Chapter 232: The tenth person principle!

When Lin Moyuan just got out of the car, the person who shot, or could be called a sniper, had pointed his gun at Lin Moyuan, which was tantamount to triggering the crisis prediction.

Lin Moyuan’s heart trembled, and the reaction action he made was actually a kind of conditioned reflex in disguise. As long as the crisis prediction is activated, the conditioned reflex will be generated, allowing the host’s body to perform a corresponding dodge action in order to be able to Avoid the crisis.

For Lin Moyuan, this skill is indeed very useful, especially just now, if there is no crisis prediction, Lin Moyuan can’t guarantee what kind of result will happen!

Buying a skill like this for ten million won’t lose money no matter how you look at it!

Lin Moyuan was walking in the corridor of the hospital. When passing by the nurse station, he saw that the nurse on duty was sleeping, so he took out the bandage from the table and simply bandaged the wound of the owner before continuing to walk towards the ward. go.

Pushing the door of the advanced ward, Lin Moyuan found that Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang were still chatting enthusiastically.

“It’s not that I said, you don’t need to knock him with a wine bottle at all. I’m ready for it a long time ago, and I’ll just wait for this kid to come over, and then I’ll show him…”

Lin Moyuan smiled helplessly, and interrupted:

“Let him see what? See how you Ji Da Young Master pretended to be dead?”

Hearing what Lin Moyuan said, Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang turned their heads at the same time, and Ji Kun said with a smile:

“That of course is to let Ye Feng look at this goddamn, how did the boss knock him down!”

Lin Moyuan sat on the accompanying chair and said with a smile:

“With the luck of the two of you, you can meet Ye Feng on the Wang family’s territory if you go out! There is no one!”

Yan Kexiang sighed and replied:

“We didn’t expect that Ye Feng would also be in the Wang’s bar. It seems that the owner of the Wang’s bar, Wang…Wang Xian! He must have a good relationship with Ye Feng! The question we should consider now is how to deal with Wang Xian!”

Just as Lin Moyuan was about to speak, the sharp-eyed Ji Kun spotted the wound on his arm and asked suspiciously:

“Boss, what’s the matter with this wound? You got it when you just fought Ye Feng? No, I remember you weren’t hurt!”

Yan Kexiang also cast his gaze over, indeed, the strength that Lin Moyuan showed, surprised him!

Originally, neither he nor Ji Kun could do anything to Ye Feng, but as soon as Lin Moyuan came on the court, he fought with Ye Feng for half a catty!

Lin Moyuan smiled and told about the incident that had been attacked just now.

Originally, Lin Moyuan also wanted to make a haha, and then just cover up the past, but suddenly thought of a problem, that is the goal of this person, maybe there are two people, Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun!

If this person, or a sniper, was arranged by the Xue family, then Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun would definitely be one of the targets!

After listening to Li Yi’s words, Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun got up from the hospital bed at the same time!

“Brother Yi, do you mean that a sniper is eyeing us?”

Li Yi nodded solemnly and said:

“Stay away from the window, and try to be careful when going out. These people don’t know who found them yet, but we must be careful!”

Yan Kexiang asked with some doubts:

“Is it the Xue family? The Xue family is afraid that we will join forces with the Wang family and put pressure on them, so they want to solve us first?”

When Ji Kun heard Yan Kexiang’s words, he also whispered:

“At present, it seems that our only enemy is the Xue family!”

Lin Moyuan slowly narrowed his eyes!

Something’s wrong! Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang thought so, so the Wang family must also think so, and the Xue family naturally became the biggest suspect! It is almost certain that the Xue family did it!

But Lin Moyuan suddenly thought of an interesting principle, that is the tenth principle in the classic movie “Doomsday War”!

If among ten people, the first nine people all put forward the same view, then the tenth person must remain opposed and come up with a solution!

This principle is not unreasonable!

Originally, Lin Moyuan had also determined that the Xue family was the culprit, but now Lin Moyuan is forcing himself not to doubt the Xue family!

Lin Moyuan is trying to look at the situation in Gangdong City from the perspective of a bystander!

If something goes wrong with the people who came to help the Wang family, who will benefit the most?

First of all, it must be the Xue family, but the Xue family has been ruled out by Lin Moyuan himself, so the second object of suspicion is the other two big families!

One is the Zhang family, and the other is the Xing family!

Imagine that if you die in Gangdong City, then the Lin Group will definitely be furious! And will list the Xue family as the number one enemy! Destroy the Xue family at all costs!

At that time, it will undoubtedly become a lose-lose situation, and the Xing family and Zhang family can sit back and enjoy it!

And by doing so, it can also prevent the Wang family from working together with the Lin Group to gradually become more prosperous in Gangdong City, which will threaten the position of the Xing family and the Zhang family. It can be described as killing two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone!

Good calculation!

Lin Moyuan gritted his teeth secretly, it seems that the Xing family or the Zhang family may really be behind this incident!

Think about it, although the two companies have agreed not to intervene, in the face of interest, credit is a shit!

Lin Moyuan let out a sigh, then whispered:

“Just keep quiet about this matter, I will find a way to inform Mofeng, you will go back to the Shangri-La Hotel tomorrow, it is the safest place right now! Don’t go out! I will find a way to deal with the killer!”

Lin Moyuan suddenly had an idea, no matter what the identity of the other party, since they can hire a killer, so can he!

As long as you hire a group of experienced assassins to work as security by own, you don’t have to worry about safety issues naturally!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Yang Donghua.

The general content of this message is that if Yang Donghua knows how to hire a killer, send it to him.

As for why not call… it’s midnight now.

Lin Moyuan walked slowly to the position of the window. Now that the light was turned off, with the help of the moonlight, Lin Moyuan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the scene outside the window.

For him, since he came into this world, there is only one choice, and that is to live!

If anyone wants to stop it, he will be embarrassed, Lin Moyuan will fight back at all costs!

Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun looked at each other, and there seemed to be a kind of pressure on Lin Moyuan’s body, which was inexplicable, and it seemed to exist.

At this moment, the sound of a police siren came downstairs, Lin Moyuan was relieved, it was easy to handle the police when he came!

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