Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-Nine: Just Robber!

The night in Yuancheng District was originally very chaotic, and the Wang Family’s noises made it naturally even more chaotic.

The civilians in Yuancheng District, no one knew what the Wang family was doing, only that the Wang family were walking through the streets and alleys like crazy.

It was Lin Moyuan’s request to catch Xue Hong. If the Wang family wanted to gain a foothold in Gangdong City, Lin Moyuan’s support was very important, because the Xing family and Zhang family would definitely intervene.

The Xing family and the Zhang family joined forces, and the Wang family alone could not resist.

Wang Can drove through more than a dozen streets without Xue Hong. Wang’s own territory has been searched, and only the territory of other forces is left.

Among them, the site closest to the Wang family is Wuye’s site, and behind the Wuye site is a company of the Xing family!

Wang Can looked at Wu Ye’s site, his eyes slowly gloomy.

The forces in Wangjiayuan City are all managed by Wang Can, which means that Wang Can has a good understanding of the situation here.

This person Wu Ye, Wang Can has seen him displeased for a long time, because Wu Ye did some things that were condemned by the heavens!

Human traffickers, forcing Liang to be a prostitute, if this were Wang Can’s subordinates, Wang Can would have let him sink in!

However, Wu Ye and the Xing family are very close, and Xue Hong is most likely to run into Wu Ye’s site, which makes Wang Can very annoyed!

“Little Mako, bring someone with me, I will meet Wu Ye and see what Wu Ye means!”

Little Zhenzi nodded when he heard the words, followed Wang Yan with a serious expression, and whispered:

“Second Young Master, our relationship with Wu Ye is not very good now, because the entire Yuancheng District is not our one-man, and Wu Ye is a bit human in his hands, plus I hug the Xing family’s thighs, I’m afraid…”

Wang Can raised his eyebrows. The fifth master has a good relationship with the Xing family. It seems that only oneself knows this matter? This little mako can also see it, indicating a bit of insight!

Wang Can said in a deep voice:

“Xue Hong is most likely in Wuye’s site at the moment, what do you think we should do?”

Xiao Mako was stunned for a moment. Obviously, she didn’t expect the Second Young Master to throw this question at him. Xiao Mako scratched his head and said in a deep voice:

“If you want us to say it, just go in and look for it directly! Anyway, Wu Ye hasn’t said that we are from the Xing family, so we pretend to know nothing! What is Wu Ye? Dare to fight the Wang family? Wait until the Xing family asks. If you pretend to be stupid, you won’t be over!”

Wang Can suddenly laughed when he heard the words, then patted Xiao Ma Zi on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice:

“Just do what you said! From now on you will be the spokesperson of the Wang Family in Yuancheng District! Ask a few people to follow me and go directly in to find someone!”

Little Mako nodded with a smile and said:

“Well, the second youngest! I will never disappoint your expectations!”

Later, Xiao Zhenzi called a few boys who had a good relationship with him on weekdays, and his style was also very sturdy. He followed Wang Can and walked towards the land of the fifth master.

Wuye’s home is the parking lot of the mall. Behind this mall is the three streets of Wuye, and beyond, is Xing’s Road and Bridge Company.

Wu Ye had already set up a position in front of the parking lot with people at this time. The Wang family’s movement in Yuancheng District was so loud, of course Wu Ye was already prepared.

An imperial teacher’s chair was placed at the entrance of the parking lot. The Wu Ye Da Ma Jindao sat on it, behind him were some Wu Ye’s masters.

Seeing this scene, Wang Can twitched at the corner of her mouth, feeling a little confused.

What is this fifth master, what are you playing with?

Who do you want to frighten in such a formation?

Wang Can was a little confused. At this moment, the phone in his hand rang, it was a call from Lin Moyuan.

Wang Can scratched his head and connected the phone.

“I just received the news that the fifth master of your Yuancheng District has something to do with the Xing family. Now that Xue Hong is on the fifth master’s site, are you sure?”

Wang Can frowned, Wu Ye himself certainly wouldn’t be so stubborn and dared to challenge the Wang family, so behind this incident, there was the shadow of the Xing family!

“Yes, but I don’t know the attitude of the Xing family. Do they want to fight?”

Lin Moyuan pondered for a moment, and said in a low voice:

“Don’t get used to the Xing family! They don’t want to go to the theater anymore, but are interested in the shares of the Kaitian Group! The price of several billions is enough to make them feel excited! Just give me a shot, and the Lin Group will give it to you. Underpin!”

When Wang Can heard Lin Moyuan’s words, he licked the corner of his mouth and smiled back.


Afterwards, Wang Can put the phone in his pocket and said in a deep voice:

“Fifth, I’ll give you a chance. Get out now, I won’t chase you after you! But if you insist on holding the Xing family’s thigh, don’t blame me for not giving you a face!”

In fact, as soon as Wang Can said this sentence, it was tantamount to putting Wu Ye on the shelf.

If the fifth master really left, wouldn’t he still be confused?

The fifth master sneered and said sharply:

“Little bastard of the Wang family, you didn’t know where I was when I came out to mix Rivers and Lakes! I think you can’t figure it out!”

Wang Can spit on the ground and said disdainfully:

“Bah! It’s all about giving birth to children without py. Do you still have a face to show off? Brothers, give it to me! Let this bastard sober!”

Following Wang Can’s order, the experts behind Wang Can rushed up.

Mako took the lead and rushed forward, the baseball bat in his hand was not at all serious, and he was not afraid of accidents at all.

The one who is most afraid of street fights is the stunned green, but the best mixed one is also the stunned green. Before the fifth master on the opposite side could react, he saw Xiao Zhenzi with a ball and stick wheel by his side. On his head, he was lying motionless on the ground.

Wu Ye didn’t expect Wang Can to really dare to do it! The Young Master Xing Feng of the Xing family has said so vowedly, just stop at it without worry, the Wang family dare not do it!

That’s why the fifth master took out all the chairs!

But no matter where I thought, the Wang family went up to Wang Can and down to Xiao Zhenzi, they were all stupefied!

Wu Ye didn’t care about the old Rivers and Lakes cards, and immediately stood up from the chair, as if hiding behind his own hands, but where could he go?

Xiao Zhenzi put on the two swing sticks under Wu Ye’s body, and flew directly in front of him, a ball and stick rounded on Wu Ye’s back!

“Battle bastard, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you not pleasing to your eyes! You see if I can’t fix you, you’ll be done!”

Wang Can also didn’t expect this little boy to be so hard, but the fifth master was subdued so quickly, he naturally relaxed a lot!

“Fifth Lord’s people are listening to me! Stop now! My king’s family will give you a way to survive! If you continue to fight, do you think the fifth person can help you?”

The people of the fifth master are not fools. The Xing family hasn’t stood up and said to support them, it is just using them as guns!

So they put aside the things in their hands.

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