Chapter Two Hundred and Fortieth: Make a Plan!

Back in the suite, the first thing Lin Moyuan did was to call Yang Donghua.

He wanted to know, at Yang Donghua’s level, could he use the bug that he retrieved from the hospital to find out information about the other party.

Unexpectedly, the answer given by Yang Donghua is that the wiretap is too general. If the manufacturer of the wiretap, or this company, can be found, there should be no problem.

Yang Donghua’s answer surprised Mo He also.

Mo He has a bug in his hand, and he can only tell the manufacturer of the bug. Yang Donghua didn’t expect this, but he was able to find information about his opponent directly based on the manufacturer!

After Lin Moyuan hung up the phone, Mo He asked very curiously:

“What does your friend do? Why is he so confident?”

Lin Moyuan shrugged and said:

“He is a hacker. I don’t know the specific level, but the ability is here. By the way, I also have a question. Are you from the Dragon Kingdom?”

Mo He looked at Lin Moyuan curiously, as if it was a bit strange, why Lin Moyuan would ask this question, but it was not a secret.

“I am indeed from Long Country, but… I was born abroad.”

After saying this, Mo He turned and left the study.

Lin Moyuan smelled a trace of sadness on Mo He’s body. It seemed that Mo He also had a story.

Looking at Mohe who was tinkering with the wiretap in the living room, Lin Moyuan slowly shook his head and focused on Wang Xian’s information. Lin Moyuan had an immature idea in his heart, that is to use Wang Xian to stir Ye Feng. Conflict with Lu Yin.

There is no doubt that Wang Xian is one of Ye Feng’s weaknesses in Gangdong City. Find a way to draw Wang Xian out, and then let Wang Xian and Lu Yin have a conflict. Finally, Lu Yin missed and injured Wang Xian seriously. In this way, Ye Feng and Lu Yinzhi Even if the Liangzi in between is knotted!

In this way, Ye Feng would temporarily lose the reason to help the Xue family, and would be perfectly trapped in the chess game set by him.

At this time, Lin Moyuan himself was able to concentrate on dealing with the Xue family, first destroy the Xue family, even if there is no way to destroy it, then it will be fine.

After some thoughts, Lin Moyuan suddenly had an idea in his heart! But I still have to meet Lu Yin tonight.

Time soon arrived at night, and the entire Shangri-La Hotel became magnificent under the background of a lot of lights.

Lu Yin wore casual clothes, women’s jacket, jeans, and sports shoes, and walked slowly to the Shangri-La Hotel.

When Lu Yin arrived at the room that had been booked long ago, Lin Moyuan appeared in the private room before Lu Yin waited long.

Lin Moyuan had just come to sit down in the elegant room, and he was seen by Zhao Duan who happened to pass by outside the door. Zhao Duan walked in and wanted to discuss with Lin Moyuan about the security of the hotel. It turned out that there was still a point in the room. Unfamiliar, but very temperamental woman.

Suddenly, Zhao Duan’s gaze became a little strange.

“Mo Yuan, this is? Don’t you introduce me to Uncle Zhao?”

Lin Moyuan saw Zhao Duan’s teasing gaze, he knew what Zhao Duan was thinking, so he stood up and said:

“Uncle Zhao, let me introduce you. This is the captain of the Interpol Brigade of the Yunhai Police Station, Lu Yin. This time he came to Gangdong City to exchange and learn!”

Afterwards, Lin Moyuan turned his head again and said to Lu Yin:

“This is the owner of Shangri-La Hotel, Zhao Duan, a friend of my father’s.”

Zhao Duan smiled and shook hands with Lu Yin, and Lu Yin also smiled and said:

“The first time I met, I didn’t bring any gifts, I’m sorry, Zhao Uncle!”

Zhao Duan smiled and waved his hand, and said:

“It’s okay, it’s okay, Mo Yuan is a nice kid, if he bullies you, just tell me! I won’t be a light bulb here, you continue!”

Afterwards, Zhao Duan patted Lin Moyuan on the shoulder and left the room with a big laugh.

The waiter standing at the door was also stunned. It was a long time since I saw the boss so happy. When the Young Master of the Lin Group came, the boss smiled much better than before.

Lin Moyuan looked at Zhao Duan’s leaving back, shrugged helplessly, and said:

“I’m looking for Zhao Uncle, who has such a character. Don’t mind Officer Lu.”

Lu Yin nodded with a red cheek, and then said solemnly:

“Can you tell me now about Ye Feng’s body? Why did he come to Gangdong City?”

Lin Moyuan sighed slowly, and said in a deep voice:

“I don’t know that Police Officer Lu confiscated and received the news. A few days ago, a person was missing in Yunhai City, Xiao Fan, a student of the original Yunhai University!”

Xiao Fan!

Lu Yin’s expression instantly solidified!

“Are you talking about Xiao Fan who lost news on the high seas? What does he have to do with Ye Feng’s affairs?”

Lin Moyuan’s face was solemn, and his voice was unprecedentedly serious!

“This Xiao Fan, I know a little bit about him, and I don’t want to conceal it. There have been some small frictions between us, but it is all harmless, because later he went to Suiyuan City and later to Gangdong City!”

Hearing this, Lu Yin nodded slowly. What Lin Moyuan said, she knew that Xiao Fan did have such an experience, but after Xiao Fan arrived in Gangdong City, she didn’t understand much.

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“After Xiao Fan arrived in Gangdong City, he went to Xue’s company, or Xue Hong’s company, which is Red Maple Capital! And Xue Hong and Ye Feng are good friends. After Xiao Fan met Ye Feng, he was recommended by Ye Feng. Arrived at this Red Maple Capital! I also know one thing, that is, after Xiao Fan disappeared on the high seas, Ye Feng once went to the high seas!”

As soon as these words were spoken, Lu Yin was immediately stunned!

Xiao Fan disappeared on the high seas, and Ye Feng had also appeared on the high seas, and Xiao Fan and Ye Feng were very familiar with each other. Xiao Fan was able to work at Red Maple Capital in Gangdong City because Ye Feng introduced him!

Does that mean that Xiao Fan disappeared on the high seas because he had a conflict with Xue Hong and Ye Feng in Red Maple Capital, and was finally brought to the high seas by Ye Feng and…

I have to say that, as expected of a criminal police officer, Lu Yin’s ability to replenish his brain has exceeded Lin Moyuan’s imagination.

Lin Moyuan was still thinking about how to lay the groundwork for Xiao Fan’s death to be pinned to Ye Feng’s head. He didn’t expect Lu Yin to jump into this pit by himself.

“I understand what you mean, Xiao Fan’s death must have nothing to do with Ye Feng and Xue Hong!”

Lin Moyuan was stunned when he heard this. Has his own plan succeeded? This Lu Yin is too good to cheat, right?

I haven’t proceeded to the next narrative here, the story has been compiled by Lu Yin himself?

Afterwards, Lin Moyuan said solemnly:

“Officer Lu, this is just suspicion, there is no evidence!”

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