investigated.

“Among Xiao Fan’s roommates, there is a person named Lin Moyuan…”

“His girlfriend…”

Lin Moyuan, who was sitting on a bench press in his gym, stood up slowly when he heard Ji Kun’s words, wiped a little sweat, and said in a deep voice:

“Is this matter reliable? Are you sure?”

Upon hearing this, Ji Kun immediately patted his chest and said:

“Don’t worry, Young Master, I will definitely take care of this!”

“This Qi Zhenyu is almost desperate now. If we give him a life-saving straw, he will definitely catch it!”

Lin Moyuan felt relieved when he heard Ji Kun’s words.

For this somewhat scheming, the city government is quite a capable cadre, Lin Da Young Master still trusts it very much.

“Then hurry up and ask Qi Zhenyu out to have a talk, and turn him into our eyeliner as soon as possible!”

After Ji Kun answered again, Lin Moyuan hung up the phone.

Fight with me? You, Xiao Fan, don’t have this capital yet!

A secret smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Lin Moyuan’s eyes became sharper.

If you don’t play with your son of luck in the applause, how can I be embarrassed to call myself villain?

On Ji Kun’s side, he picked up his cell phone again and dialed Qi Zhenyu’s phone number.

The phone was connected after a few short beeps.

On the phone, there was a low, but somewhat magnetic voice.

“Hello? Who?”

Ji Kun smiled, just listening to the voice, it is not difficult to guess, Qi Zhenyu must be worried now.

“I’m Ji Kun, but it doesn’t matter. I heard that your girlfriend has leukemia, right?”

When Qi Zhenyu heard these words, he immediately lowered his voice.

“This matter, now the entire Yunhai University, doesn’t anyone know?”

“Who are you? What do you mean by making this call?”

When Qi Zhenyu, who was already a little impatient, said these words, the corners of Ji Kun’s mouth suddenly curved into a mocking arc.

“Qi Zhenyu, you can break up with your girlfriend! For a girl who has an almost incurable disease, is it worth it? Don’t be stupid!”

In fact, this is Ji Kun’s stimulating method. In his opinion, this is the way to immediately know whether Qi Zhenyu really loves his own girlfriend.

As Ji Kun had guessed, Qi Zhenyu was furious!

“What kind of bullshit are you talking about! Is this kind of person Qi Zhenyu?”

“I can wait until her illness is cured, and then leave her, as long as she nods! But it definitely won’t be now!”

When Ji Kun heard this, he laughed loudly!

“Okay! Qi Zhenyu! I will give you a chance now! A chance to save your girlfriend!”

“But you have to record all Xiao Fan’s actions, and then tell me! Can you do it?”

On Qi Zhenyu’s side, there was a sudden silence.

He realized that there really was no such thing as a pie falling in the sky.

If he really did this, it would be tantamount to betraying Xiao Fan!

In short, this is betrayal!

But my own girlfriend is still waiting for my rescue!

He is now working three jobs a month at the same time, and he can only get some meager income. Early stage treatment is okay, but leukemia is a bottomless pit at all!

How could a child of his ordinary family afford such a large sum of money?

So he has no choice at all!

“I… I promise you! As long as you can save my girlfriend!”

When Ji Kun heard these words, a smile appeared on his face.

The ancients sincerely don’t deceive me. Money can make ghosts push things. This is true!

Afterwards, Ji Kun asked Qi Zhenyu out, and the two discussed again in a secret cafe.

Qi Zhenyu will provide Ji Kun with all the trends of Xiao Fan, and Ji Kun will be in charge of Qi Zhenyu’s girlfriend. All the expenses during the treatment of leukemia can be said to be very fair.

If Qi Zhenyu had doubts about Ji Kun before, he was completely relieved when he saw the whole box of ‘advance payments’ that Ji Kun handed over.

Then, Qi Zhenyu thought of the identity of Ji Kun!

Ji Kun has been with Lin Moyuan, the most loyal ‘little brother’!

Frankly speaking, the Ji family behind Ji Kun is the loyal eagle dog raised by the Lin family!

So why is Ji Kun so interested in Xiao Fan’s movements?

Although Qi Zhenyu studies well, it does not mean that he is a nerd!

On the contrary, Qi Zhenyu could see through the mystery!

This must be the Young Master Lin Moyuan behind Ji Kun, who is driving the flames behind!

It is precisely because of Xiao Fan’s childhood sweetheart, after being taken away by Young Master Lin, Xiao Fan held a grudge and wanted revenge, but was noticed by Young Master Lin!

However, Qi Zhenyu also has a very strange point, that is, why does this Young Master of Lin University pay so much attention to Xiao Fan?

I get along with him day and night, and I don’t see any revenge from Xiao Fan?

He shook his head and drove these messy thoughts out of his own brain. How this matter will develop next has nothing to do with him.

He is now a pawn played by Lin Moyuan.

Although he felt a little guilty about Xiao Fan in his heart, Qi Zhenyu had no choice.

Brotherly spirit, after all, is not as important as the life of his lover!

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