Chapter Twenty-Five: Incidental Conflict

After seeing Tang Yurou and his friends meeting, Lin Moyuan also showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In his opinion, Tang Yurou is a girl with a pure and flawless heart and a face like a mountain. She doesn’t need to do anything. Just standing here is the best scenery in the world.

How could such a girl let Xiao Fan succeed? It must follow own!

At this moment, a QR code stretched out in front of Lin Moyuan.

“Handsome guy, can you add a friend?”

Hearing this voice, Lin Moyuan came back to his senses, and found a woman with a medium-looking appearance but with heavy makeup, and stretched her mobile phone in front of Own.

Lin Moyuan reluctantly lowered the brim of his hat, and then winked at Li Quan behind him.

After Li Quan understood, he immediately stood in front of this woman with a fierce look.

“Go go! Hurry up! Is my Young Master accessible to you if you want to?”

The woman was dissatisfied, but she was helpless and could only turn around and leave.

Lin Moyuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and then turned his head to look at it again, but Tang Yurou and her friends were gone.

After cursing inwardly, Lin Moyuan began to look for the little girl in the huge shopping mall.

Li Quan, standing behind Lin Moyuan, couldn’t understand.

Why didn’t Young Master follow the little girl and say hello?

According to Young Master’s family background, it shouldn’t be difficult to make a girl like him?

Why did it become such a time-consuming thing to get to Young Master?

But even though he didn’t understand, Li Quan still followed Young Master silently.

These problems let Young Master get a headache.

Finally, at the door of a clothing store on the second floor, Lin Moyuan spotted the little girl.

It turned out that the little girl was trying on a dress, which looked a little elegant and elegant. Lin Moyuan liked this style very much.

He was also thinking about it, otherwise, after Tang Yurou left, he would buy this skirt and give it to her as a surprise?

This method is more feasible as you think about it!

At this moment, an unexpected character appeared in Lin Moyuan’s vision!

It turned out to be Xiao Fan!

How could this kid appear here?

Could it be that Tang Yurou planned it a long time ago? The reason why you said to yourself that you want to come to the mall to find friends for shopping is to meet Xiao Fan?

But soon, this idea was dispelled by Lin Moyuan.

Because Tang Yurou’s reaction was similar to her own, the moment she saw Xiao Fan, she was also very surprised!

Lin Moyuan’s position was not too far away, and Tang Yurou’s words could be heard clearly.

“Brother Fan…Xiao Fan, why are you here?”

Xiao Fan’s appearance was obviously that he had drunk a lot of wine, and he was surrounded by several roommates, among them Qi Zhenyu.

A person Lin Moyuan had never seen before was obviously one of Xiao Fan’s roommates. Seeing Tang Yurou, he immediately said to Xiao Fan:

“Let me say Brother Fan, look. People are now following the Young Master Lin Moyuan. The clothes we wear are all things that we can’t buy with a month’s life expense!”

“Is it necessary for a woman of this kind of material to be nostalgic? It’s better to forget it early!”

Xiao Fan’s face was not very beautiful either.

This shopping center integrates dining, entertainment, and shopping. Xiao Fan also brought a few roommates to a nice barbecue restaurant above Hanhai City for dinner.

Who knew that when he came downstairs after eating just now, he actually met Tang Yurou!

Xiao Fan’s current head is not very fresh, and coupled with the extreme remarks of the roommate on one side, the gaze looking at Tang Yurou also gradually became gloomy.

“What are you doing? Did you come to see me making a joke?”

Hearing Xiao Fan’s questioning, Tang Yurou hadn’t spoken yet, and a friend next to her was unhappy.

“I said Xiao Fan, people don’t mean this at all, but you, who do you show your face to?”

“With a few casual suspicions, you believe that Yurou is a vain person? You grew up with her childhood sweethearts. What kind of character is she, you don’t know in your heart?”

Xiao Fan’s face immediately became more gloomy when he heard the words!

“What are you? This is between me and Tang Yurou. Why do you interrupt? What qualifications do you have?”

If it were normal, Xiao Fan would certainly not say such a thing.

But now, after all, I just finished drinking and drank baijiu. I was in a bad mood when I met Tang Yurou. Adding to the words of Tang Yurou’s friend, Xiao Fan suddenly looked like a gunpowder keg, just exploding!

Tang Yurou’s friend just wanted to speak again, but was stopped by the little girl reaching out.

“Xiao Fan, listen to me, Xiaomi is also kind, she doesn’t mean anything else…”

Xiao Fan saw that Tang Yurou was still guarding this friend behind him, and he was suddenly out of breath!

“Tang Yurou! Why don’t you pretend to be a good person here!”

“It seems that after you followed Lin Moyuan, you really got very moisturized! This dress on you is Chanel’s, right? I said, why do you usually flatter Lin Moyuan!”

While talking, Xiao Fan stepped forward, grabbed Tang Yurou’s skirt, and then pushed her to the ground!

There was a sound of ‘stabbing’, and the sleeves of this skirt had been torn apart!

Tang Yurou’s white and delicate collarbone, and her shoulders that looked like a jade lotus root, were all exposed!

The little girl was born beautifully, and now she was lying on the ground, pitiful, it aroused the desire for protection of the passersby!

There are even some people who have a very keen sense of smell. When they noticed something is wrong, they took out their mobile phones and started video recording!

Just when Tang Yurou couldn’t believe that Xiao Fan had become so irritable, a gentle scented men’s jacket was covered on her body, helping her to hide the beautiful scenery that had been leaked.

“Xiao Fan, start with a girl, your kid is really getting better and better!”

“Looking back, don’t say you are a top student of Yunhai University, we Yunda can’t afford to lose this person!”

At this critical juncture, the person who came out to’rescue the driver’ in time, naturally followed Tang Yurou all the way to Lin Moyuan, the Young Master of Lin Moyuan in Hanhai City.

Lin Moyuan hadn’t come out before because the development of the matter was still under his control.

But what he didn’t expect was that Xiao Fan, a bastard, had actually acted on the little girl!

And Tang Yurou, a silly girl, turned out not to hide, and was directly pushed to the ground by Xiao Fan!

Lin Moyuan, whose temper had changed a lot after taking over this body, directly exploded this time!

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