Chapter Thirty: Meet Again

Slowly putting down the phone in her hand, Tang Yurou only felt cold all over.

According to Su Xiaomi’s opinion, if Lin Moyuan really didn’t plan to let Xiao Fan go this time, then Xiao Fan would be completely finished in his life!

Although a fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years or criminal detention is not long, Xiao Fan’s life history from now on is destined to have this stain that cannot be erased!

In short, Xiao Fan’s future is ruined!

Although Xiao Fan did such a thing to himself, it wouldn’t be costly to own his entire life!

Obviously, Tang Yurou was still thinking about Xiao Fan, and she couldn’t remember that if Lin Moyuan had not resisted this stick for her, she would have been lying in the hospital bed now!

Perhaps this is the power of son of luck!

That night, the little girl was tossing and turning, and her heart was infinitely complicated.

In her opinion, this multiple-choice question is too difficult.

On one side is his own childhood sweetheart, Xiao Fan like the Big Brother that he has admired since childhood.

On the other side, Lin Moyuan, who always treats himself well and always thinks about himself.

For Tang Yurou, in her heart, they are now in a similar position.

But in the end, Xiao Fan’s position was always better.

After making up a determination, the little girl fell asleep in exhaustion.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to the next day. When the sun just came out, Tang Yurou opened her somewhat heavy eyes.

The half-night tossing and turning, after all, had some influence on this alluring school girl, causing some bloodshot eyes to appear in a pair of delicate eyes.

There are faint traces of dark circles around the eye sockets.

Lin Moyuan frowned when he saw Tang Yurou’s appearance.

“I didn’t sleep well? Or don’t go to the police station today. Just stay at home and I’ll go.”

Tang Yurou came back to her senses after hearing this, and then whispered:

“It’s okay, I have…one thing, I want to discuss it with you…”

Young Master Lin put down the milk that had just been warmed in his hand, and looked at Tang Yurou with some curiosity in his eyes.

Tang Yurou had just plucked up the courage to plead with Young Master Lin, and then out of the corner of her eyes, she saw two breakfasts placed on the table.

Obviously, this was done by Lin Moyuan himself, because at this time, the housekeeper, chef, and cleaning staff of the villa hadn’t made it to work yet.

Seeing that the appearance was not very good, but it was full of affectionate breakfast, Tang Yurou swallowed what she had just wanted to say.

Since Tang Yurou could become a top student admitted to Yunhai University, she was naturally not stupid.

She also knew that if she said at this moment that Lin Moyuan’s subordinates would be merciful and let Xiao Fan a horse, it would definitely hurt Lin Moyuan.

After all, just yesterday, Lin Moyuan had just clashed with Xiao Fan.

If now, I stepped forward and asked Lin Moyuan to be open to this ‘culprit’, what would Lin Moyuan think?

So Tang Yurou chose to hold this matter in her heart for the time being.

Lin Moyuan was silent again after seeing Tang Yurou uttering the first half of the sentence. He couldn’t help feeling a little strange, and then couldn’t help but ask:

“What’s wrong? What’s the matter?”

Tang Yurou came back to her senses, then a smile came out from the corner of her mouth, and she whispered:

“It’s okay, let’s eat first.”

Then she sat at the dining table and picked up the chopsticks.

When Lin Moyuan saw this, his face was unclear, but Tang Yurou’s smile made him feel a little dull and relaxed. She also sat at the dining table and began to enjoy breakfast.

What Lin Moyuan didn’t notice was that Tang Yurou’s expression when eating was a little strange.

After breakfast, Lin Moyuan called Li Quan to drive, and he and Tang Yurou sat in the back seat of Bentley.

On the way, Lin Moyuan didn’t make a joke with Tang Yurou as usual, but was rather taciturn.

Such an abnormal Lin Da Young Master made Tang Yurou’s heart tense a little bit.

Did Lin Moyuan guess what he was going to say?

But obviously, Tang Yurou guessed wrong.

Lin Moyuan was just thinking, if we follow the current plot, will Xiao Fan have any other players?

If Xiao Fan had already prepared for it, would it be worth or not to sue him?

After all, a son of luck like Xiao Fan, the variables are endless, and it is not impossible if all of you retreat!

On the contrary, on my own side, there may be various situations that hinder the own plan!

It is necessary to find this variable first to fundamentally prevent the reversal of Xiao Fan’s side!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan’s face became even more ugly.

It seems that he has a lot of time and place right here, but under the influence of Xiao Fan’s powerful luck, it is completely useless!

After a short while, the Bentley, who was barely holding the Young Master in Lin Da Young Master’s garage, slowly stopped at the door of the police station.

Because when Lin Moyuan left Dongsheng Huating, the peak period had already passed, so there was no traffic jam.

Opening the door and stepping out of the car, Lin Moyuan’s eyes became a little gloomy.

Because he actually saw Xiao Fan’s shadow in the hall!

It stands to reason that Xiao Fan should be detained now!

How could it be possible to sit calmly on a chair in this hall?

Obviously, what Lin Moyuan worries the most has already appeared, and that is that Xiao Fan has now ushered in his turning point!

Secretly cursed God’s unfairness in his heart, Lin Moyuan took Tang Yurou’s hand and walked toward the police station hall.

Xiao Fan, who had been sitting in the hall early, waiting for Su Tanxiang, naturally noticed the appearance of Lin Moyuan.

At the same time, he also noticed that Lin Moyuan’s hands were holding Tang Yurou’s Xuebai Rouyi!

Xiao Fan, who had originally seen Tang Yurou with a little apology in his heart, suddenly his eyes burst into flames!

Originally, he was thinking about making an apology to Tang Yurou. After all, Lin Moyuan was the only one he really wanted to fight that day. Tang Yurou’s shot was definitely not intentional, but because of the upsurge in anger, he couldn’t control himself.

But now seeing Tang Yurou letting the bastard Lin Moyuan hold hands, still acting obediently, she was so angry!

Tang Yurou didn’t come back to her senses until she stepped into the police station. Before, she was thinking about how to speak and plead with Lin Moyuan, so she didn’t make any resistance to Lin Moyuan’s actions.

When she saw Xiao Fanzhi with a haggard face, her heart immediately softened.

“Lin…Lin Moyuan, can you not sue Xiao Fan?”

Finally, after struggling for a while, Tang Yurou finally spoke.

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