Chapter 307: The anger of dialects!

In the conference room on the twelfth floor of the central garden, there are six or seven people. In the center of the conference room, the owner of the Xing family, Xing Chuan, sits.

The atmosphere in the conference room is a bit subtle. The current Patriarch Xing Chuan hasn’t spoken yet, and other people naturally dare not talk too much.

Although Xing Chuan has just taken office a few days ago, he has already revealed a lot of owning methods. First of all, the family’s economy is no longer nepotism. Instead, he only uses the Xing family’s direct lineage. Instead, he has promoted a lot of people with foreign surnames. They are all ambitious. Young people.

The changes in the financial industry are multi-faceted and unpredictable. These young people are high-achieving students with a unique and sensitive sense of finance. They can even understand stock index futures at a young age. Can you say that these people are not geniuses?

These people are usually delegated to various departments, saying what it is to temper them and smooth their edges and corners. The Xing family who said this, originally the director of the investment department, were directly thrown into the ranks of ordinary employees by Xing Chuan. Among them!

Originally, the Xing family was still a little angry, why are you a Patriarch, so toward outsiders?

But Xing Chuan directly patted the table and shouted:

“I, Xing Chuan, it’s not the right person! If anyone has the ability, I care who he is! I will use him! If you have the ability, your surname doesn’t matter anything! If someone is more capable than me, I will be the head of the house. Give him a seat!”

This sentence reached the ears of the old Patriarch, and some people went to the Patriarch to file a complaint, but they ended up shutting their doors!

Because Xing Chuan told Xing Zhuo before that the Xing family in his hands will be completely different from before!

The concept of family has been gradually eliminated by the times. If you can’t recognize this, then the Xing family will regret it.

Xing Zhuo surprisingly did not refute his own son, but acquiesced.

This is the fact. Why is the Zhang family stronger than the Xing family now?

The family has turned the family into the form of a group!

Why is the Wang family strong?

Every royal family has its own company and own company. They usually don’t interfere with each other. When they have difficulties, they stand up and face it together!

On the other hand, the Xing family is far worse than them.

Rumors about dialects came out in the company at first, and it was not until almost half of the companies knew about it that Xing Zuo bit the bullet and found Xing Chuan.

Xing Chuan immediately announced the convening of an emergency meeting and asked Xing Zuo to wait at the door. Then there was the silence of all the members in the meeting room.

Xing Chuan folded the glasses cloth in his hand, put it in his pocket, and said in a deep voice:

“Talk about your views, just say what you want to say. The content of today’s meeting will not be spread out to me. If you want to spread out, consider the consequences!”

Xing Chuan didn’t speak loudly, but the indisputable power in his voice made the other six people feel palpitation.

A white Fatty unbuttoned his suit and said in a deep voice:

“This thing is a bit weird, I think someone is targeting the dialect genius doctor!”

Xing Chuan raised his eyebrows and motioned Fatty to continue.

Fatty wiped a sweat and continued:

“You see, the genius doctor Fang has been in Gangdong City for a while, but why did this rumor not begin to be released until the genius doctor cured the old man?”

Xing Chuan folded his hands together and said in a deep voice:

“Uncle Wu means… the rumors were deliberately released?”

Fatty nodded and said:

“First of all, we need to find out who released the rumors. If this person has an enmity with the genius doctor, it is 100% guilty!”

Xing Chuan nodded and asked again:

“Is there anyone else who has a different view?”

At this moment, a middle-aged bald man wearing a mandarin jacket said in a deep voice:

“I think this genius doctor has some problems!”

Xing Chuan waved his hand and motioned to the bald middle-aged man to continue talking.

The middle-aged man touched own bald head, and said in a deep voice:

“This kid was able to cure the headache of Xue Hong, the young master of the Xue family, and there were some doubts in it! The Chinese medicine used by this kid at the time, some Chinese medicine doctors used to prepare them after returning home. You can’t take the medicine at all! Why does Xue Hong have a headache after taking it?”

Xing Chuan frowned and said in a deep voice:

“Uncle Si, is it reliable?”

The middle-aged man nodded and said:

“The doctor who told me about this saved my life before, and what he said has a lot of weight!”

After drinking, the middle-aged man continued:

“Listening to the owner, this genius doctor still knows some Feng Shui? How old is this genius doctor? Why is there so many things? Has the owner never doubted at all? I think it is better to ask someone to go to Guichuan to investigate first, and then Lets see!”

Xing Chuan nodded solemnly, sighed, and said in a deep voice:

“The remaining four people should have the same idea as the fifth uncle and the fourth uncle, right?”

The remaining four Xing family elders nodded their heads in agreement.

Xing Chuan frowned and said:

“In this way, find a reason to keep the genius doctor at Xing’s house first, and then the fourth uncle will send someone to the Guichuan area to inquire about the genius doctor’s news, and the fifth uncle will find the person who spread the rumors and find out this matter as soon as possible!”

Everyone nodded one after another, doing both, so that the truth can be found as soon as possible.

After the meeting, the Fatty whom Xing Chuan called Wushu took out his mobile phone and edited a text message.

Opposite the central garden, a Chinese restaurant.

“You mean, now the Patriarch has begun to doubt me?”

The dialect looked at Fatty who was sitting opposite, subconsciously questioning.

Fatty is the fifth uncle in Xing Chuan’s mouth, ranking fifth in the family, so almost everyone calls him Xing Wu.

Xing Wu sighed and said in a deep voice:

“I feel that the Patriarch still believes in you, but so many high-level executives were there at the time, and he insisted on being on your side, which is not appropriate!”

The dialect sighed and said in a deep voice:

“I don’t understand why, the old man’s disease is indeed cured, but his vitality has gone too serious! In fact, it is not bad to live for half a year! I still use the own…secret recipe to make the old man live one more time. year!”

Xing Wu patted the dialect on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice:

“Don’t say anything else, if this matter really has nothing to do with you, then I will try my best to protect you from Xing Wu! Without you, I will have three months left for Xing Wu!”

The dialect nodded, still a little unacceptable in my heart!

How could this be?

He obviously saved people. Why didn’t there be a word of thanks, but so many stood up and slandered own people?

This world is really the same as the Master said, he is very sick!

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